Ir YOU WANT Large living rnu. and dining rm. Bes this tode3r! 8 rms., 3 bath$. Solid brick, tule roof. .Large 'Znd fI, oeloed ideclc with view of .lakte. Will oeil: far below reproduction coat. A. Smith, Holilycourt 1855- Greenleaf 1855. Winnetka-Ken.ilworth, ATTR. MODERN -ENGLIS!! BRICK> 9 large rms.i, 314 baths; oil ht.,. 2-car gar. In perfect condition, ready to. movein. Norge refrig. Onlyr 10%, cash. Rent Investment Plan. W. M"Lughlifl, Winnêtka 2700.. Briargate185 WHlY RENT? Artistie 6.,room ln a mont desired section, near New Trier 11gh Séooo. Available for moderato cash pa.yment and. lower monthly ceaI than rent. Have a permanent home. Xiés. Cronk, Briargate 18655. WInnetka '2700. QUALITY AT A B3ARGAIN Beautiful remodeled 8 rm., 8 bath, ho1Ime. Pim1eled i4bvpry, îaster's suite with tule shower staîl. Nice lot, conveniélit to school and transp. $22000, Ownier anicioiu for offer. Mr. Pietscb, Wixinetka 2700-Briar- gate 1855. Glencoe AN ACRE 0f beautiful rolling lawn, heavily 'wooded; -here is space for a tennis court. lawn and garden. Close to schools and transip. Beautiful Kng- lish brick well planned wlth 5 mas- ter bedrms., 3 tile baths, ibrary, 4 screened pehs, Priced te seil. Also for xent furnishedd for sum- mer. Mrs. Matthews, Winnetka 2700 *-Briargate 1855. Highland Park' BEAUTIFUL WHITE BRICK 9 rm. borne, near lake on large ravine. 6 bedrmns., 4 bathe. library', terrace, recreation rm. We expeatý to sell this property before May 1 t. MWr. Newhall, Briargate 1855- Winnetka 2700. SPRTNGTIME le IRAVINIA Uinusual 6 irm., 2 bath, brick honif *on beautiful wooded lot, 50Ox186.1 Near Skokie Club IDNGLISIJ BRICK HOME. 7 ROOMS, 3 baths. Att. garage. Lot 78x172. Prico $22,600. "Rent Investment, Uome". VERY ARTISTIC AND, BEAUTI- fully arranged white brick home on wooded lot. 7 ýrooma, 2 tule baths on ftrst' for, splendid basemont for recreational Purposes, aached 2-car garage. Price1 $16,000.. Terme $1.600 cash., Payments1 $11Î.20 er inonth for 139 months. ,Làoca-1 tion: 602 Dundee Road. ÇGlencoe.' See. this today. Available MaY latp. Owners:. WB HAVE BÉM NSUCCESSFtJL IN seiling a considerýable numaber of the btter-' grade homes containing three or more bathe-, ln thé district North of Evanston since.January lst. If you wish quick action on your property we should be pleaiaod 10 haire a listing on It. Quo 1nRan & EXCiLÙSIVtI 1571 SHERMAN AVE. Uni. 2600 EVANSTON Wii. 2602 il 1LTN47-ltc DON'T OVERSTAY THE STOCK MARKET TAKE YOUR PROFITS AND BUY THIS Engllsh Gothie Home on choice bihl- aide overlooking the 15th fairway of Bkokie Country Club. This lovely home Io modern ln every detail. Two tlreplaces. Htardinge oil burner. Plate glass wtn- dows. Insulated fireproof walls. Six bedrooms_ 38% batlis. Sun room. Dini'ng and sleeping porches. REDUCED 'PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. WNILL WNANCED ALSO AN ACRE 0F BEAUTIFULLY landsca.ped choice property adj. Skokie Country Club. The best home location on the North Shore! B. M. Kiinball, owner. 770 Bluff St. Phone Glencoe 170 - Or your broker - -111LTN47-1tP WHIT.E COLONIAL WITHIN SIGHT OF THE LAKE IN .Winnetka. Gharming living .room, Sun roomn, breaakfast ,-room.i dining room and E.,. Stuits Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AET 460 Winnetka Avenue Winrietka 1800 LAKE BLUrrt ATTRACTIVE. BRICK HOME, SIX roomns large Open porclh. flot water heat wTth 011. Garage. Large lot. 100x1.70. Near schools, etc. Owner foroed tôoseill to satisfy' mortgage. Price $12,000, $3,000 cash,, balance $75 mônithlY. JOHN GRIFFITH, INC. 1LAKE FOREST, ILL. il1liTN47-ltc 1$24,000OO BUTS A REAL FAMILY 'HOME ON over one-haîf acre -6f beautifuliy wooded grounds ln E. Kenil., near the' lake. Lib., 3% baths, recr. rm., H. W. MILTON E., REID & CO. 156 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA Wllmette 711 Winnetka 2575 Il1LTN47-ltc SI>LENDID BUT IN COUNTRY HOME bordering Golf Course. 2% acres of W*ôKdd lad wit~th Sreun brick home, 2 baths. Convenient te transportation. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 7LInden Avenue Wilmette 444 111LTN47-ltc BRICK, 6 ROOM, WITT!! HILTED sunporch, attached garage 2% baths, exceptional cIuoets, însüîatedï, hot water heat, 011 burner, near schools and trans- portation. SelI or trade for le.rger bouse ln Glencoe. Owner. Glencoe 617. 111L47-ltp FOR SALE OR RENT. BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern brick residence. Re- stricted BarrIngtoti residential section. Alil modern conveniences. 40 min. train service. Inquire of* oNner, R. Mi. Jurs, 104 S..Cook St., Barrington, 111. A REMARKABLE BUY SIX ROOM HOME IN WILMETTE. .1 bedrooms, 1 bath. H. W. ht., dcep lot, 1-car garage. $5,750. Mr'. Voss. Gre. 1166. WiI. 3740. 111LIPN47-ltr WANTD ',0 mUY-iIOUBS Yes, It's An Old House TO REMODEL, NORTH EAST WIL- mette. Amoig fine homes'and treeq. 7 tro6'rs'. $.0.Write B-13S,- Box 60, cboice locations whicb will ena.bie us to obtain -for you a. very desirablq home ite decidedly under the 'present market quotationh., Price, range $.0 to $ 209- 000. Shown by, appointmnft 'only. QUINLAýr-'"N & TrYSONý,!mc. 1571 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Uni. .2600 Wi.. 2602. 114LTN47-îltc East Highland Park 87%AX220., BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT surrounded by lovely. homes. $4,000. Sheridan Roa.d lot. 75xlSS.,Convenlent location. 88,500. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 114LTN47-Itc 50x180, 5, bîks. trans., per ft ....... $40 75x170, exclusive location, per, ..... $40. 80x166, exclusive locattin,',per ft... $40, 82i120, East Winnetkg-, per ft. $80 LARGE LIST VACANT, ALL SIZES, VERY UNUSUAL VALUJES, PROMPT' SERICEFINÇANCING YOUR B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winhetka 966 114LTN47-ltp. Q-LENCOE HOMESITES S EVE R AL OVERLOOKING THE Skokie Golf Club grounds. 82X150 ......................$6500 10OXI50 ......................$8,506 96xl82 ......................6,500 117x27 ............$6,00 SMART& GOLE, Ic. Wil. 2486 Evanston Uni. 0283 114LTN47-ltc WILL~ PAY $900 CASH FOR RESI- dent lot ln Evanston, W'ilmette or Wtnnetka. AIl taxes -and specials. must ho paid. Wiess, Box 193, Barrington, Ill., 115LTN47-Ite REÊ,ASONABY PRICED. EVANSTO0N or North Shore suburbs. COLLENDER & CO. 905 Chicago Ave, at Main St. Gre. 4060 il 5LTN47-ltic ACREAGE AND.ESTrATr.5 PLAN TrO.LIVE -ltp H!IGHLAND PARKx BARGAINS Surro, ýMS, 4 bedrmn., 2 bath, brk. hse., 1 blk. lake. TI eor- $14,000. 500 88 ft. lot 2 býks. Sta., B. of R. R., $3,500. H for 60 ft. $2.100. Dorothy E. Wink Uni. 0447 660 cg .111U CO. HUBERT W BUTLER AGENT tka 254 t~ELEPHONE HIGHLAND~ PARK 930 ,47-Itc 2LN4-f 397 pu HOLC tile1 ated.6 quickm 4