Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 61

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the Illinois consitution. TJhe purpose of the congress is to afford legisiative chairmeri of local Parent-Teacher as- sociations an opportunity for class training ini legisiative matters. Mrs. John. R. Smith, chairman of the legis- lative comnmitteé of the Glencoe asso- ciation, has subrnitted the following brief ,outline. of the questions pre- sented and considered: Q.Why la the Illinois, Congresof Parents -and, Teachers interested Iin chanÉilag,,the Constitution of Illinois? A. Our main reason la,. tiat, It does not. provide enough revenue to support our public achools. Qà. What are some ofý the reasons why the Constitution needs .changing? There are three principal reasons: 1. The Revenue ayticie IX fails to bring In enough môney for running the goverxpnent, 2.* Too mnany matters are regulated by the Constitution; it. goes into too miuch detail,; 13. Too difficuit to amnend. Q1. Now, we wiIl consider, the firsc reason, the revenue clause. 'On what are our ~taxces ziow based? A. Ini the main on real estate and personal property, the latter really doesntcount. Q.- How does Illinois .rank. in wealth! in thé tnited tates?' A., Illinois ranks as the third richest state In the'union and yet la about 43rd inthe, amount she gives to achools. Q. Why t4ien van it flot collect enoughi in taxes to support its schools? A. The burden la on real estate and the constitution doca flot allow inconie or other forma of wealth to be taxed. Thtis fails principaliy on the amaîl home owner, there la rnuch evasion by the *large property owiiers. Q. Wiiat has- been thie result of the *breakdiownof our taxlng iaws? A. The resuzJt bas, been (1) the slash- lng of the school systems, ('2) running on borrowed money, with a piling up of indebtedness and (3) the passing of an emergency 3% sales tax to provide rnoney for running the goverrnent. Q.For almost '70 years our Constitu- tion has regulated the government, with pactically no change being made, yet ~the state Itself has changedfundamnent- ally.. It formerly was an agricul turai state, it isnow chiefiy Industrial, the growth of rallroads blard roads, the development of eiectricity, telephone and radio has. marked a greater change in a shorter time than has ever beforei taken place. It ls not the' principies of government we sare outgrfwinz. but 1in OnlY ONE. ARTICLE ms at a session and th~eE It niay onlY ho proposed Q. WbY not arnend by calling a Con- etitutional Convention? A. That, too, la very diffthcult. It takes a two-thirds vote in each bouse te cali a convention, then that la subrnItted te the People and muât ho catried. by a maJority ef ail votes* cast ifa.,a general election. If carrled and a Congvention cailed,* then there must be 'a speciai týietion to approve, or reject the1new constitÙtion as drawn up. This 'aiso requires a niajority vote.. GO TO HONOLULU Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wigglesworth of 125..Woodstôck,,aven ue,ýKenil- worth, returned on Friday from a most interesting and pleasant trip tc Honolulu. They -came born'e by way of Seattle, where, Mr. Wigglesworth stopped on business. Fro.m., there they went down, to L.os Angeles- took a car. and inade several trips into the Great Desert. Paul Venek-lasen, son of the Rev. James T. Venekiasenl and Mrs.. Venekiasen, 721 Ninth street, bas re- cent1v been el1ected to Trau Beta, honorarv societ'y of the ,Engineering school at Northwestern> university. Paul, who is a, junior and specializi.ng in areoatis has also been on the list of hopor students,for the past semester., Mr. ~ H.-L Mrs. Lamiprev remained another week to visit friends and relatives ini New Rochelle and Tarrytotvn. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lamprev forinerly lived ini New Rochelle. M)Iiss Jean I.awrence,ý who is at the School of Architiectureý at the Uni- versity of Illinois, is corning up A-'pril 8, to spend ber vacation iitb her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L.aw- rence, 726 Greenleaf avenue. Bernie Photo George IEndficld PaieJr., 435, Sheridan: road. -Winaetka, a. fresh- onan g thelicUniversity ofWiscoisin, achicved à etiraigl!t'"A" average in hîs. -studies Iast -eretr ATTRACTIVE FLOOR COVERING Up te the Minute 0 CARPETS *RLJGS lb LINOLEUM THE CHATEAU eutan Ave., Evaustou Constrtictin Departernt Construction Mdernizati@n, Itepairs Architectural, Service. Financing QuI0%Tys o1< 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago. Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave., Eianston Uniiversity. 2600 'Be Prepared.. Success in, gardening. de-. peiids t11)01 theselection of proper seeds and f ertilizers. Five Pernalawn Fo.dsa for lawns, flo-wers and trees. Wc will help ypu choose the anialysîs a d a pfte d ido y-otr specific soit conditions. Permalawn Seeds for shady and sunny -locations. Spe- cial blends-if desired., Selecëted Flo.wer Seé.es oùf novelties and.ali-Ainerican wvînners. Manyo choose f rorn. Bidg e and Wiimette Avenues Phone Wiliuette e081 RALPH W. FAUPEL ÉeIptricaI Contractor 719 1tlh Street Wilnntt. 52M 'k j INCO 7 S Dearbor, St.. Chicago Phonme Central 8814

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