Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 65

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44.LT .JN 'k S "tP FOR SALE Light Tan Cocker Spaniel 1 yr. o14. Phione Wilmette 4407. 44LTN47-ltp PIANO TUNINO .EIM EX-PEcRTPIANO TUN NGI $ý3. REPI work guaranteed. 22 years' Factory experlence. H. C. Thomas, 1808 South Prospect, Park Ridge 1477.1 45LTN47-4tp SKILLED, RADIO, SERVICP, BY A man exp. wlth ail ite.probleme. .Very familiar wlth al makes. Prom pt, expert service given reaaonably and to your satisfaction. Plb. Wllmette 1208. -- 50LTN45-4tp BLISSBELECTJIIC SERVICEi- Singer, -WMite, Wllcox, 'and Qibba3. Vacuum cleanors,. radios washlng ma- chines. AUl household. appilances. 604 Dempa3ter st. Universty 680, UPHrOLSTERING DONE IN YOUI Shome, savlng' ono-third. Recoverlng Rewebbing. Drapes and curtains. Writ ~B-113, Box 60, wiImette, Illinois., 58LTN45-4tl YOUIt DAVENPORT AND CHAIR! re-upholstered, finest workmanshilp Phono and our estimator wlll caîl wlt] complote lino of samples. Speclal dis count this month. Davis Furniture Craftsmer 721-23 Main Street University 721( 58LTN47-lte SLIP COVERst AND DRAPERIES WE SPECIALIZE IN SLIP COVERi and draperies. Chair-French seams, no ruffe, $3. Also very fine remodel- ing and dressmaking.. Work done ln your home. Fit guaranteed. Briargate 6447, R. Wysoxig. 58A-bTN46-itp DRAPVJRY CURTAIN3, 6LI -COVERS. Ail Interlor docoratIve furn1shlngs made to order. 8 3'ears on the N. S. GLENCOE 1419 _________________ 58A-LTN4.6-3tP WEARINGAPPAREL A Word to.the Wise 11AVE YOU SFiEN THE GOOD -)LOOK. :ïig clothes forspr*ing whichl are seli- ing for a fraction of their cost? Whyý flot. buy here,, dress well, :and, save the Red Fiamingo Resale Shop~ 9i70 in Ave.: Winnetka 2067 àtab"hd s ' 2 Ya Carlson's Empi. Agency E518 LKSTREET WINN]ftKÂ 832g Help earefully uelotd, with Spocial attention to ,expoéri- once, referoceï and gên- erai qualifications neoded. PRIVATII ROOME FOR . I 48LTN4O-tfe WOULDN'T IT BE HANDY TO HFA VE a girl ln Your office a few hours a day to liandie letters, bookkeeplhg, tele- Phono? Grad. N4. U-&- B. C. R. E.,eip. Smnall salary, Own typewrlter. Wllmette. 3636. 68LTN47-ltp- WANTED - WORK BY T' DAY 1 urslng, cooking, uerving, .oleaningb .Iaundry or plain sewlng. Sunday dinueru and'teai a apeclaltY. Bout of refu. WilI go anywheire. Geucoo 1411. esUI'N45-4tp COOKING OR TFMPOCRARY WORK by day, week, or ieUr, preparlng and serving dinners, or housework. Wlnnetka refernpes. J14piper .3196. 6SLTN47-t EXPERIENCED C O L O R ED (ÏIRL good cook, can serve, clean and laun- dry. Desires position by the week, day work or work by the heur. Phono At- lantic 3348. 68LTN47-ltp EXPER. WHITE GIRL WISHES DAY work - laundry, cleaning, .serving luncheon, etc. Very roauenable. Cal morn. or oves. Miss gowal, Wlnn. 1935. 68L47-ltp EXR. GIRL, GOOD COOK, WANTS gen. hswk. Stay on place, will do laun- dry if there are conveniences. Cali Uni. 4096. 68LTN47-ltp SITUATION WANTED-MALE rINTELLIGENT Y O U N G COLORED p man wlshes position as butier, chauf- 7 four, housoman, Janitor., Steady, honest, *capable. Refs. Handy witii tools. Dola- *ware 9648 frorn 8:30 tô 4 p. mn. 69LTrN45-4tp UNIZEMPILOYkD PINE witnts painting and decorat- ing by day or contract. S G ood refs. :WILMETTE 41)16. i -________69LTN47-2tp GARDENE AO H1OUSE WORk. GOOD DRIVER,, etc. Best references. Phone Glencoe 24. _________ 69LTN47-ltp Chauffeur and Houseman COLORED. AG'E 25. <;OOD RIEFERt- ences. Phone Winnetka 2548. A 4 lT A V f ., WHITE GIRL FOR GEN! housework. Some exper necessary. $6 or $7 to1 Willmette 2461. >711 GIRL OR WOMAN.. LATE n oon and through dinner. Vi Rosewood and Cherry. 5 a w eveninga. Winnetka 3453. 71L1 WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. work. No washlng. Plain o(o PEÏRfAXENT POSITION FO6R WH-ITE girl 3 days every week. Wed, Thurs. and Fr1. Laundry and. helper._ Phono KCenlworth .524. 71LTN47-lte EXPEIN CED WUIITE GIRL .FOR Éeneral housowork and.plain cooking. -SmaIl houso. 3,. n famnlly. Winnetka 437. 71I47-ltp .EXPE9RIENCED WHITE GIRL" FOR general housework and laundry.. 3' aduits. $10. -Glencoe 633. 71L47-ltP. _____HEP WANîTE>-NALE __ RE'AL ESTATE A POSITION IS OPEN FOR t ýWO -menacaquaited ~with thie North Shore wlio want to becoine associated wlth a small, well located firm wlth excellent lists. Address B-135, Box 60, W1lmette, Ili.. 72LTN47-lte 6 Experienced Gardeners WANTED IM.MEDIATELY. PHO>NE WILMETTE 561 72LTN47-ltp 2 MEN WITH CARS, WORK FOR local store. Phone Greenleaf 6424. 72LTN47-ltc At. ýTEÈR- itvý of MQTHER'S HIFPERS, G F, N E R A L *maids, seconld naids, couples, white and colored. Must have A-1 North Shore References. Shore Line Empi. Agency 42l Richmond Road Kenilworth 5221 73LTN47-ltc COLTPLES . MAIDS . . . COOKS wanted inedately-posltions open. Reinhart Empi. Agency 748 Eim St. Winnetka,3399 7JLTN45-tfc EXPERIENCEJIFCOUPLE WAINTED BY FAMILY 0F 4 ADULTS. $75 including al. laundry., Phone a.,.rr na c secta... -14à '33 Cadillac Tfwn. sed.. 1395 '32 Cadillac 5 sedan... 895 '31 Cadillac Twn. sed. 385 '35 LaSalle 5 sedan..1095 '34 LaSalle Fit. 5 sed.. 895 '33 LaSalle. Twn. sedan85 '32:LaSalle Trwn. cpe..;5 95 '31.LaSalle 5 sedan... .385 '34 Stude. brm., 6 cyl.. 485 > '36 Buick 41 Del.éCpe. 895 '35 Buick 4144d. tour. 735, '35 Pontiac 2 dr. tour.,. 735 '35- Ford ýDel. sedan..>.' 495 '34 Ford .DeL cpe.....8 Lowest Terms-G. M. A. C.' CADILLAC Motor ýCar Company 1810 Ridge Ave., Evanston Wilrnctte 956. Winn. 1673' 7sedan., $2245C Spring Elousecleaning Lýatest Models Longest Terms Lowest Prices OUR CONNECTIONS 2WITH OUT- of-town dealers permidt uis to allow you from $25 to $50 premlum for your prespnt car. T ho followig are some of our offerigs: OIÇD VALUES '35 Chevrolet Sedan.............. $165 34 Chevrolot Coach............... 95 '34 Oidsinoblle Coach.....?........ 135, '3.9 Clevrolet Sedan...... ;.......... 85ý '34 Ford Coupe............... 65 33 PlyrnoUtli Coupe........125 '32 Chevrolet Sport coupe.......715 31 Ford Town Sedan.......75 '31 Ford Sport Coupe............. 45 '34 Plymuouth 'Coach........9 '31 Dodge ½-Ton Panel......50 ~29 Chevrolet Roadster 25, MANY OTHERS Ail TTntdi- <nvi-Tr CAL~ JVES WINETA 341.WHITE GIRL FOR Gb7b 68LTN47-ltp housework-Swflsh pre: 2-NDIR jÎL, 24, ENGLISH, ÏD-- 3 adulta hI famlly. Refer garton training.KIDR GLENCOE 1429~ Reinhart Empi; Agency WANTED-WHITE GIRL 748 Eflm St. Winnetka 3399 wlth housowork, part or 68LTN47-ltýc, Phono Wlnnotka 2981. 71 Iandi 1427. ... $300." qju 77IA- 120Q Chicago Ai )ru b 4474 47-lte F 1 , -- 1 - . 1 - l . ý

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