me coIurta L IIAounSr.'. "Senorita del ValeY is well qualified' to discusa. lier subject," the organiza- ton states. "As dean of the Catholic Woman's Cc>leçge for Leaders in Mexico, City and organizer of the Youth. Movement in. Mex Cio she bas corne in contact with. practically, every phas: of the persecution. "She will appear before the local organiszation as a. représentative of. His 1 Excellency Archbishop Ruiz,. apostolic delegate to Mexico. "Mrs. Laura McDaniels, grand re- gent of Ouiîmette.Icourt , cordially in- vites everyone to attend the lecture. ,Senorita de, Valey vwill speak at9 o'clock."e RETURN PROM HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Robert.J. Lechner, iwho were married Febtuary 14, have eturned froin a wedding trip tô -Cali- fornia and after the first of May will b.e et, home in Niles Center.' Mrs. Lechner,. the former Shirly Popp, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Popp, 526 Laurel avenue. Mr. Lechner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. joseph W.. Lechner, 1445 Wihtnette, Ili bt Year You bogie l'o rnvew your heating; pr Many Northr Shor. fouks ère distlsfi.d with their exces. three straignr gaines to m 111V i place Teatro del Lago teain. It wast the first tinie in, some months thatt the leaders had dropped three in a1 row. The scores: Teatro, 788, 810,1 M2-2,426;j White's, 767,ý 737, ý750-1 2,253, In the other gaines, Blesers1 academy defeated the Bronx Cafe1 teain in two out of three -gaies, Meiers tavern won two f rom. the *Wilmtte Ice;, while, the :Wilmnette Tailors took the ýodd gaine froi Krier's buffe. Hg gaines wer bowled by.F.,,Genster (225), A. Ludo- vice,(209), Paul Bleser (203), R. Bar- tell (203), and J. Lechner (20e). ,, High scores in the national. Knights. of.Columbus tournament at Detroit, last week, were turned in by Fred Genster, with 650 in the singles, and by.,Phil Bleser and Martin Braun, -with.1,167 in the doubles. Teain Won Lest Pet. ~Wh#te' Grocers ....... 26 10 .722 Teatro del Lago... ... 2Ô '16 M6 Meier's Tavern ........ 19 17 .528 Krler's Buffet......... 17 19 .472 WllmettO Tallors . ..16 20 .444 -Wilmette Ice ......... 16 20 .444 Bronx ........... 16 20 .444 Blesers ........ 14 22 .39 UNION BOWLING LEAGUE (Wilmette Bowling Alleys) Standing of the Union Bowling League as of MXonday,_March 23: i. Us 2. Ar undIvidual StandIngt; ýe Games-Afldersofl...615 Three Games-CoOk ...611 le Game--Cook .... -...... 247 -Single Game-Cook ......_246 RigJa IndIvIduai Averages -Mwethodiat .............. 182 n-Methodlat .......... -.172 -Congregat10flal ;.. ....172 t. John's................ 172 -g-Baptist ......... ......171 NAT lUI me Viasi Acw w night the Bassierite froin the would be leaves the latter fi backs to the walI' gaine. hie season but ng Up on thein ýLast Friday >ok two garnes ainipions which ingý with their ýa lead of one. s .. W.L. pet.. Ave. 1,Lidbrga....... 45' 30 .800 863.1 3. Moody'a ..........36 39 .480 862.7 4. aehermeirs ........2 50 .333 843.5 1-Igh-Three Games-MoodY'8 ...... 286 2nd Righ-Three Gaines : Unùdberg's & IScherzer'53..........2770 High-BlflglO Game--Mood:y's.......1022 2nd Higli-Single Gamie-Bassler's ... 996 IndivhlUBI Honoe High-Threo Qarne-LlndbetÉ .......644 2nd High-ThrOO aaà-Leal..609 lgh-Single Game-Lippen .......... 247 2nd H>Igh-SinlO .gaamàe-Leal .....244 SPORTSMAN'S LEAGUE TouraWon Loat Pet. Blst' ... 51 .30 .i630 Auto Radla.tor ...... ... 48 33 .593 Sehlittu.... ............ 46 34 .575 HIugo & Bingo......... 45 36 .556. Bungalow Tavern ..... 45 36 .556 Johns Place.... ....... 39 42 .481 Braun Bros ........... 24 54 .:308 Edelweiss .. .. ...23 55 .29W Bleser's won two gaines f rom Hugo and Bingo. Schlitz won two froin John's Place. Bungalow Tavern took the odd gaine from Edelweiss. Braun Bros. Ou Co. also won two, from Bleser,'s,> 601. lileser's.teainshot a, 2,É46 series'gamnes, 968, 911, 967.. KENILWORTH LEAGUE Standing of the Kenilworth Bowl- ing League, %veek endýing March 2ý4: Teain and Capýt' .W. L. Warwlcks-Kloop :....... 26 .1 Abingdons-W arrefl ......... 23 13ý .Kents--Pefldletofl......3 13 Briers-Gage ...............21 16 Sterlings-Clement.-;...... -.... 20 16 Oxfords-Olin -.............. 18 18 Rfiieig.hs-Daforth.. ........ 6 2 to spenciw t he spring ure of the season, to orchestra will con- Wi" 5031 mite,