Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1936, p. 3

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At a meeting of the board of direc- tors of Wiimette Community Chést association, held Thursday of last Hekfenry Fowler, 1404 Forest avenue, was reelecteci president, being virtually drafted to continue direction of the activities of the organization, the board, being ' bath to deprive it- self of a leadership té which is at- tributed in large measure whatever' of success bas been achieved in' this community venture during 1935. Mrs. C.' P.:Dubbs, vice-president, Mrs., A. E.,Beirnes, seretary, and William D.. Leary, treasurer, were alsô ré- elected. Diseuse Local Situation Inspired by.many questionis coming fromn citizens deeply. nterested in the success of tbe Cbest plan! of Com- munity relief giving,, tbe board dis- cussed various phases toucbing upon the- future conduct: of« the Cbest, its position as intermiediary. between the citizen *and cbaritable a gencies. its value as -a center of charity activities; its possible growth into a cornmand- ing position as the one channet through wbich funds for relief shall fldw in both directions, or degenera- tion into an inefficient body render- ing. only a fraction of the service for. *hicb it was intended. Puzl. by Apathy In discussing these phases, botb members and non-members of the board have sought to analyze the situation and find a solution of the problems with wvhich those in active charge of the Chest have been f- -ed, Admittedly, past campaigns for Âk,nds have, flot met with the success for which Chest olWicials hoped and labored, and wbich the needs of the participating organizations required. The record of these campaigns are (Continued on page 4) HoweIl Returns From Flood Rescue Duties Chief Boatswain's, Mate C. E. How- cli, commanding the Wilmette Coast Guard. station, returned last week frnrn Wbptling. W Va.. nd Bfli~re. We are ready to receive truckc loacis of whatever you want to give us.-Mrs. A L. Grinnell.I Note: Economy Shop is conductedj by the Woman's Club of Wilmette. of the croeàsing. A request was made to the com- pany for some such arrangement fol- lowing a recent incident in which- the fire dePartrnent was blocked for tome' minutes at both the Central'and Wil- mette avenue crossings,- and -was thus delayed in reaching the scene of aný east zide Èire. The prompt response of the company in correcting the situa- tion is greatly appreciated by the fire department, Village officiais -and citi- zens. Chamber of Commere. to 'Hear N. U. Expert. Secretary C. E. Clifton, Jr., in- nounces that the ýregular monthly meeting Of Wilmette Chamber of Commrerce will be held Monday noon, April'6, at Shawnee Country club, and that reservations should be made promptly through bis office. The> speaker will be Prof. Irving J Lee, of Northwestern university, department of economics, who Will take -for bis subject, "Bewildered Buyers." Pro- fessor Lee cornes highly recommend- ed. He appeared before the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce recently, where he gave the sarne lecture. Mr. Clifton urges a large attendance, as the program promises to be one of the most interesting of thé year. 'Plan to Give Fight FundsV for Red Cross Flood Aid - At, the exiecutive committee me et- ing of Wilmette Post of the Amer- ican Legion hast Monday evening the important subject of eniergency flood relief was presenited. by Commander Carl A. Peterson. Athough the amateur boxing 'bouts being mun by the post at Howard school gym- . . ......... . es.......40- vinages s~ince the inst registraion, are concerned about their right to vote, some believing that they can- flot vote at al. To such it rmay be said, YOU CAN VO TE BY AFI- DAVIT, if you are legally qualified to vote.. Qualifications are: You must be. a citizen of the United' States, either by -birth oôr naturaization.. You mnust be ait least 21 years; old. You miust have resided in Illinois for 1 year nekt. preceding th e elec- tion, in Cook county for 90 days, and i the voting precinct for 30 days. To make affidàavit:- Apply to, a judge of election in the polling place of your precinct'oni the day of election for *.blan.k affidavit,: and, make it out in his presence under oath. It will be necessary to have -a qualified voter of the, saine precinct sign the affidavit verifying your legal res idence in the precinct. Voting by affidavit is permitted by law ini villages, cities and town- ships flot un der jurisdiction' of any Board -of Election Commissioners. Peterson, Mulford N. T. Sehool Board Nominees Candidacies of A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigh roaçl, Kenilworth, and of bers oft. the board of education of New Trier Township High school', were announced this week with the filing of their petitions with Mrs. M. B. Arnold, secretary of the board. The election will..be hieldSaturday, April 11, at the sarne time as 'the elections for members of the.elemnen- tary school boards. Wilmette 4300 Asie for AduTaker 'VVILMVM UP 14E, VVINNMTtIraME The. occasion. ist te third Open Houe sponsord y- the conr,, which, in its thoroughly modem establishment at 1232 C entrail ave»upê Wilmette,, flot only publishés several news-magazines, .but ..coPdocts, as well, ah extensive general> printisig and engraving business. Mmm New matn An occasiod for careful inspection of every. departrnent, of this 1 rost cornpletely equipped printing plant iii the mietropolitan area, outside Chica- go-bas corne as a direct consequence of some -unusual development. The first' Open House marked the dedi-. cation of the. establishmientin.1929,; the second, in 1932,' the inist4l1ation of variotis new devices, and now, the tion for* the first tinte, a fine photo- engraving plant; the Paasche No- Off-set Process, andl a greatly en- larged job-printing department. While the entire plant will be in operation, with every department functioning at full tilt, attention of visitors i, directed particularly to-,the newer features. .: PImoto-Engv.viug Plat The one cornpletely hew departi part ofthei organization, not as a separate unit., It handles aIl of thé' company's photo-engraving businesý' (Continued on pgge '6) Reva. Mr. Venekiasen Is Union Preacher The Rev. -James T. Venekiasen, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will preach the sermon Sun. îund of 265 i suifferers. ,The to Mr. Becker I 'I. Ina>'. idayl

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