Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1936, p. 1

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Citizens ToId of Urgent Need for Funds to Care for. Many. Wilmiette Children The dental, cljnic of Wilmette. Hlealth Center, :1901 Schiller street, will conduct a tag dayý Monday, April 16, to secure.funds desperatèly needed to carry, on the work of. saving the teentb of hùundreds of Wilmette chil- dren who must otherwise lose .tbem ior. sufer the loss- of comfort an& health, states Mrs. George F. %Scher- zt2135 Thornwood avenue,. chair- mhofthe committee in charge of arrangements.. The Health Center ia affiliated with- the Chicago Tuber- culosis ,institute, but: funds for the dental, clinic must .come .fromn other sources. It is added that the Health Ceinter ctQes not at this time partici-, pate i the Community Chest fund. Challenge te AU Citilas. Mrs. J. V. Smith, chairman of the Heilth Center board, states that it is impossible, with the limited re- sources available, to take care of the children of needy families who must have dental attention if their fuiture health is to be insured. She empha- sizes the fact that local dentists have contributed of their time in unstinted mette," she adds, "has a detite re- sponsibility in this emergency, and la urged to do his part to make Mon- day's Tag Day a huge. success." Headquarters for workers have been established at the Hecalth Center, 1901 Schiller *street, telephone Wil- Mette 2402ý,and.at the 'office of Wil- mette. Home: Owners association, 1155 Wilmette avenue, telephone Wilmette 1155. Mrs. Sherzer has selected as captains ini chargé of the canvass the SNYDER1 MAKES STATEMENT Editor, WILMETT!eLIÉE: On April 14 the Democrats of New Trier township will 'elect a Township, Committeeman. The:controlling issue. is "which of the three .candidatesý is bèât qualified to represient New Trier Township,?". To decide intelligently, it is, neces- sary,'to know what,-the,,duties of this office are. Some of the duties i ti- elude: (a) Appointmnent of a Democ,.ratic precinct comitteemian .antid. party workers lu egch of the thirty-onei precincts of the township.. (b) Selection of ninety -. three judges and elerks of electioni (c) Arrangement for thirty-one polling places for primaries atîd elections. (d) Making the party canvvass. (e) Supervising the- getieral ac- tivities of the party in the town- ship.. (f) The Democratic Township Committeeman is also a member of the Demiocratic Cook Countv Cen- tee is the iegally uesigiiiit con- *trolling organization of the party. 0f the three candidates for. this office, one bas lived in the township such a short time as to make it prac- ticially impossible' for hini to know an0d appreciate the needs'and desires o f the commnunity. My-.other oppon- ent may be considered as a profes- sional politician. He is now on the state payroll. that the former leader had1 either re- fused or failedto do this work. Sixteen of the regularly« elected precinct committeemen tîolùnteered to, help. Eight elected. committeemen had died, moved ou.i. of the precinct or become disqualified. 0f the. other sev en, one, is supporting, Mr.'Nolan and six are wýorking for, Mr. Lynch. Ihave askedworkers to help ,in these fifteen precincts, and the work of the Democraticparty bag been 'performed .in.ec of the thirty-. on e precincts.ý 1I do not coàceive it to be the duty of a candidate for Township Coin- tnitteemn t b efwer every mnendo or rumor of the opposition. If lie did so, the contest would degenerate into an alley fight. I appreciate, of course, that the residents of New Trier town- ship adhbering to the principles of the Democratic party are anxious that noý machine politics be injected into the township. 1 amn heartily in accord with that sentiment, and my public record shows that I have always sus- tained that attitude. I bave no con- ing the necessary work of the party under its legally constituted agency, the Cook County Central committee. My primary interest lu the Goverix- orship primaries ia in having a Demo- cratic candidate who can Win in November and wlio wiIl help the Na- tonal ticket. My only iuterest in the matter of Towuship Committeernan is. that the man be selected whQ can do most to malce the Dernocratic. Views of Candidates and Ba*- ers, Set 'Fordin Variou,p Commeunications Reference to the "Public Forur*" depatmient of- this news-'magàzide sti sfficienît:answer to the.oft re.- peated question.. "How's politici?, Therein the,,candidates for.offices ,f intimate local interes, to gether wiî theirý, friiends, set forth the qualific- tions' of themseives. and favorites. To9 read these ,communications is to get an airplane picture of the New Trier township. situation as it exists today, less than two weeks in advance of the primaries. Looking, at the tops"o first, the gubernatorial contest is of paramouat concern. Horner stock îs going qp ~and i). witliThomas J. Lyn~ch. . ai bis fellow revolters from the Kelly- Nash machine giving it impetùs every waking hour. The «regular" Demo- cratic organization. headed by Raleb M. Snyder, who is opposing LynCh for Democratic Township Committee- man, is fighting to bring Bundesen in. a winner. This battle is fast be- coming one of the sights of the pré- primary camnpaign. the voters. rerhaps -theniost tre- quent remark beard in group dis- cussions la that whatever happeus New Trier township will have goUâ committeemen. There' was standing rooni only fôr late arrivais at the candidates' meet- ing held in the Tyreil room of Wi$- netka Community House Monday eveninoe. March 30, under the nob- HOME FROM SCHOOL Miss Mary Speer, daughter 'of and Mrs. A. M. Speer, 312 Ceni Pa rk avenue, is at home for spr valcation froin Grinneil college, Io tion of some nii ks .,of election, occurred, shou ,- . 0 ss,. id Îes id d letters were cd On ffl 61) pagÈe read .

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