language just what 1e means and de-. ceives no one. This il a government by partie.; ,f and from the people theoretic 'ally and it should be practically. It cannot be if the. organization is controlled by two or thriee men as it is with thét Kelly-Nash, combine. 1 have no fault to lind with any one seeking office. It is the privilege of every citizen. Since, hoevri the rnajority of any party must govern, then it follows, that whien one isà loser in his .OWfl party, it becomes his duty to continue the,support of his partyr, even though he or the person he, desired is flot nominated for a particular office. sub- ject only to the honesty and ability of the. man nomninated and bis puiblic record if he bas any. It is said that politics make ý"strange bedfellows'" and itriglhi be xvell aid that the workings of politicians, 10 accornplish their ends- is fre quently -so concealed- that the best men are de- ceived. Recently two civic organizations saw fit to bring forth a set of prin-, ciples for nominees for the office of Township Committeemnan., the lead- ing principle being that the noniinee musù,t fot seek office, must receive no ernolurnents direct or i.idirect, and must have only at heart the public interests of his district, spending bis' time gratuitously and unsparingly for the interests of the public in bis Conunitteernan, if he would consent] to another candidate being elected and refused to so consent. I leave it to tht intelligence of tht voters with full confidence therein as to whether any party, would be able to maintain its organizationw %-ithout patronage, and I congratulate the citizens of tItis district if the tirne has been reached when such a per3on exists therein willingto accept public men ilu ~>L U The officers and directors contaimi the names either as an officer or Di- rector of two men who were defeated as candidates Èginat Mr. Lynch,,for election as7 District leader. when Mr. Lynch was'elected by- the elected cou 1- mitteernen; neither of thèse meni have, propérly sup.ported him or the organîzation here since. Also, ýon this list area number of persons closely allied with the Kelly- Nash combine, together with a nuuai- ber oepîyces whOse PO '3itiOn and orders front thet'combine compelthem to permit the useof their namnes. There were. also other persons whose naues are used as officers or directors of thi3 organization who I an reliably informe&, are flot sup- porting it;and ýnever authorized their names. to be used. I arn maiso reliably intorrned tha4t onie of the officers of this orgaiuiza- tion bas threattned variaus employees n positions controlled or supposed to be controlled by the Kelly-Na.3h combine with discharge unless they support the norninee of this so-called New Trier Deuuocratic club; and 1 kîîow that this gentleman ini a public1 body with which 1 amn connected bas sought to bring pressure upon ý3ome of its members of a character that would be greatly detrimental to the interests of the public in an effort to suits if cither of the.ze gentlemen are elected. -1 have tht ighest respect for both of them personally znd bave nothing whatsoever t:) say against either of thein as an individual. Tht bed they, setk . to lie in, however, secuas at least as to one candidate in.3ofar as benefits can be secured ior tht District and public, a restful, luxurious place to sleep and where the other is concerned, a rocky road bard for hiîu to. follow along the lines are Dênuocrats because they beieve that on thé, whole, in spite of glaring exceptions, tht erneocr 1atic party serves, the. interest'of thet cornrunity and nation better than any other party is servingthern. They also be-, lieveè that tht -party1 can and mutst be made to serve. tht cornmunity and national needs even 'better, than it. iii now sermgthm.Th cubuis, in a real way, to help the party serve. these interests better in, township, state and national elections., You need not ever have votedl the straight Dérnocratic ticket or. ever to 'vote, it in tht future, to be. a member loi the New -Trier Democratic club. Al you need is the belief 3hared by those who ,have formed tht' club, that thé party is,-on.tht whole, serying. better than. any 'Cher party. If you also believe that it can and slio,44 do-a better J40b and are willîng to do something about it in New Trier township, you willt certainly join the club. He4s Corne to Stay The Xem, Trier Democratic club hias corne to stay in the life of the New Trier because it puts the comn- munity and nation above the party and wilI work progressively to shape the. party into a mort effective, effi- cient wea)nnin the np.ver-ennno tîtere 15 1no treeiom), anld ofthoe dire psychological - physical - emo-~ tional 'needs of hurnan beings every- where, which Thomas Jefferson irn- rnortally zumrned up and called the "'Inalienable Rights" of "Lufe, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.» An organization dedicated to and workçing practically for such basic things 'in American life will last asi long as it remnains truc to such pur- irTi, ana1 meL 178U1 S piU5IeIy. Mr. Powlei's oppionents.admnit is integrity, hcmesty, and splendid lmr acter. With these as.aba IL ~ n let us look at his political r again;àt the grop kmiown as thteSilI- Ickesgroup, and who are now baàklug ,Mr, Fowler's opponent. In :1930, tht Third Commùissiçiners' district comprsedihe t-touxnshls of Leyden, Norwood Parkr, inNes Northlfiçld, and New Trier.Theh was that Peter Hoffman and H&rold' Ickes contested for County Cintral Committeernen. Peter Hoffman won. Pïeer -H'offrnan-Polled tht largest vote of bi& carter and probably most of our citizens voted, for hirn. In -1932, after fHoffnan's 'lots 'Of prestige with tht votera, Henry Fow- ler contested wth Peter JIo$nàn on prirnary day in Hflofman's ovin pre- cinct and Hoffman lost. Harold Snell and Henry lFowler thon becarne opponents and rau in a race which was so close that the County Central Committeet ieferred the contest to a credentia.,. coin-. mittee which neyer met. The district was .aplit along congressional limes Ieaving Leyden, Maint, and Norwood townshil) n tn he srnventh naec ont-nalf vote eacn. At tht 11th~ bal- lot, Harold Snell voted for MÂyor Thornpson's. candidate and Uenry Fowler voted for Busse, Busse fidally Won. Puit a Quactipu Now rnay I ask tht voters of New Trier who are tht loyal, ztalwart Rt- publicans? HenrY Fowler, who foight the Snell-Ickes group, or tht lekes- ISnell group who now ask your votes In f,...4LJ. on the death of Mr. iMason, d to get what they wantedi y urge that ail persons f twants to have on the Lounty Cen- Democratic Prîmary ftraj columittet: Jser. Cig Johà Taylor Booz. For 'the New Trier DemocraW c lubI a i dered cratic who sc leaderi who fai 1,