Spring ls the grandest time ýof théeyear- for. children'- they're fairly bub- bling over withý pep stored up during the ogwne.Lt0hmgetsrn in the -proper manner -bicycles, and the, whirr of roller skates, bright new togs -to suit the: season ... that's. the wyohave REAL fun! f/ii 85< These Stmrdy Skates cou bâTake ufe1 FIELDIS DELUXEs $1.75 0 Flexible rubber cushioned shock ab- sorbers 9 Copper finish with green lacquer 0 Deluxe, 3-cushion chassis * Wheels constructed for high speed, het- ter balance and easystcring 0 The leather straps have sheepskin pads Heavy riveted wheel construction ýWide clamp adjustment Rolier buckie on leather strap Fast ball-bearing. wheeIs enameled steel frame-large balloon tires- chromium plated truss forks-New Departure coaster brake-just show us a boy or girl who wouldn't be proud of this bike, $26.50.1 'SECOND FLOOR - EVANSTON STORIE (Left) A lovely wool jer- sey sports dress couies in dainty pastels, - peach,4- makze g4d periwinkle.. 12 "o 16, *L7S> MARCH 26, 1936. 1/ e M -N