et the ueteen marcs FUUwvn <teumen anau woJIue livip in towns north of .,evanston. of -f the prise winning pictures, are now on exhibition at the Gafrlng Art gallery, .1729 Sber-,,.. mian avyame, ]:anston, and wilI be there until April 15. Amông them is a. portrait of a woman. in ou;, nttitled "Frofi Scotland" by Hazel Crow> Eweil of Highland Park The*three Iandscapes in. oit., wh" took awards, were paintedi by Frank Peyrad4fe Highland Park, Dale Nichols of Glen - veand Hermaný Peterson.of Winnetka. «Clouds" is the titie of Mr. Peyraud's entry; Mr., Peterson shows «IOctober Woods." The Dale .Nichole' landscape is that cloquent, cobalt blue and white farm scene, "Wyoming in Winter.' which anc will recall- seeing in the recent exhibit at the Art institute. 'In the- stili lifè group Rene Lavenant- of Evans- ton, president' of the. North Shore Art league, reccived the first award for "Lunaria." Tom Wild- or of Ravinia was Oiven a prize for his"Wl Pluma," Te sotat a prefereaice for one or the other of these two subtle and delicate studies seems an almobt impossible task, and the judges must have been faced with a close decision. The award for a marine painting was won by Julia Suizer Griffith of Chicago, member of the North Shore Art league, who entered "Glouces- ter." One of the prizes in the, scuiptor collection the judges gave to Nancy Coonsman Hahn of, Winnctka. Mrs. Hahn had four entries and of these hcr bronze, "Frog Girls," was honored. One award in the show was made for an "out- standin g entry" aaI' tIse winner this year was Frederic e 'ender, who exhibited "Cornish Cast The pastel and water colon honors went to Helen A. Haro and Frank Dillon af Winnetka. Mr. Dillon won an award for bis pastel portrait of <'Bibsie' Cook, a littie girl. In addition ta the group previously mentioned, the show inclutlcd, a collection of paintings entirely by students, a highly commendable display. Among these exhibi- tors were: Mrs. C. J. Heyda, Ann H. Burnham,. Eleanor janney, Edurna Brannan, jean Bristie, Mary Elmer, Mrs. George R. Foids, Virginia France, Phvllis Frear. Albert Gibas. Jeanne Grcw- Miss Clara MlacGowon u ista serve the Chi- cago Society of Artists as president for a second terni. Miss MacGowait, assistant prof essor of art ut Northweestern university, wzas re-elected ut the anal useetinig of tihe saciety held Miade Artists Society Presîdent Second Term M~iiss 'Clara MacGowan, assistant professor (,f art at Northwestern university, was re-elected president of the Chicago Society af, Artists at its recent annual meeting, to serve for a second term. As* president, bes ides the Annual Exhibition at Diana Court, Miss MacGciwan directed the soci- ety's first out-of-town show, which was held last May at the Delphic Studios, New York, whereit, was.well:received by art critics. Upon its, conclu- sion, it was immediately taken over by the Ameri- cau Federation of Arts and circulated by this organization during the last year in Trenton, N. J., Washington, D. C., Delaware, Ohio, Bemidji, Mrs. Dwigbt C. Orcutt of Glencoe will open ber home'at 786 Greeiileaf avenue for a meeting of the North Shore Musicians club on Tuesday, April 7, witb Miss Frances Anderson of Winnetka, Mrs. Harvey Bush of Wilmette, and Mrs. Harry Holland ai Winnetka as the assisting bostesses. The following progra 'm, planned by the program. chairman, Mrs. Ernau Akely of Wilmette, will be presented:ý Sextette No. 2 .................... 1...... Brahins Allegro non troppo Scherzo Elizabeth Weirel, Winifred Cree Firit Violin. Jessie Buchtel,>Betty Bsesemeier Second Violisi Miriam )englehardt, Marges-et Cree Cello .4prit ËlosÇt s s ............ H. Clough Leigh tes- L igh t (Thé Wayfjarer's Song aof Hope)........... ....i............Prederick Stevensonr e'oin tais............. ......OsarRasbach Carolyn Puermfann Frances Anderson ut the piano l"ioliin Selectiois ............... Betty Hiesemejer IV Song of Pegitence................ Beethoven Transformation................i. Wintter, Watts The Fary Pier:.......... A.Herberýt Be Lois, Grider Ernaii Akely ut the piano V Pan tasçia lin C ir.........Bc/ Dit. bist die Rithe ........Schubert-Liçzt S'chrrýo 'Valse ....................... Chabrier Afargaret Geppert Young Organust Presents Two Recitals un the East George R. Hunsche, son af Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Hunsche, 2023 Beechwood avenue, Wilmette, who is studyingr for his master's degree at the New England Conservatory of -music in Boston, Mass., bhas appeared in several obrgan recitals rècently. Htl was listed as one of the soloists of a students' organ recital Thursday of last week ini Jordan hall ini Boston, and Sunidav went tû v,. -yu -il .-pi un aii.8t LLPierence Whétber or flot the April 8 concert is played, Mr. French is planning another concert for the f ol- :lowing Wednesday, April 15. portant aclvertisng art have been weç clubs, and soci.ctie,. advertising art at1 'c'es, and nis eived at ma -1il a former er clee