Thon lss r. r for e .boeift of our fore- sih.dciente uWho mat te pin g>mtom* wi*h L e. atotofforing of proporehe j Brick- Colonial. 4 bedroma, 1 bath. Mlot water heat. 2-car garage. Near trasportaion.. ......1.500,so Attractive 'Stuoeo. 3 bedroomo,1 bath. Hot air o hea.t. 1-car ga- rage. Southeaut section ......$11,00. lOngllsh Bric 1k. 3' bedroonis, 2 batha. Sun porch. >Rot water oil heat. 2-car garage. ,Close. to grade school....... ............. $13500 kStacco ColonlaL 4 bedroome, 3 baths. Screened porch. Hot wstcr oit heat. 1-car, attached garage., ,Southiast............... i6,500go Bnglieh Brick with Stuoeo Trhi. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Lav. lot.. fHot water cosi hea.t. 2-car garage. 'Southwest section........ $14,0W, Spantsh Type. Stucco. 3 bed- roonas, 2 bath.. Sun rooni and sleep- ing porch. Hlot water ohl heat. Ga- rage, attached. $1,500 cash. Bal- ancoe on easy ternis. Prlced at $13.500 WILNEWTE i bath. .ieeping >rch. 2-car garage. 3 bed heat. WINIÇETKA Framne Cottage. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath,.flot air coal heat. 1 car ga- rage. Near transportation........ $50 Stueco. 3 bedrooms, ibath. Sleeping porch. flot water coal heat. 2-car garage ......... ».... $65 Attractive Stucco. 4 bedroomls, 2 baths. Lav. lot fI.LHot water ohl ha.Attached a.nd heated garage Engllsh Frame. 8 bedroons,1 bath,.flotwater heat. 2-cargarage. Lot nlcely landscape4. êear New, Trier ................ ?,0 Brick, Sp"nlsh Type. Tile fooL -5 bedrooms, 3 bathu. Lav. lst. Vaoir heat. -car attacebedgarage. In&lan Hi Section..............1900m Clapboard Colonial. à bedr><»i' 3, bath. L"av. lit, Hot water .11 heat. New burnier reoentlY lnstalled. Rec- reatièn roorn.: 2carg 0. Large well-'ooded lot. iNeaLr e.8$2.90 cash and easy termes. prlced2 at Colonial Stucco. 5 bedrooma 23 batha. Lav. lot. Large sûreened porch.> Hot water lieat. 2-ýcar ga- rage. Large wooded lot. flubbard W o040 section . .....i .... 2710 *Engllslh Brick. Tumber and Stucco Trim.' 4 bedrooms, 2 bath., flot wa- ter oil heat, attached garage. 3iear grade techool ............... $160" Colonial Brick. 5 bedrffljns, 2 baths., fot water ohl heat. 1-car de- tached garage. Laqrge wooded 1otL Southeast section ....... 000 gra de st ool.. ............... prame. IIecentl5T rem~odefle. 4 bedroonis. 1 bath. Lav. lot fi- New hot air heatlng Plant. 2-car garae colonial Shingle. 6 bedroomu,2 batha. 'Lav. 'lot.flot water Coal heat.- 2-car garage ............ 12 REAL USTATE - BUILDING -INSURANoe -LO»IS 140 Conter s&troetPhone Winn.tk3m Grovreci pearéd gpve a band's Uife of 1 l fý i 1 bà-ÙX. 1