SundaY sehOOl COUnles at 9:30 O'clock, *lad the AduIt Bible clasm meets for study et 10 o'clock. junior -churéli wiflcire for Your chil- d"D whllé you attend ÇbUrCt4 la the Meeting Of thé Taxiso club, the kWgh achoolgroup of Young people, at 5:4>oélock, Betty Dodds Wlll lead ln the liéussloll or fie toffie, 4Truth Telling." II.frésmenttsWin be served. Ail the ~' gpe Ople aâe invited. The, Union Evening Lenten service Of tlm ch*rches Of VWffmétte wlll be held M-thé Methodi5t IEpisoPal churcli at 8 * CkOCI. Th eyë.l JanmT. Venekla»Pi wiuI reaclithe sermoU On the theme. *~ ~ ~~ri l' ~tcI5iF0»C!lvary.." Thé bMtos of the othér churches will par- »Qy 80Vt 'roop No. 5 will meet mon- O&Ï événig t t" ebdiVC. T'here wM p e a Lenten service Wed- àmM4l7 y efing &t 8 o'élock at the. = uriLb The ,sister Winl spéak on the 0110,"8 Xrai'04Face."lWe invite te x;juin us in flua service. on TipIIUd&Y événig there wlli be a cn>iDPudIonservice and receptiou Of Memberg at S @cloék. ln cormmoation e<thé einstution f the làord's suppér by christ whllé on éartb. The ministér ~Winl. stSk poi thé thèmne, -The Three. crosss... We invité yen te Join us. ()a ffldayevanlig if 8 o,_Ioct there WUI e a OOd FrI4ay. service in thls thburéh. at which thé ciorus choir '9011 îtr rthé Cantata, "Thé Sève» Lestý Wcrdiof .éus Fr0'»thé Cros," bY %)boisunder thé direction Of Miss rMna ,Wuds.Thé soloigsimrili hé: Miss WssI*eth .Breideflbach, soprano; MaXz- féU ilust, ténor, and Edward Otis, b an- îoý.We cordliiy Invite VOU te Joa us la iis musical méditation. OUI UVaster service willI hé heldSunday guftWfiflff April 12, st Il o'clock, with service Muncuy Iu'nuri ay ,. a . . . On dood Frlday the regular three heurs' Memorial service wlll be heid from 12 te , and the évealng service with the choir' partlcipatlng at 8. The threé hours' Meémorial service wili be a Joint service for the inembers of. the. différent conréflgins inWil- mette. Short addresses wili be given by the Rey. G. D. Aflison ' f thé Baptist church, -thé BeY. J. -D. HlndleY of the Congregational ohurch, the 1ev. DaàLvid PL Kab>éle of the, Rngl,,ish Lutheran church, the Rev. Amos T7hornburgý of th>eMethodik church, thé Rev. J. T. Venéklasen of the, Presbyteriali church, and the.RBey. Hubert Carleton And the Bey... J., Tromp of St. Augustines E9plscopal church. Those wishing te brlng their. childrén te the Baptismal service on Bastér Eve at 4:30 should se.nd the names ef those to.e b ptized, te the rector. N'est Suniday being thé firat Sunday ef, the i»enth, will be the régular Cor- prte Communion Sunday for thé en-: bers ef beth the Boys' and Girls' Conm- muion 1.agues. The rector preached at the Baptiat churcl Isat Sunday evening for the second Joint Lente» service. The serv- iee was unusually well attended. Metkodist Church Wilmette and Lakte avenues Rev. Âmes Thornburg, rector Paini Sunday la 'next Sundà.y, April 5. At the il oclock worship service in the morning, there wiiI be a Childrens PrcinannVand the spirit will be- minister Wi11 hé ln the pulpit and Will bring a m essage appropriate to the day. The service begins at 10:45 o'clock with the organ prélude. Théenmusic for thia service will hé as follows: Organ (10 :45):. "La Fête Dieu".... ..Dubois "The Bla of St. Anne de Beaupre"............. ....RUsli Marie Briel Introit: 'Sanctus" ........ Gonod Anthem: "Béeiédictus" .:.... Gounod Offertery Solo:- "Thé Lord la My Shepherd". .>vorak Un A - , R w,..e The Women'é Mlssionary Society wil meet Thuraday, April 9, at 1:30 elock. Devotions: Mrs. B. C. Daviduon. Mite- box démonst ration. Speclal munie. Dr. Horace Gréeley Smth wil griié a BoOk Review. A Lenten offérlng wili ho taken for the Home, Department. Ail womneti are.Invited te attend thîs Lente» Service. hé laatof the series eo f 9 o'lok Commnunon srvces, was held.ilet Sun- The Wo man's Aid Society la, meeting today <Thursday) at 10 o'clock for.Gé,n- éral -Aid Sewing. ýThe Executive com- itteé will meet at 10:-30. Lýuncheon wilI be. served at noeon by- the *First divisionl.- The business meeting and prograni wiII be at 1:30. Mirs. William A. Osgood of Wilmette will reviéw 4"Sawdust Caeser," by.George Séldes., "The Womén's Pageantof Pregres"l willI be held atiNà.y Pler, April 18 te 2&. Tickets are obtaînabble ln the church offce. Part of the proceeds from, thèse tickets will go te Lake Bluff orlaage. The ?itth Division will have a Runi- mage sale April 23 and 24. The Church achool xiéets each Sun-. day at 9:30 o'clock. The High School Epworth league and Theta Upsilon Rho wiIi ineet Sitnday evening at 5:;30. St. John's Lutherant Wilmette and Park avenues. * J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a.' m.-No service at tisiaheur next Sunday. 9:30~ a. m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. il a. ni.-Confirma.tion of chfldren's ,class and of aduit clasa. mEETiNGS Exarnination of aduit clasa. Thursday, 8 :15' p. mi., in thé pastor's atudy., Church council, Thursday, 8.45 p. mn., in the pastor'a study. Last open house evening..of thé season, Thitroday., 7teil1o'clock.' Junior Walther leagüé,.Friday, 8 p. mi. Sundayý mornlng, at il o'clock, ýcon- flrmailn exercises will be held"for the The second Specil Lentên Pfllowshlp meetinig wfll ho held Thuruds.y evening and conducted by the pastor. Thé ediff- tation for the week la "The Meanine of Love"l and the milnistera messageé *111 be followved by discussion.: Ail our members, and friendi are welcomne to corne for the hour wblch la 7:15 ln the church parlor. Abracadabra will bé entertai .ned ln the home of 1fr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, 1001. Greenleaf avenue, on Friulay, April 3. Lyman L. Weld will ap)eàk oh 4 .Aàtronemy."p On Palm SBunday. ail departmren te of the Churoh achool willi loin ln General Asaembly with. the PrImary at 9:30 in the auditorium to, do honor to the meniory of the late Miss- Bertha Wlheelock, a great and beloved téaoher who sérved two generatiena of Wilmette boys and girls. A brasa tablet will 'be given to the PrImary Departmént by the FOllowing the, beautiful practicé of séveral yéars, our 111gh Sehool de part- ment w-111l-have an early breakfast1 and Union Communion service on Naster Sunday morning at 7:30. Neighboring sociéties and our own Intermediate de- partment have beén Invited to partiel- pate ln the impressiNre eremony which la ln charge of A. B. Tucker and o ur high achoolers. The 4 o'clock Vespér aervice, Sunday atternoon ia once more s et, apart for the réception of new niembérs;. and, for christeningaý and. baPtismai. It:,wi.ll. be Firat Communion for the Covenant class. The Rei,. Mr. Hindley lsa nxious to mnake arrangements for ail who con- templaté joining the church or who wish to receivé Its rites at this time for theniselves or tlieir children. "The Rule@ of tre Game." '1'he Uev. Mr, Hindley will conduct a Question Box on "The Lite Problems of Youth- at the Young Peoffle's meeting on Sun- dlay night at 5:30 p. ni. Ail 111gb choolers,ý are invlted and welcome. Sunday,ý April 5, at 8 p. mi. ln the lMethodist cehurchi guest preacher,, nev. J. T. Veneklasen. April 10 at 8 P. 'm. Good Fr!- day-Three-Hour. service tli St. Augus.: tine'a cburch. 12. p. niM. to 3 P. ni. Ail. cooperatlng pastors. The service bek at twentY-minute Intervals. Worshppers are free to corne and go. 1 Tiuvv r, r vice- ~ Anq. _o schoi for all de-~ Mis ervce& ~ . 1711M m v fl 125,* mi L ail frieflis who wish te participate. "The Guici I ]theme of thé' on Good Friday, Apnil 10, at 8 o'clock, ing at the li our own chorus choir, under.thé dire- Th Is Is thé tion of Miss Marie Briel, wIll sing the séries of "A t ssied cantata, "Olivet te Calvary,"l by Lenten mali On Snday, ApMi 12, Baster Sunday, Baptiani wiil bé adminlstrd, and meni- bers reeeved Into thé church. The .Womén's Guiid wiil meft Mnday