Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1936, p. 18

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Easter Egg Ifunts te be held next week, according te Daniel M. Davi3, Drector of Recreation. The. children of pre-school age, kindergarten clilidren, and first and second grade àchool cbildren of the- ,Central, Laurel and -St. Francis î.chool: districts will' assemble on Greenleaf avenue bctwcen Third and Fourth streets on Tuesday, April .7 yeady for the .hunt which. start3 p.romptly at 2:30 o'clock. Children of the third and feurth grades of -the Laurel,- Central, and St. Francis 'chool will assemble,'on Third street between Laurel and Maple avenues at2:30"o'clock,. sharp, the sainie afternoon. Children cf. pre-sciiooi age, kinder- Socbildrcn and, first grade chil- c the Howard, .Logan, Higb- croit? St . .oseph's and Avoca sc hool districts will assemble. Wednesday af- teno Arl8h tteHoward gym read fo thebun at2:30 'clock. Chilronof he nd,3rd, and 4th grades will assemble at the rear of the HIoard idiooi at 2:~30o cloctc sharp on the saine afternoon. Three thousand colonrd marsbmal- lmw candy eggs wrapped in waxed 1 *r wll be hidden for the childrcnl Parents are requezted te cooperate wth the children in convoyance te, and frein the hunt. Mothers of the smail children will net be allowed te, help their children in the hunt since te do so would give theni added advantage over the other children. A group of helpers will be ini the field to assist children who have difficulty, ini finding eggs. EiiSïTBuiïi GIRLS' BASYETBMAL LEAZUE The North'Shores won the second round of the Girl' Basketball league' by dofeating the Suburbans, 62 te 12. Ann Komen was again high scorer for the *gainé with 20 baskets and one free. thrnw for a total of 41F veiA&Ag Aironi /MteAViu -io This gaine can be played very suc- ce3sfully with paddles instead Of rackets. Regular Table Tennis pad- ies and shuttlecocks are used. Th e gamn1e is fifteen ý points. You. score the sanie- as in volleye-ball; you re- ceive a point ônly ýon a serve. The server serve3 the bail front the middle of the court. Tbere is no special court into w hich the shuttlecock must be served. Paddle Badminton .may beplayed cither on a single or team basis. H-aving fÈve on a team, makes the gaine very interesting.' The rules of voleybail are alsofoillowed here. Boxing Class Is Ready to Meet Evanston Lads The boys i the Wilmette Play- ground and Recreation board boxing clas3 are roundinig up their'trainiffg anTd puttintg on the fiuishing tôuches on speed, defense and offense i preparation for their mix witlh the Evanston Recreation bureau boxing class Thursday night, April 9. The class ha. been worling hard and is going to make this boxing show the big finale for a very successful season1 in boxig. Omit Badminton for Legion Boxing Show Thert w111 be no badminton play on Friday ovening, April 3, at thec How- ard gym because cof the American Legion Boxing show scheduled, for that time. The regular Monday and Friday badminton evenings will con-. tinue throughout April if there i. sufficient intcrest in the gaine. Idono outfit had a long losing streak, but thcy hope tliey have conquered the jinx which bas kept the baleut of their basket. The YFreshnien took the Wacker A. C. to the tune of 27 te 21 te hnost invited to attend. A class in band- craft bas also been organizcd at tho Center and will meet every Monday afternoon front -4:30, to 5 o'clock. Thereare many novelties- whicb one can ,make very inexp ensively; for.kn- stance, a"flower pot bolder cati be made from clôtheié pins. It. can. be p !çtd o armonize with any color scheme in bedrooni or kitchen.: The leather work classes for. boys and men on Friday afternoon andThurs-; day evcnings are very interesting.. The boys' aîre making knife holders,ý billfolds, and many other novelties thlat» can be made, veir reasonably as there, ià no charge.for anything exccpt the ýmaterial uscd. There is rooni for ad ditional members in both of these classes. U"EVER BUSY" CLUB *The girls of the 6tfl anid th and fitt grades who attend the. Comniunity Center dancing classes have organ- ized the "Ever Busy Girls3' Club" which beld its first meeting Saturday, March 28. The club naine was pro- posed by Gloria' Rassenfoss who was also elected president of the club. Other officers elected were Violet B3urget, vice-president; Lorraine Stef- fins, secretary, and Alberta Nanzig, treasurer. The girls plan to go bi- cycle ridlng Saturday morning. Each girl is to bri~g lier picnic lunch. N4OLD DANCE PARTY . Saturday nigb* the participants in the Adult Ladder tournament held a dancing party at the Wilmette-Ceint- munity Center. Twenty-five couples attended the party. Dorothy Gass- mann gave two tap dancing numbers and Bebsie Kelly sang two solos, "You Hit the Spot," and "Shooting High." Music for the dancing.was furni3hed by Tony Dusscher's; radio. CALL WILMETTE 4US- . hgnds several times during the gaines. The scores were 21 to 19, 21 to 16, 21 to 14. Thalman is a verylast and, bard-driving player, but Nanzig wa-à too steady for him. Nanzig had a. bard, long clmb up, the ladder, as hie started the tournament on'.the 34tb rung-. The reward for his bard fight: was tbe winning of the tournament and a table, tennis paddle as a prize, Sud Schwall' played an. excellent gaine and finished on the third rung, starting thýe tournament on the 22nd rung. The saie is truc of William Peekel wbo started onf the l9th Irung, and finisbed on the. 4th rung. 'Wally Schuett who held the first rung of the ladder for the firat three weeks of the, teurnament slipped do*n to the 5th rung of the -ladder before hoe stoppcd when the skids Were put under, him for the first by Art Thalman a week ago. Leon Wagner won the cbîldren's tournament. Norman Hoffmàan knock- cd Ralph White off the first rung Monday night in a bard gaine only to be knocked off the sanie rung by Leon Wagner on Thursday night and lose the. teurnament. The Wag-, ner-Hoffutan scores were 21 to 11, 21 te 13 and 21 to 6. Wagner started the tournament on the I7tb rung. Over seventy players registered for the two tournaments. The Community Center table tennis team will play a miatcb with Boltwood of Evanston at the Cener 1Tbursday eivening at 7:30 P. nm. The following players vill represent fthc Community Center : 1. Reinard Nanzig 2. Bob, Miller 3. Donald Lynch 4. John Scbaefgen, 5. Bud'Kneip 6.'Howard Bohn 1 kite-.FIyers Comnpete, aixos.The White Streaks1 onos camne through with a Nit Wits. 36 to 34 only ien they beat the. Temers fought game in whi( inan overtime gaine. The chaniged- many times. Bts April 78 at 2:30 P. M. Prdut..... .. .. .. .. .. ..

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