uraay, Aprii '4, at 1 olclock in. the ballroom on the roof of the Orrington hotel. -- Mort than one hundred are expeci- cd to attend, including actives and pledges of' Northw.estern university and Chi Omega alumünae of 'North- western and, other.'universitie.. The, honored. guests wilI include one of the, founclers: of the Northwestern chapter, Mrs.- Fay Cooper Cole of Chicago, and, also the daughtçrs- of memnbers. Reservations are beingý taken by Mrs. Emnory ,Stoker of 2340 Lawndale, avenue, Evanston. The- programn for the, afternoon'wilI be introduced by Mrs. Frank M. Ma- son, Jr.. of. Evanston,, as toastmis- tress. The story of the Greek myth of Chi. Omega. *ilI bc told by Miss Briede and a Greek dance to inter- pret, this myth will be donc by' Mrs.. Leon Kranz, assisted by members of the active chapter. 'the bistory of the Northwestern chapter from its early« days to the present time, wiIl be re- counited by Mrs. John Campbell of Wilmette. A military tap dance spe- cialty will then bc given by two of the Cbi Omega daugbters, Mary Jane Stoker and Wynn Katherine.,Masoi. acc9mpanied by Mrs. C., B. Gulbranid-, se.n. This lunicheon will'also be the occasion of the presentation by the Chi Omega Alumnae association o *f the honor ring to the outstancling se- nior im ember of the active chapter. -The presentation will be mae by Miss Eleanor Lewis. Ail arrangements for the party have beein-made by Miss Dorothy Smith of Chicago and Mrs. F. Gor- *don lMcW\illiams o imte sC- cliairme.o imte.a o Uusual Antiques Pr of FIower, Show ExhiIbit Several ~t were' of unusual inter-l by the Kenilworthi len club in itsj will tall and will At Friends in Council ing pict plans fo Poetry day will be observed by the trip to Friends in Council.ofEvanston whenl monthf. Mexico h mov- Miss Betty Schmidt, daughter of making Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schmidt, of and a Wilmette, lfit on Monday to re- in the turn to MacMurray coliege. mter a week's vacation at home. rrec e, IL