39c Higli. Mli.3133 PAROIZ OR ADVERTISERS c,.' z- '~ \i Lehle Photo Interor vieu of the. Wilinette Health Cen ter dental office, showping Dr. Paul B. Bas, in -charaeof the Logan-Howard Parent-Teaclier association dental clinic, treating a yowtng girl patient. The, Wilmette Health Center unl hold a dental clinic tag day nex: Monday, -April 6. N. U.Will Play Host to Tennis, Golf Tourneys Northwestern university will be host to both the National Intercol- legiate Tennis and Golf champion- ships this summer, both events to be held the week of june 22. This marks the first time in the history of the two tourniaments that they have been Iield- at the saine school and at the sapie turne. The golf tournament will bc.:held at the North Shore Golf club near Ev- anston wbile the tennis champion- ships will be dccided on the North- western university courts. Entrants in boti. tournaments will be quartered in fraternity houses and dormitories on the university campus. Ted Payseur and Paul Bennett, re- spective coaches of golf and tennis at Northwestern, will have charge o.f the two tournaments. Librarian Tells ol Traveling South to Vacation in Books: B Y ANN L. WHITMACK Libraî*ien, WiUmette Public Librarii Going sbuth to greet the sprîng& is an ideal way te spend the Easter vacation. One's remaining days are colored by the memories of dogwood- in. bloom 9n the edge of woods, the purple-pink of r e d b u d glirnpses. along the road-side, and pink azaleas crifting over hillsides. The Wilniette Public library lias many books that will tell you where te go and what tQ sec whether it be the "Islands of June," the national capital, or romantic cities of the south. General Suggestions for Soiitheru Tonu!s. Audubon - Delineations of, American scenery. Street-Amerlean Adventures. Farls--Seeing the. Sunny. South. Lathrop - Barly Afierican,.ln and Taverzw. - Washington, DL C. Lathner-Your Washington and Mine.ý Shackleton-Book of Washington. Andrews--GeorgeWashington's Country. i 804 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON VAUE UAN TAII.E FILTU AT ~YU.AND'S - I fw..moe.PIId * Wilhmmtte 8122 Wlmm.tka 3122 5gVy.A8 Dy coaching