dents interested in le çollege. ý2L E C TU... .1 were :called ,to 1041 Forest avenjue where there was a fence afire. Theré was an automobile fire, on Saturday, at Lake and .Wilmiette avenues, and a fence fire at 517 Central ýavenue on the same, day.- Still. later that. day the Maria Itnmaculata conveént of the Sisters èf: Christian Charity on Ridge road reporte& a fence .a1irc, and on Sýrnd:» there was a woodpile blaze whièh also scorched a garage at ý934 Elmwood avenue. Ail theées of the trips made by the firemen were due -to.gras and rubbish blazes, Cal came on Wed- nesday.of last week from 2143 Beech- wood avenue, 2121..Beechwood ave- ne '1421 Wilmette avenue,.725 Chest- nut avenue, and,2536 Thornwood ave- nue,,ogn last Thursday. There were sur ,conerof,£heridan avenue, from 427 C Sevexteenth street, Main street and. I aons .from .the, Johlà eklr 1riday. On Saturday there were calîs from L.ocust and Iroquois roads, fromn 1213 Gregory avenue, fromn 1627 Walnut avenue, from 220 Central Park ave- nue, from 340 Central avenue, from Sheridan road and Lake avenue, from Then cold and rain. put an abrupt halt to the flurry of fires. Continue Lent Program of Biblical itures The sound motion pictures of Bible characters and events which have been shown, at St. Augustine's Par- ish House during Lent have attracted mul-Ilattention >among e mbers of Jack Elder Packy McFarland During an Olym pic year, amateur . athletic event int sectiomul champions comPete, on. the air of an Ol3ympic, effinination, conetes. every U'hich takes team «Pet rid of fo OUd -60od. le tbar -r aswm bu m. We Wii >v.Y.. a Rellabl AppraisaadflBey YourDh carded W"«he. Otof -Style Je"ely mand tJ.... Silver for Cash. JISWELERS SINCE 1837 Sut* MMn. * Palm ,., M..C, Maso nSeeking ,ction to Congres dason, 419 Ninth street, a Wilmette for the riast 14 less drivmng and. operty- Senorita. The lecture. will, also be rsethsudnboynMna, open to the public interested in the drss30,dth udnt bôdyng ondy Mexian cuse.the famous Indian maiden, Tekak- witha,~ whose life of heroic virtues The Rev. Fredericlç Link, S.V.D., has attracted the attention of the" chaplain of St. Francis hospital,. ad- Catbolic world. This is particularly of the C.Y.O. boxing maàtches beig staged by t/w Wilmette Legion at Howazrd school gymnasium Friday night, April 3. John W. Beksr, coach of1 t/w United States Olyspic 'boxing tedm, wiil be one of the officiais uât t/w Legion bouts, and it is certain that. eeyone of t/w champions and, close contenders scheduled for these figkts v.6i1 bend every effort to gain recognition from Coach Behr and other Olympic officiais who. wiIl be present as well*as the fans ini gen- erai. Expert handling of thse bouts is assure~d by thse promise of Packy McFarland, one of the best knozem> and brainiest figures iii. pro fessional ring history, to officiate as refere'., Jack Eider, former Notre Dane track and grid star, and C. YD athletic director, will be ont hand to a,Ènoitnce thse ig ts. of rei 1