Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 62

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For Home-Like Contented Living You'Il enjoy the quiet serenity -if living 'at The Ridgeview - the home-like atmnosphere - the effici- cnt, friendly service. Delightful, briçht, charmingly fur- nislied,1 modern kitchenette apart- mente, of tram 2 to'5 rooms--or single. hotel roomsa nd. suites if 'you prefer. Compele hotel service in every departmnent. Excellent din- mig room. Garage in connection. A lovely and convenient location- opposite Grey Park-with Evans. ton'i's mart shopa adjacent - the Electric and Northwestern nearby. Your Visit oj inspection is cor Jially invited THE ,RIDGE VIE W Maple Ave. at Main St. EVANSTON 1h t acrtnat nernie i.ummins and nis great dance band will leave at the Send of April andi return to open the farnous Beach Waik on june 13. .While there bas been talk of twô or three other big naine orchestras playing the colorf ul outdoor dancing renidezvoýus this Summer, Managingl Director William, M.: Dewey an-ý n'iounced today that Cummins,, be- cause of bis record popularity ini the Marine Dining Rooni, blas been awarded the, engagemhenlt. It. is re- garded among orchestra, leaders as "the tops." The-Harriette Smnit h Girls, beauti- fui 'chorus withi musical comedy and ballet routines, continue as a regular fecature and new- acts' inclade the "'Three Queens,' royal interpreters of rhythm, and Carlo and Norma, a. dance. team offering unique char- acter and baloomi dance creations. Others in the- floor show are Mi ss Beverly, Kirk, soprano, and Mil ton ,Blakelv, liyric tenor. Burton Holmes to Speak on "Magie of Mxc" Burton Hoinies, the well-known raconteur of travel experiences wbol bas been everywhere and seen every- thing, recomrnends a visit to Mexico for ail those sec king a memiorable vacation trip different enough to lift one conipletely out of the rut. *At tion scileouleci tor the Valencia thea- ter next Sunday, Monday, anid Tuesday. Co-starring Robert Tayrlor and> Irene Dunine, tbe story concerns fi- self with a Young, mail whose life- bas been devoted to pleasure. Meeting and faiiing 'iii love witb the Young. widow -of a doctor, lie courts lier. Wben:.she is blinded hy ail accident. lie turns.to devote bis life to surgery in order that be may aid ber., The perfection. of Gladys Sw art- hout's voice,,.looks an acting- is neyer more apparent thaniiin Rose of the Rancho", ini wbich she is starred, which wili come to the Val- encia theater on Wednesday -and Thlurs.day, of next week. As a. daugbt.er of oldý Spanisb Cali- fornia-,, she rides *itb a vigilante, group to protect' ber propertv from a landgrabbing outfit headed by Chiarles Bickford. John Boies. dsguised fed- eral agent, aids her, white Whilie Howard and Herb Williams play the conxedy parts. "Fresbrnan. Love" will be seen at the Valencia this Fniday and will be followed, to stay for Saturday only. by "Charlie Chan's Secret." White usually it's liard to get ex- cited about the troubles of the very wealthy, "Splindor," the Valencia's .attraction for Tbursday of this week. iS anl enter.taining tale, in which. Mir-- Wilmette Thenter This Wei IHorton Sunday and Monday Epd; "Magnificent Obsession," the Uni. versai picture directed by John ýM.. Stahi, wbhïchcornes, b the Wilmette theater. on .Tbursday,. Friday and: Saturday of this Week, combines pro- vocative, dramra. and -sweeping love story ini sucb a mùood tbat theaudi- ence gladly. accept its semi-religious, atmiosphere. The stoy -concerns Robert Taylor,' a rich boy *ho. bas neyer bothered himnself about-the serious side of life until he meets Irene Dunnie, .thé Young widow of a pïhysician, wbose life wvas, lost in the sane accident ini which bis own bad been saved. An an. attempt to woo the Young widow, Bob drives ber to the country where they meet- witb an accident in wbich she is blinded. Bol) determines to aid ber by devoting bis life to surgerv. Edward F.verett Horton fans w-ill rejoice on Sunday and Monday, for their favorite cornes to the Wilrnette theater in the Twent;eth Century Fox. film. "Vour Uncle Dudley". Movie c ritics declare it to he bis., best and fünniest. lt2 conc eriis a ciwîc-rninded cbap who is so busy, doing tbings for bis bomne town tbat bis own sbop goes to rack andd min uintil the wormi turns just in tirne. Adapted from the best seller, «TWo ,l'(1lckCouraze","Two n iithé tions, a repetitioin of nîs poput screenistory : "The Magic of Mexic( STRIKE ME PINK Eddie Cantor's latest film, "Stri Me Pink," recently released, ist sýtOry of a timid tailor who becoix a titan. It's adapted fnom the stu "Dreamnland," by Clarence Budingt, Kelland, wbich ran seriaily in il Saturday F.vening Post. ilar V15IUiced sacrfII'Vice f awiIC s IiBonorter Abel, an annesia victi m, -finds o"for lier husband's sucecess. himself invoived in a miurder withot knowing wbho lie is. Margot Grabanie Studets Se Up eips bini solve it.. -ike N. U. tdnsStU "Captain Blood", adapted fromn the the Student Lyceum Bureau Sabatini novel Will corne to ýthe Wil- 'es Taking tbeir cue from tbe old time ;Mette theater onr Thursdav, Friday,. OrY Chautauquaciuts Northwesternl and Saturday of next week and will ton uiversty le followed by "Spiendor". to nvriystudents hiave organized a _________________ the "Student Lyceui" whicb furnishies programis for clubs and rganizations. campus, we decided to organize the --Many students are earning ail or part LYceumi to give students an outiet 4of their Wav througb scbool as a re- for their entertainnient abilities, and Phone BDEM ERICKSON Wilm.tt. 4092 rrgate 35 MARCH 26 -JoatmoCria let.s gmtPlaY lentm LE Phois ' COL-* 1 j

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