and SUI[TýS in aS S-pecial Faster Sellil Ig 810.95 <h. *16~ *25 If you want smarnss Wi boul strivlng for if. if you want a styl. .xactiy swited f. your type. if you want rmal valu, for your mon.y, yu'Ill Anud them ail in fhit fempfing array of kaït.r coafs end suifs. W.'ve chosen 1us$ a few tb show-you. for dr.wJer ocasions, tus a swooping ..p*4i&. coler, fur .dged ......$1 6.'9 L Au lsh swgg.r of urnsua fi"lerstng m.& jtdndiviý,d a.$e1 *6.t flv fr' .fe a . . . ON DAVIS STREET S E AT PHONE WULMETTE 1100 WJE DOLDT'S-VASON. APRIlt 29- 1936, y I hi,.