Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1936, p. 9

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*eent :Stet at Greefleaf "A House of Worship", The Rev. Davidi R. Kabele, pastoîr PALM SUNIDAY SERVICES Church Scho ............r9:-45 a. mi. Confirmation Service...il00a . Luther League............. 5:30 P. M. The music for the service of worship next Sunday morninig ls as follows:ý Prelude-Prayer........... Lernaigre "*Haillto Thee, Hall",.arr. Baker The. Senior, Choi Anthem-The Pealma ........... Faure The Junior Choir, Postînde- Praeludium in F .......Bach Victoria, McLeod-Miîîietry of suic, We invite you to attend our Con- firmation service next Sunday nîorning at il o'clock. This làs oneof the most impressive services of the îyear, whenl a group of our young peopie who have been instructeti in the Christian. Way of Life kneel before Cod'saitar and pledige their loyaity anti vôw, their faithfuiness. The candidates for ('on- firmnation are : Shirley Fix, Henrietta Hayson, John flennixig, Johni Mopp, Robert Lindberg, William Merkle, Mai - garet Paulson and Richard Sachme. The Woman's society willi niet on Thursday atternoon of this week ai. the church at 2 o'ciock. Mrs. Robert Lindbçrg- anti Mrs. Paul Johnson wiIi be the hostesses and î1rs.' Walter Dor- bandi wilU present* the. tople. ..'Senior choir rehearsal1, Friday eve- ning at 7:30 o'eiock., Junior choir rehearsai, i'aturdayý morning at 10:30 o'cloek. The Luther league wili nieet on Sun- day evening at 5:30 o'clock. We invit4, aIl the young -people to atte.nd ti meeting. We wili join in the Union Lenten service to be helti at the Methodiet ehureh next Sunday evening at 8 o'viock. 'Plie Rev. .1. T. Venekiasen wlill îreach. The church couneil wilil eet "n 'rue.,- I When Fri.uuds Drop In for a Rubber of Brida., service. Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and FYorest avenues Rev. G-ýeorge D. Ailison, pastor Palm Sunday fe8tivities w111 make the Coming Lord's D)ay memorable at this CliUrch. Atter the church %ChOOI ses- sion: at 9 :30, there wvill, be a -proces-. sional with palm: branches' Into the Il o'clock church service. Junior, .high school, andi senior choirs wili leati the praises of the Master. There will be baPtism and âpecial munie 'as well as a. sermon on "'Christ's Tr umpa nr Into Our City." the publie ix cordiaily Inviteti to attend. 'Sunday evening there -wiii be anot .her Community Léntenservice ut 8 o'clock ln the Pirst Mthodis3t.]Dpicopal church,. withDr. James T. Venekiasen, ýpreach- ing. This church'cooperates 'and shouiti be well representeti. Tonight, Thursday, there:wiii be an- other choir rehearsal for Lenten -and Easter Music. The Juniors rehearse Sat- urday a.t 9:30 andi the high school choir at il o'clock Saturday, On Thursday of H01Y Week, the An- fluai Evenlng Communion wiIl be ob- served. At this time, the membners wilI renew their consecration andi a group of new members will be received. TPhis IR One- Of Our most deeply spiritual service$ andi aIl who love Christ. as Savior are .weicome to partIcipate. These are significant days, for thosé Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Gallie, .1115 E1lnwood avenue, have returned from a month's vacation in Florida. They drove home with thefr son, Dr. D. M. Gaýlie, Jýr., who spent, the last two weeks with :them. t. Easter Top -six t' sixl'.en yeauf ol.ds àOu.r buyer 'has just, returneéd from'= New. York with à. deliqhtful selecý tion of sprinq ýclothes and acces- ors.They are not expensive, bu' -these new styles are Il . ga m -print dresses . soft cashmereE sweaters,.. Shirley Temple hatsM and of course, the tailored suit.- frthe y.u.g mis$ Central andi Wilm.t. Aveitues, Vulmette. Central Avenue lust West of State Banik DOu'6LET ANYONU TELL YOU.. VASSARETTET7i Ethel M. Manne rud 1161 WiImt. Avenue Select Your frm ~~50SPring. Ensemble eýïn nd PI.in DRESSES MATCHING ACCESSORIES 1 161 "WiImete Avenue ilI' Phione Wilmet. 4406

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