The ceremony, attended by about sixty guests, was- perfonmed at 8 o'clock at the Wilmette- Congrega- tional church .by heRev.John -G. Hindley and'.was. followed bà are-, ception at the home of Dr. George N. Youngson, and Mrs. Youngson, 830 Michigan avenue, Evauston. Arranged quickly to coincide with Coid 'Mo0ne ks Mot Inough Be sure your new Refriger- ator is air ceuditioned. CooI.rator Ksops f.ood fresher, prevents LEÂVE -FOR HIOUDAY Ur. and Mrs. Edwin Hîedrick, 304 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, are leav- ing friday of1 this week 'for Excelsior Spri ngs, Mo., to spend a brief. holi- day. -They will- be, joined by their daughter, Marion, a student at the University of. Missouri, who will spend her spring vaaction. at Ex- celsior ýSpringswith ber. parents. Miss Mary jean Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr., 610 Washington av-enue, left the early part of the wéeek, to resumie her qqud'eç t mith cefze. .p abiiity are recog- nized by many friends a nd ac- quaintances a s exceptional quai- ifications for ýthe office he seeks. Coming frorn one of America's R.. rda distinguished families, they say he is thoroughly grounded in the Ainerican traditions, and is intensely loyal to the Constitu tion and the republic which it created. Mr. Brandon, has definite ideas about. the proper conduct of govern- mental affairs, it is added, has the courage of his convictions,-.and the intellectual and. moral background to make his, presenée ini the national con- gress -felt. Among the principles for which he stands Mr. Brandon, gives the: following: -1 viih.tobe in teNational ogt to do what 1 can to restore to ita proper place the Legiolative branch of Govern- ment. «I arn In favor of the strictest Neu- trality in foreign affaire. -1 amn opposed to any legisiation re- ducig the power of the Supreme Court. -I favor a return to the Coolidge policy of less government and less Interference by the~ Nation lI the affaire of the State. 1 arn opposed to a fluctuating currency. «II ar nlx favor of trying to Imp3rove the unernniovment situation bir restriet- Air Circulation D.Iow 50 Dqr.s PI.uty of TostooFre. le Cubes la.*5 Minues «I amrnii favor of etopping these irri- gation'projects which bring -mère com- petitive land iuto the market. &I ar n l favor of soft-pedaling the drainage dltch scheine partly for t'he smre reanon and partly because the drainage <ditch has doue a great deal toward the creation of floods and the. destruiction of the natural lite of rivers and streams. 'I arn opposed to* a Federal Santa. Claus. but 4If the FU'*a~,m l ôniwnt is anuners, at the Wilmette post office. Mns. Arthur C. Schwarmn, 925 Ash- land avenue, entertained ber birthday club yesterdgy in. honor of Mrg. Paul1 Rensch. '1 rinity