Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 57

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- -- - - - - - - - -*0IL 8ltru that these figures rnay tell the num- ber of visits made by the nurse, but behind tbem and the reason for theni is the happiness or tragedy of human lives. Situations arise where understand- ing and kindness are- needed almost as much as actual nursing caee..There are times when'one feels inadequate to meet the human. demànds of the people, althotigh the medical treat-, ment may be the best and niay 6.11 the physical needs of the patient. HOW ma Day la Sp.nt An response to a number of queries as to hôw a day is actually spent by our. Health' Center nurse, the fol- lowing. activities of a. specific day are given: Tpon arriving.at the. Health Cen-, ter,, she found a number of cails upon the memo pad to be, taken care 'of.. The first wasý from a- mother whose baby was iii and the husband making a very s mall salary. A hom e cal! was mnade to determine the nature of the baby's îliness. The next was from a patient who had diah)etes, arthritis and a heart condlitionl. She needed. medicine,. so the nurse drove to the hospital toý get thé, medicine, and at the hospital picked up a patient who ha 'i had a tonsillectomy and brought her hoine. Must Dispense CIeer The next cal! was a visit to a chronic patient. These visits are eager!y looked iorward to as a break in the nionotony of being ill. Realiz-, ingho easily such a patient is de- pressed and what littie there is~ to brighten the endless procession of hours in bed,. the nurse mfust. nô matter how: she-feels herseif, be réady Sers. Sehool Plans Marbie TournamentI A inarbie tournarnent will be :SUI)- "Stitutied for the' regular gynuniasin 1ni work, Mie, day Anext week, weather permlittiîug,. at Joseph Seýars schlool, Keiiil%'orthi, Robert Townley. direc- tor of athletics, reported this iveek. The tourney wiIl bc open to aIl boys of thé SChool1. MOVE TO WILMETTE r - 1 X n 1) ril Dt'. i . 'A - as rnany ~as twenty people who corne tini for belp.,The telephone calls corn- i ing into the Health Center average 1from 20 to 50 a day. Some of the questions an'd replies are here given:, * Questions and Answers Q.We need cod liver ù11 for the biby anýd Cannot' afford to buy It. What are we to do?' Ans. The, Health center gives cod liver oit to those. unable to buy It. Q. How can 1 get a baby for adop- tion? Ans. Caîl your.famlly doctor.orvisit an orphanage. Q. My chlld has. been playlng truant from eschool. Wihat shall 1 do? Ans. Call the, probation officer. Q. May ýI send mny ehild: over to see you?,She. Is broken out la. a rash. Ans. I wIll corne to the homne and see hbr. Q.* When should i start feeding niy baby vogetables? Ans. Referred to the falnily physiclan. Q. Where can I get glasses for rny child? My husband la'uneniployed. Ans. Referred to the Evanston clinlec for. eye examination. If necessary the Ulealth Center wlll take care of glasses. Q. My mald Is Il]. Can you recornmend a doctor? Ans. We can recommend ail of Our doctors ln Wiltnette, but It Itaa; matter of the qlestioner's owvn eholce.' Q.Who ls our Village Fresident? Ans. Harry C. Kinne. Q. Where can I get Johnnie's teeth,. fxed? We are on relief. Ans. The Logan-Howard P. T. A. and St. JTosph's echool have dental elines on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if the chlld jg flot ln sehool, there are Health Center dental cl1n1cs on Wednesdays. Q. A neighbor reports a famlly that is out ofcoeal and whose water is turned off. Ans. Referred to the Illinols Emer- gency Relief. Q. Where can I get soine housework to do by the day? Ans. Cail Wilmette 2550, the Wilnette WNelfare board office. Q. W1here cati I get a second-hand Stove? Ants. Try the Economy Shop or the Thrift Shop on Fourth street. Q. Where cnI get a cbild to board? *Ans. The Illinois Legal Aid. society. FEBRUAR Y BRIDEJI are ]ir In contrast to the number'of clubs which have been taken over by the financial institutions through fore- closure, and whicb are flow operating on1 a, semi-private basis, Brierhill has continued to ýbe a private club .ini wbich the mnembers, through.'their. greens conirittee, dictate- the care of-the fairways a nd greens, he point- ed. out. The qualifying round of the Na-. tional Open in the Chicago district was played at Brierbill in 1930. A. W. Bergman, 714 'Roger avenue, Kenul- worth, is secretary of the club, and E. F. Boyle, 11»9 Cherry-street, Win- net ka, is chair.man of the finance committee. SAILS. FOR BERMUDA Miss Catherine Hepburn, daughter of Mrs. Helen .C. Hepburn, 417 Cum- nor road, Kenilworth, is not .return- ing homte from Vassar for lier spri vacation, but instead is making a cruise to Bermuda with a group of college girls. Theysailed from New York, Saturday, to be gone a week or ten days. Howard L. Fogg, Jr., arived last Saturday from Dartmouth to spend lhis spring vacation with bis family the Howard L. Foggs of 713 Green- Wood avenue. p I. W. Cleoa,, SCore FURS FaUy4..w~e~ 115S2 Central Ave.. WiU. 320-360 OvYer -One Hundred and FiftyMembers As this announcement one hundred and fifty is going to press, over in F'lorida. He is president ofthtre American League of Professional Basebaîl Clubs. Miss Florence Sellery, 908 Ashland avenue, arrived home Saturday for bier spring, vacation f rom. ber studies at the UniversityI of Colorado at Boulder,, Mlrs. Hlarold Schaefgen i: the J orn> r Gertruide Goelz,.'daugIhtcr of Mrl;. and Mlrs. Edgar L. GoeIz of 1733 Highland avenue. Her a- riage to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefgein of 1935 Bi rch- wopd avenue, took place Pebruary 22 at St. Joseph's church. Wilmette GlfClub NaIlfwbýy 1 w..WiIm.t.and GI*mview on Uok. Avemme

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