VOTE FOR A PHYSICIAN Republican Candidate for Coroner of Cook County Mlinais Purieés Tuesday, April 14, 1936. When .elected I pledre to admin- Isiter the office wth Honelt3y »MoiRency a.nd Economy headmaster of Peddie, attencled the alumni meeting and announced that a scholarship wvould be off ered to a boy chosen from -one of several -se- lected high achoolsj in the. Chicago area in the next three months or. so. Choice of the boY will be:m ade by the, local alumni. Miss Edjth Gillett, caughter of Mr. and Mrs., Walter Noble Gillett, 533 Roslyn road, Kenilwort:h, bas had as' her house guest recently. Miss. Mar-" garet Gifford of DTetroit, formerly of Kenilworth. Cet the Govt Out. of Debti- Reter.té Conzrgre. ii Rilit. o. #*d egelai. the. Val.. Timmof AhaN rai mettan. fer the m aum owSuby Vod@Malegislation. ' .bu * t 1fr th,. mmm- -mt.- IIVOTE FOR WILLIAM &4êSON DcinoratleCandidate for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Nu hCODEu. District BOS.S HenrY ScIa»ffler, Jr., 457 Jeffer- son street, Glemcoe, had,:a straigh¶ "»averag e lut semester mt hi$ -studies ati Nortwestern's engineer-, iing school , twhere he is a. grriduate sitident. BAHAWI LECTURE "In What Cycle are We Living?" is the subjeét on which Mrs. C. A. Ullrich of Chicago will deliver a talk at the Sumday afternoon service ini Foundation hall, Baha'i Universal House of Worship at Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, en April 51 at 3 :30 o'clock. R.ULE- at the UDegAA a ia0riýC. Bishop Stewart wifl preach the ser- mon at the confirmation service, while -the Rev. Perey. V. Norwood, of the Westei n TIheologcal semtinaryl Evansàton,: will preach at the ordina- tion. The coimbined boy? and girls' choirs w111 sing Ufor both services. Mr.. Carruthems inl be pr esàeted !ta the bishop for ordination byW the Rev. Leland, Hobart Danforthý, rector of Holy Comiforter. A Ciborium, a receptacle :for the Sacrament reserved for the sick: in the- tabernacle on the altar,-iveni to the church by the late Mms. Mary B. Taylor, in memory of her son, the late Kirk Taylor, who for three. years was treasur er at the church, will be blesséd also on Siclay, w*hich will be Palm Sunday. There will be no session af' the chureh schoo.,aeuit &unday,~ due ta, the other services which are being. held in the church. Services at Holy Comforter dur- ing Holy week wil include celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at - 10 o'clock on the mormung of Maundy Thursday. On Good Friday the rec- tor will give. the address during the three-hour service beginning at noon, on the Seven Last Words from the Cross. On Good Friday evening a at ôU -locUL tne, urc~u scoo ILUasterb service at 9:30, and at il o'clock the celebration of the Holy Communion with Easter muisic. The combined boys' and girls',choirs will sing. Move 17 Ton Trec Prom Northlield to Winnetk Moving of a large tree, over 50 for )n hcld last $un, nds of the club. shoot of the on the skeet h ai-- - - 1 . . .