Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 56

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triose offces, uniess tey suppcort Kelly-Nash candidates, and yourself for Township Committeeman? Sth. Is it flot truc that you called a meeting at your home on March 3, 1936, of county einployees, resident in New Trier township, who were order- cdby a, representative of the Kelly- Nash organizationi, with, your . ap- proval, that tbey must support the entire Kclly-Nash slate, including your-seIfP 6th. Have you been authorized, by those persons., who se naies you quote in the public pressi to use their names in furtherance of your, candidacyP 7tb. And have you adviSedalyour sponso rs that your candidacy bas the backing of the Kelly-Nash, machine? Peter Roemer, 128- Sixteenth street, Wilmettc, 111. FOR CLARK E. NO0LAN Editor. WnuMrn L'm: An indenpcndent group of Demo- cratic and Republican voters of New Trier Township bas been organized for the purpose of supporting. the candidacy of Clark E. Nolan for Democratic Township committeeman. This organization is purely volun- tary and not one of its members is connccted in any way with any poli- tical organization with headquarters in Chicago or any other part of the state. This organization of taxpayers and free f romn the domination of any po- litical machine. No other -candidate cari truthfully say that be is not afiliated with, and supported by, a. minority political machine. Obviously, it must, be con- cluded that the support. of cither of these mach*Ines or any other political machine subjugates such candidate to *the dictates of the 'machine giving, such support. The support referred 1again urge that you do your part in tkeeping our community from the con- ftrol of any organized minority po- litical machine and its parasites. 1 We suggest for your consideration 1that Clark E. Nolan is eminently iqualified- for his office: a lawyer* by profession and a prominent and successful'business mani. George Scherzer, Wilmette, President. Leie Schaefehen, Winnetka. William Rengel, Wilmette. Thomas J. Reidy, G len coe. William P. Jenks,' Glencoe.. Dean R.. Matson, Winnetka. CHARGES FALSE STATEMENT Editor, WILMEre ~LTFE: In a recent issule was letter fromn .Mr. Paul C.. Lang, regarding, thet coming election of. Township Com- mitteeman. As -a tember .of the board of the Women's Republican Club of, Winnetka. and. one of the founders of the organization, TJ wouldt _e to, say just a word concerning his statement that "it is adm[tted 1.vc its leaders, that the 'Womnen's Repub-t lican Club) of Wininetka, whichi op-r poses the cancidacy of. Mr. Eowler.,i supported the Snell candidate for-1 Committeeman in 1934" (Ha1-rold'ý Snellt was the leader of this group). That statement is quite true, andd the reasonî the club gave themi its support was because its members., asn well as a large majority of the voters of Winnetka (8 out of 10 precincts.),n as well as mnany of the public soirited P itteemen ~ IIwere putirng .ut.>roU 8eUI New Trier townshp free from ma- chine politics. Tt is also truc that ini 1928, before. Mr. Ickes had any connection with the Demnocratic party, be was one of alarge group who wer e instrumental in persuading these precinct commit-- teernen to ruti, in an effort toi de- feat the Crowe-Tbompson machine, and to rid this district of the political domination of Peter Hoffman, the then County Central Committeemnan and Sheriff of Cook Country, a ma- .FOR DEMOCRATIC VOTERS, Editor, WILmETTIe Ln'E: As one who was invited and at- tended the first meeting of the .New Trier Democratic Men's club on Jan- u.ary 30, 1936, at Community House, Winnetka, Illinois- -I wish. to clarify a possible state of confusion,. that noôw,.exists.in the mninds Qf Demo- ;cratic voters. There were present at,.that meet- ing, only two (2), Precinct, Commit- te-emen. and fifteen (15) other resi- dents.of New Trier township. The mee ting was in charge of Mr. James L. Houghteling, who waseece president of, the organization,. and wbo announced. to those. preit that Mayor Kelly 'of Chicago, being a personal, friend of bis, Mr. Hough- teling; desired new leadership in New Trier township,. and the election, if possible,. of a: plersoný ot-her than Thomas J. Lynch. The reason for the .opposition to the re-election of Mr. Lynch, was nianifest at that meeting,, and was due to his independence on the Coun- ty Central' committee, and his an- nouncement previoris to this incet-1 ing. that he would not support Nash- K_ýelly candidates, during the coming primary campaigri, but would an- noulice as an independent candi- date for Comimitteeman and support1 Governor Henry Horrier, for re- nom ination. From remnarks of those prescrit, the1 main opposition to Mr. L ch, was presented 'by Walter A. Rooney. bi e m i m eS ~ ~ V r 111.t4iiy sid, 4am i Alexander (Sandy) Clifford, wbom, I Mr. 13Lynch also defeated for Tow n- ship) Commnitteemn an. The. balance of- the meeting .Was devoted to th;- discussion, oàf arrange- mients for the campaigri of Ralph M. Sny dei r, whom Mr.: Houightelingk an -1 nounced. as the, candidate 6f the new organizationi, and it was theré elccted. that support for Mr. Snycler would be fortbcoming from the Kelly-Nashj organization, and that Mr. Lynch hiad refiiser that suiinnnrt. or . sincere in its desire to sec this accomplished than the Wf)men's Re- publican. Club. of Winnetka, and 1 would like to supplement Mr. Lang's account witb some. added informa-, tion. wl'ich 1 feel that every voter in the township should have. The two Meetings held onDecemý-. ber l8th ýand Januiary l5th,' to which *Mr. Lang ref-erred, were held at the home 'of. the President of the Wom- e.n's, Republican Club. of Winnetka, and its president and members of the board had many conferences, aside from these meetings, with individual memhers of botb factions in an, effort to bring this about. It was of ýcourse obvious .f rom. the first, with. the bitter. feeling on l)oth sides, that there could be no ýharmoiv- candida te", who was a member of either group. With the h.elp and ýadvice Of some of the out- standing citizens of Wilmette, a Wil- mette' mani (fot Mr. Fowler) was' selected -whom we1 hoped would be acceptable to, both factions, a man whom it wàs pointed out had1 no previous'connection with éither group and could intelligently' and ably rep- resent the citizens of New Trier township. After.considerable delib- eration, the group' of independent precinct committéeemen, wbo -have op-. posed ,Mr. Fowler, the leader of oône, of the factions. off ered to support this "harmony candidate"' for, "the good of. the cause," but >Mr. 'Fowler refused to withdraw. Then it-was. that independent committeemnen sîg- nified their intention, of putting up a candidate . from among their own In the meantime a group of rep- resentative Republicans, impatient of the delay, and fearing that nothing *was being donc, decided to put up a~ candidate of tbeir own, and so . it wvas, witbout any previous knowledge wbatsoever, on the -part of the pre-: ciict. committeetnen, that the..candi- dacy oIf le rA .. Gardner, 'was an- nouniced. it was apparent. fromh the frst that Mr. Gardner, would receiv e the' enthisiasqtic support of ail bhis friends, ýas well as ýeveryone who knew of his fine work as persident of: the Chicago Bar association, ai-.d of his outstanding qualification for this 'Office. for pcrmancncy and. nas aken ------- ----------..-. - t. iane Th Ne TierDeo-cepted positions under the Demo- REPLIES TO MR. LANG sLae "Th w Tris e-cratic administrationi, are now dis- Ecitor, WILMEm zLipz: Leage" hichat his imequalified to take part in Republican In your issue of Mardi 19, among ipenbeshi ofthre hhdrd.party activities, and we would' re- the letters in the Public Forum, was have confidence in the good sent, as wcll as any good Repubican, one from Mr. Paul C. Lang of Wil- îàtM of the -people of New any atempt of Mr. Ickes to influence mette, telli ng of the efforts of cer- apd we trust they will not be in *any way the management ýof Re- tain Republican gro 1ps in, New Trier Miss Dorothy %Reinwal d, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reinwald of 1630 Elmwood avenue, celebrated ber twentieth birthday Sunday, March 22,.' at lier home, withý a dinner for i- teen friends.

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