Lacrosse as a sport for women is coinparatively new to the Middle West, although it is played extensive- ly in the East by colieges, prepara- tory schools and nuinerous clubs. The purpose of the exhibition gaine is to arouse interestsn te port and to give the unintiated .an opportunfityto see the gaine played, it is pointed out. Many bigh schools in the'.forth shore area . are displaying an active interest in the sport -and are planning to add Lacrosse, to their girls'. sports' prograins this spring or in the near future. Among the schools9 already affiliated with the North Sbore Women's Lacrosse association are lEvanston Township High school, New Trier Township High school, Royce- more, Evanston, and North Shore Country Day school, Winnetka. The North. Shore' Women's Là- crosse association was organiz.ed this- spring for the purpose of giving north shore womein an opportlunity tQ play the gaine and also to encourage the. general adoption of the sport. The group practices every Saturday and Surfday morning at Skokie Play- fieId, Elm street and Hibbard road, WNinnetka. Anyone who is interested. in'plaving the gaine with the north shore players mnay secure further in- formation froin Miss Jane Adair, New Trier fligh school, Winnetka. Miss Adair, an. ali-American player, is coaching the group: at the present turne. Following thée e ibition game the eight English players are scheduled to travel throuLghout the country, in- troducing and coaching Lacrosse in the various sehools and clubs which have asked for their services. Miss Marjorl'e Lockley, foremost English player and coach, has been assigned to the mnid-west section.- She will coach the-North Shore association as well as scveral schools: in' the nortb, shore area. Members of the North Shore asso- ciation are: Miss jane Adair, Miss become acquainted with the' ailties of the university., ]Basketball Coach Ward (Piggy) -La mbert, Prof. C. F. Harding, head of the School of Electrical F, nginecr- Png Prof Louis'.M1. Sears of the Scboolo)f' Science, and Prof. Robert Pbillips, also of the School of Science and Prof essor. of Political Science, e..W..- -- e.... ...e* ircflJ$ T.he golden text was, "The word recounting his works' instead of re- of the Lord endureth for ever. And ferring to his doctrine, confident that this is the word which by the gospel this exhibition of the divine p>ower ta ýis preached unto you" (1 Peter 1: 25)* heal would fully anhwer the question" Among the: citations which- corn- (pp-. 131-2). prsdthe lesson-eron'as the following .froin the: Bible:- "AndParnz Ou Ad rtss Jesus went about ail the cities: and join the EASTER PARADE CLEAN- CLo r * Ail the charrn of new cIothes..the fresh clear colors, the texture of new fabrics... caii be yours this- sprinýg with the help' of Shore« Line cleaning .service». Smart dressers find this sêrvie indispensable to their appearance. Wilmette 340 Greenleaf 3400 Glen coe 1300J can be obt Marine Coi New Post