These Spring Accessories Are Proud o, Own Importance ln The Sprlng Foshion Top Here's one with.i inverted tucks and. the initial strap set diagonally across one corner, $8.50 Center-The small fraine bag has a. shirred bo ttoin that adds imineas urably to its smnartn.ess, $5 BotIton-Sýtitchéd calfskin ,%ith aý mirror under the back flap is a perfect complenient to a Spring suit, $8.50 b *~ On the fourth floor of UtceiEvanston store at z5o ociç Moriday evening, Match 30. Mannequins wil model the newest fashions i Suits, Çoats, Dresses and Accessories. Music Çenter-Gabardil strips allothers,- that out- orbue, Bottom-A lovely blue kid pump piped in white is a triumph of srnartness, $15 51 MARCH 2,13