teProvîsions otf ~-J adv: tisers Tis alphabeiadlising us a reguavr weely feature'£0 tlatoe the jlnding ôt desirWd. dvertising messages. ADVERTISBR PAQE ~nar's........12,14le Blly Boy Nut Kitcheu...6 Dismarok Hotei........ ..20 Rli le. ................4 B«" dof Bdu'ation.......... 7 Se& Nok............5 Boulevard Drug Store........ 8 Brut .H......... .....4 Braueh Sinumber shop ......1 Caidweli ..e...........6 Omaodlr.............54 Oaste, The ............ ..61 C3w*tlea Seience. Ouré ....6 Coiby Furniture Co ......... 55 Comamunity Theatre .....63 CanMuers C....... Cover IV ce-o.p, ib................8Ç4 Cyrille Deeuty Shop ......10 Davis Furnitur. Croftmen -.-.18 DeNelda U.auty Selon .....10 DiedicIh, Bdyth .......20 Dpv.mueNbe c..........61 *. ......... 62 Sh ... Fpel,11R.w......... *.... 61 Peituna &Curmo .........41- Giameraft Mit. Co. GiencesBIiycle Shop.. Great Adamie & Pacifie T CGO ............ .29 lé AD)VERTIBRi PAGE Maz.W.lida& BRelierCo... 8 MarrenéReuty 846p....4 Marsiiili Field & ce. .... ..34,3547,51,53,54 McDonomgh & Struad...... . 6 Mencer, Lember CO. ... Cover iv meçtjimun Bros .............. 7 Midwestern Mortsgage C..59 milbum's...............8 Milieus Hardware Co.....60, Motous .Service,. lue.. Cover IV Muàriue CO.5,6 Nufer's Cafe, Gene ......... 62 Okean,.R............ Pegla.uo .............. 6 PauinE. G. & ce.....58 Peaock, C.D ............. 18 Peacoek be Creàm ......... 4 Pillips, Paul ........ 58 Poo& pipe.............. 33 Publie Servie C ....... 871 Quieian & Tyson........... 61 Reed, Sliabeth i.......20 Renseh Warehou» ........ 69 Ridgeview Hotel .........62 .1820 Smyth, John -M."Co...... 30,31 S15 Snider.Cazel Drug Co. ... ... 5 o. Sayder, C. C.,bInc ...... ..... 26 Steveus,, Edgar A......... 19,24 ASSETS Loans and discounts *. ........ ....... Ovedrft.......................... ......7.1 United States Goveroment -obligations, direct and/or fully guargnteed ...........................7965 Other-bonds, stocks, andsecurities .................1,012'7 ganking house,'$l50,000.00 Furniture and. fixtures' $1.00 156661.6 Real estate owned other than banking house1....... 67,11817 Reserve with Federal Reserve bank ........... ...... 92,23S.S Cash, balances with other banks, 'and cash items in process of collection.................... 56,88.77 Cash items not in prôcess of- collection............. 2,8M8.7 *Other assets ................. .........38.1 Total................... .......... p,4b10 LIABILITIES, Demand deposits of individualts,.,partnerships, and. corporations. ............ ...... ...........1,3,522 Time depo .sits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.....................1,173,71.4 State, county, and municipal deposits .....-. 195J169.64 Ujnited States (kivernment and' postal sa-vings deposits .. 5,871 Deposits of other banks, certified and officers' checks outstanding, etc................................. 1396 Total of deposits: Secured by the pledge of loans *and/or jnvestments ........$ 5%46M. Not secured by the pledge of leans and/or investments .. ...2,920J",86 Total Deposits.........P,"06A7.70 expenses accrued an d unpaid tyet payable, and amounts set' iot declared and for accrued les and debentures......... iital.notes and cebentures: Sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation, $75,000.00 Common stock, 2,000 shares, par $50.00 per share. Surplus............. .......... Undivided ýprofits-net.ý........ Reserves for contingencies ... . 11,524»0 1717A46 41 75,M6.00 5,066.73 46,17.22' Total Capital Account ............... 276,5179S hop ...... 4 ........ 60 .....60 A.. W Qualaty Market... 7 ... .. . .. . . ,o37,55 Renneckar Pharnac. . 9 The ...7, Cover Il te Tliuïtre ..........63 Geo. ..........22 ,2m Sworn to and subscribed1 (SEAL) before meie this l8tli day of March, 1936. VERA PRIEBE, .Notary Public. (My commission expires February 9, 1937)