Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1936, p. 50

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mand, pr was an expression mu tie vernacular acquired f rom piour as- soiation w*itb the "oss"of 4, Why did you state- that the Demo- crats of Newý Trier townsbip, did not receive publlcity'in Our localpa erYt)u ap aentlyr have felt OUr locl pbliatons, ie, Wir4N*TKA Nws, orthShore Topics not worthy càf reading. If -you wlill refer to issue of these, publications of last !eaih na a resident of Glencoe was a adidate for County- Commission- er, you vil! find that tley vere Most libers! wth the publicity for hlm. Also the sanie local newspapers bad a weekly article ýunder club newfl, of tbe New Trier Women's Derno- cratic club, plus further articles of the asctivities oit tic New Trier 1ce- ular Deniocratic organization, and a New Trier Young People's Demo- cratic club. 1 personally feel that you ove the editor of these papers an apology, as they have always printed the north shore political news as they bave seen it. 5.1Do you bonestly believe that we voters can enter the votiug booth wben we are alone with pur cou- -sciences and our ballots and vote for a man wbo 4enies lhe hoxest efforts of intelligent voter. It ia most qpfortunate liaI out of the five,(5) candidates, wib spolce of their quLliflcat*pns for Township Committemen, yo were the only one who proved hianself ungentleman- ly lu bis remarks and it lu furtier un- fortunate tha a man of the caliber of Mr.Thbomas J. Lynch, viho is the. present Democratic Township Con-, mitteeman sud viho bas shovin bir- self, by bis recent actions on the Cougtv Central Couamitîe sud who 'oveni ,5 as con- tomu the newspaper. page tu the sports or market: quotations or Car- toons? And if once in a *hile things becorne 80 bad in politics that we realize. soaîething sbould b1e donc about it, are We not apt to 41et Gçorge do it?» 'The plaintruth AS that most of -us are OlCkers iu the politicaLl ield, and get about wbat.vie deserve.lu the w&y of goverumnent and officials and Party leaders. My only excuse for airing these Sad refiectionz, la tbat on April 14 nextthe Republican vtr of New Trier Township are offered a chance to- choose as their Commîtteernan a brand new type of incumbent of that office,* one who bas beretofore never been active in vibat we think- Of as professional politic, is free f rom fac- tions! or 'machine influence aud basý nothing vibatever to gain personally froan the office, and wbose stndng in the commuinity and record of past achievernents guarantee performance as party leader, of a qualtybeitting our communlty. Surely the Republicans of tbis township willI not laul to elect Henry A. Gardner as CommitteemUiL. W. S. Warfield III,* Winnetka Marcb 31, 1936 .5)LCIS UppORT FOR NOLAN SQIJcITSMarch 31, 1936. Editor, WILsMaft% 1*: eulcn A group of indépendentRpulcs in Wiunetka, realizing the danger of the Kelly-Nash machine, not content witb its domination of- the City of Chicago, stretching its influence intc> New Trier Township, bas orgaulzed for the. purpose ofL advancing thé candidacy of Clark E, Nolan for Democratic. Township Cormttee- man of New Trier Township. .It should be realized by Republicansý i meutinrievendent Deniocrats alike that It is generally kuovin to be a facét that Mr. Nolan, if elected, will place, the affairs. of our township above the interest of'anyparty or faction and has, eageed. on al occasions that hie wilîl appoint acarefully selected coin- mittee .of business men of. this dis- trict without regard to party affilia- tions for, the. purpose of counselling him in alU matters' concerning bis, office. The support we are receiving ai- ready is, far beyoind aIl expectations. We- urgently solicit . your support andfor further details ask that you communicate witb the undersigned at bis office, Franklin 2266, or at bis homej 1209 Cherry avenue, Winnetka 1678. Russell F. Locke. SEES FOWLER ENTITLED TO POST -Editor, WImErm Lim~: There sems to be an impression, existing in this pre-primary carnpaign, that to oeil the opposing forces tbe "dmachine" must mean their sure de- feat. Just vibat is this terrible thlng, the £'machine?" The Methodist church organization is.a machine. The Catbolic church organization is a miachine. But bow miany people in this coun- try are willing to corne out in the open and criticize these two and other church 'and educational organ- izations just because they are large and are organized? Have you - ever watched ants or bees at work? *They are organized ,and work with machinelike precision. 1,Surely humans should flot show, less intelligence in concerted action than the insects. DiA vou ever sce abeaver d'am? orphanea arnmediately' gItî imewar, is but one item of the many acts wbich reireal thie truc nature of this remarkably fine character. Do you think that any corrupt po- litical organization (machine) would swerve this 'm'an very fai f rom. what is right and just? I do not. I know hirn too, well. Cit" es 'P.ilaI w. The pîtting of one fine man against another in this presidential year was, 1 arn sure, a political error, and could flot in any. way advance the interests of the Republican party 5so con to corne to grips with the most danger- ous, Situation that has existed in thi'S country since Lincoin carried the standard of the Republican. party against the threat of secessioni and the disruption of the. union of states Let us look forward and,.beyond this prinary. >Let us not'be srnail enough to beeome so divided over this partictular office that vie cannot join bands in a determined effort to defeat the New Deal organization iu *the Noveniber election., -Harry A., Thompson LYNCH FOR TOWNSHIIP COMMITTEEMAPI Editor, WILMETTI Lim: SHaving with Roswell B. Mason belped organize the Democratic or- ganization, of wblch Thomnas J. Lynch is now District leader; at- tended alrnop;t, if not ah, of itàs meet- ings before and after bis eleetioii, and supported him for electioii aud now again supportiiig hlm for election as Township Committeernani I feed im- pelled to give soine of rny reasoils therefor. Constantly you hear the talk , o honesty in holders of publiepsi tion.3. Noone can dispute that Mr.- Lynch bas been absolutely honest ini ail the public positions he bas held. Not only can. bis integrity not be questioned, but bis ability is also. beyond question.- townshi, conuitteemau 0f J WeSl5 wio constilutes the corner- interestc in jeopardy present c e rules of ýeran, by alI s noaet talas comUuunuy 'l )ee who are to

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