THEm ALL AmBRIcAN d'~~4 .)waggersL Swaggers have a new sil- bouetLe. They are fitted: cl1os el1y down to dt shoulder blades and there ~w1p fi challenge tournamerns for, members. The solid financial condition of the club wliicb bas been maintained through the ,depression, improve- ments. which have been made: in the cl ,ose and-the course,teroster of new members. who have been added ,since the first. of the year and other activities. were reviewed by comuittee chairmen for the, members. The committee ch arme of tie, men's board include . Chester G. Wat-.. Son, finance; G. R, Schaeffer, bouse; Leon T. Ellis, sports; Willard- F. Locbridge, grounds and greens; Coin- fort S. Butler, legal, tax and insur- ance; F. H. Haviland, admissions; Dick Payne, membership., Chairmen of cômmnittees of the women's board include - Mrs., Will G. Kelley, society; Mrs. George Dovenmnuehie, golf; Mrs. ArtJhur Taylor, bridge; Mrs. E. W. Sampsonr, publicity; Mvrs. F. A. Pulfer, bouse, and Mrs. Homer W. Bang, chairman of board. James C. Streeter bas been spen d- ing bis vacation from Stearns scbool, Moumnt Vernon, N. H., witb bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Streeter, 302 Central avenue. BOATS STAR* We are-now- completing an order for 7 Star Boats. Very attractively priced at this time!', SNIPE Will build yours to order. Quick delivery. Moffet photo Jen»: A.Paâsche, 310 Greeleof- avenue, Wilmnette, is tihe inventor o1 the Pauscise No-Offset Process, an Ioutstanding . devlopmenlt in the Pristing industry recently instclled, in tise plant of Lloyd.1-lolister hIc., Publishers of WiLr,zmLxe*, z;WIN1- NIZTYA TALK and Gr*,Ncoz NEws. Tise No-Offset Process wuill be dem- ontrated publicly for tise Jlrst trne Saturday ai ternoon and evening, APril 4, upon the occasion of "O peit flouse> at the Hollister Plant, 1232 Central avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Paasche is a leader in the Ide- velopment of thie application of air to industry, especially in the coating and finishing fields. Zeppelins are coated with Paasche-invented equipment. Soý are golf balîs. So are automobiles. So .e *n. RirrIIIA- The. No-Offset Process is olle of Mr. Paasche's newer inventions. It prevents ink offset and smudging without slip- sheeting, racking, traying, or ink manip- ulation. The process will be fully dem- onstrated under regular working con- ditions, this Saturday at, the, "Open House" which a.l residents -of the north shore>areinvited to attend. 704 C URST VNT Irraky nâsExduainy aývenue, jte w'. ÀANEW cSwIng 0, go Eit iette.