4nsd -lot ms take over your wmuhday's worry and trouble. Your clothes will delight you withthhoir spoties emealde. IONLY THE SBUT UN LAUNbRY SERVICE Fr«ENCH LAUNDRY NB ~ ~ N 2Mp. t. Easo motusI 1m~ appearance at the fields- in scarch of information as to ships. available for student instruction, the ail important mgtter of the cost of flying, time, n the equally. important question of the airworthiiness of the equipment, the excellence of the instructor, and the time necegsary to. acquire a license. The three airports that we: cover al offer excellent equipment and in- structors to would-be birdmen. ,AT, CURTISSREYNOLDS: Syd-' neyr ,Spiegal, of Winnet ,ka?;' is the proud possessor of a nwblack and, silver 1936 Stinson, which he keeps, in the:hangar at this field. Although the colors are identical to his previ- out model, -the tapered wings and stream-lining of the new, plane shouts 1936.. The nlew Stinsons. cruise. at 141 in. p. h. and have a top speed of 160 m. p. h. 1 had the pleasure of flying one of these new jobs when r A THE N HuilmVANSTort Jor <Sas termnOrn FELTJ STRAWS I Hae yuseenthé tri-mÀotored F~ord soaringover the north shore, during' the last week? Did' Youl wonder at the' strange,. circles 'of yellow, blue and red painted on the wings, and striped on the tail sur-. faces?, Driving towards Curties the- other day I oèbserved thi-s plane swooping down o'ver the Skokie in simulated forced landige, after Which it headed towards Curtiss. 1 followed it, and wras introduced to the pilots as they stepped from the plane. Capt. Enrique Soncha, crack pilot of the Colombian Air. Service in South America, and Paul Herman, ace pilot of American Airlines, wer e at thé controls.. Mr. Herman told me.,tbaàt the Colombian Governinent had pur- chased three Fo*rds from American, Airliesand oe e rom Sheil 011 Comu- pany. Iu another week all four ships, under the command of Capt. Concha and Mr. Herman will fly to New York, where radio will be in- stalled. From tbere they will take off for Washington, Atlanta, New Or- leans, Brownsville, Tampico, Vera Cruz, San Jose, Panama, aud non- stop) from there to Bogata. The planes wili . be. used for. mail and army transport flying, and two ef AT PAL,-WAITKEEJ: iE<watci Mar- tin, of Winnetka. 'home for -a two weeks' vacation from his scbool at Asheville. N. C., bas been taking ad- itage of the ideal flying weather we bave been eujoying. and he bas heen building uip bis bours in tbe Waco F. Mr. Martin.started bis in- struction' last faîl under the tutelage of Bill Turgeon, chief instructor at the airport, and before be left for school lie had soloed, bail time in and arrivail i Los Angeles at 12:45 a. m. An additional Iight to New York is also being, inaugurated to acconlmo- date increased traffic, with departure from Chicago. at 7:*00 p. M. (Chicago time) an d arrivai at Cleveland. at 8:48 P. ,M. and at, NeW 'York at 11:15 P. M. The ,increased fiying raises United's müonthly total of scheduled flying to 1,300,O0 miles.. 1In addition to, expanded service, United Air Lines announces comple- tion of its in stallaion of new sound- 'proofing on ail of- its, twin-enýgined p12 nes, along. with redecoration of the cabins. Aviation Country club last Saturday àight.,was a huge.success. Trrudie and Art Chester were there fromn Curtiss. Art, nationally famous racing pilot who has guided bis Chester Special1 to innumerable victories at the races, is groong1 his plane for fresh triumphs. Mrs. Chester bas been taking instruction in the Davis which Art maintains for student lessons at Cirtiss. Mrs. Chester is a 99cr. AT SKY HARBÔR: The first good news tbat "Ham" Kunatb, manager and instructor at this airport had to impart was that he had renewed bisý lease for another fifteen montbs, whicb should bring happy smiles -to aI:l h q *And "Ham" reports that Richard (Dick) Card of Highland Park is a, '4Snatural." Two weeks ago young Mr. Card came to Sky Harbor for his first flight instruction. That was on Friday, and theý following Mon- day, with only four and a haîf bours of dual-time, he was soloed. He 1al- ready has seventeen ,hdurs to. his creclit. Frank Hlavacek of Wilmette flew bis Waco F from Sky Harbor to St. Louis and return the same day. He made the.trip down in two .hours and §vuWASO ganization o i- party held at the soon b the 94,