Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 3

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'wil bold a Tag Day, its first, for the purpose of providing funds to fix the teeth of bundreds of cbildren wbose parents simply cannot afford to have it done. 1n its dental clinic the Healtb: Center bas taken. care of a great manty of tbese desenvinig cases. Local dentists bave given, of their--time far beyond wbat atiy professional man should be asked to do in free service. * Now, say those in charge of the, Tag Dayr arrangements, it basý become necessary to secure f rom other- sources the money necessany to guard the teeth of these children f rom utter destruction. Naine Large Committee .Mns. -Inez -Bliss,, .residett.nurse, Mtates that details of the Tag Day events are being brougbt to comple- tion .by the committee in charge, headed by Mrs. George F.- Schenzer, 2135 Thor-nwood -avenue. ýHer cap- *tains. selected to cover every vant- age point in the village. are as fol- l ows: Mrs. H. A. Storms. 251 WVood court; Mrs. P. M. Davis, 920 Fifteentb street: Mrs. J. D. Kinnear. 2241 Chestnut avenue: Mrs. R. J. Joyce, 423 Tenth street: Mrs. Frank Dowd, 1502 Walnut street; MNrs. George Steiner, 2121 Lake avenue;, Mii. M. A. Schwall,, 1119 Central avenue; Mns. Anna C. Magnuson, 1515 WVash- ington avenue, Mrs. John J. Fisher, 1618 Wilniette avenue, MNfs. Carl Petenson. 144 Maple avenue: Mrs. Normnan Deno. 90.5 Greenleaf avenue; Mrs. Cark E. Nolan. 112 Seventeentb street: 'Mns. 'George Boughton, 722 Greenleaf avenue; Miss Isabelle Bezzio. 1024 Greenleaf avenue and Miss Elizabeth Hoffman. 1922 Wif- mette avenue, ail of Wilmiette, and, .Mrs. W. R. Wilson, 315 Fssex road, Kenilwortb. Establieli H.adquerteri Central headquanrters for captains, -and ,tokefq wil be established in the office of the Wilmette Home Owners association. 1155 Wiîmette avenue. The telephone is Wilmette Ito be guests ofL Iloyd Ilollister Ii bring their children, as it is felt a t be particulàrly enjoyable to them. Name Candidates for- SckooI Board by Caucs s Grou>, Saturday, Apnil il, bas, been an- n ounced by. tbe Wilmette Board of Education asý the date for holding tbe annuat, scbhool election. The. polling place will be the Stolp. scbool gymn- nasium. The polis will be open fromn 12 o'clock noon until 7. o'clock. A presidenft, and two. members of the board are to be elected. As pet established custom, a caucus composed of tbnee delegates-eacb f romn the. Womani'sý Club of Wilmette, the Central-Laurel, Logan-How .and and Highcrest Parejit-Teacher asso- ciations,, the Northridge Woman's club, the Northwest Méin's club, and the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce was convened and made the f ollow- ing nominations. Petitions have been circulated bearing the Ilames: For Presidenit-Hetiry E. Cutler. 407 Central avenue, to succeed him- self, For members of the board-Charles M. Btulingame, 812 Greenleaf ave- nue, to succeed himseif, and Mrs. E. C. Hildreth, 2006 Beechwood ave- nue, to succeed Mrs. Eunice H-en4en- son, 2710 Blackhawk 'road, wbose term expires. The president is elected for one year, and tbe other board members to tenms of tbnee years eacb. OfficiaIs -of the -board are urg- ing _al others to exerctise their* franchise rightin this election as an evidence of their intenest. in the schools. The impartial mannen in whicb candidates are s elected should, it is said, be an. incentive ' to good, citirens to voice their approval of a Six Churches Unite mn Lenten Services While a fairly -large group- of wor- shippers attended the first df a séries of union Lenten meetings, last- Sun- day> evening at. the First Congrega- tional, church, àa largerrturnout Was anticipated .for .the lh4er' services which are scheduled. for 'tbe remnain- ing Sundays in Lent. The next service Will be held at the Wilmiette Baptist churcb, Wilmette and Forest avenues, and ýwiIl begin at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Hubert: Carleton, rector o >f St. ,Angpstine's Episcopal, church, will be the preatcr. .Cooperating in these 'services, be- sides the churches-narned above, are the First Presbyterian, the Wilmette Parish Methodist, and the English Lutheran chrurches. Show Motion Pictures of Biblical StorieS Talking motion pictures of the early -stories ini the Bible are being shown as part of the Lenten p1r ogram of the church in St. Augustine's Parisb House, 1140 Wilmette avenue. The pictures are shown on Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock and in the evening at 7:30 o'dlock., Last Friday, the Creation was sbown, followed by stories of Adamn and Evre, Cain and Abel, and Noab and the Flood. Totuorrow the stories will begin with Abraham, the father of the Hebrew race. On Maundy, Thursday, in Holy Week, instéad of on Good Frida y, kthere.will be shown thé "«Lue of Our -Lord," taken-from the Passion plaY. 1Thé showings are. openf to tbe public and last for about one hou.r. eratea in the struggle fon supremacy in the April 14-.priiuaries çoMienses beforýe it reàches the confine&. f Mw Trier township, and ahnoiStcompýbuly disappears. - Evidence A repidtter called. two leadiug-' candidates" for Township Comümitteeman Tuesday night, and fi&ndthat one of theM hàd gone 'to ýa neighbornig tow~n to play. bridge,, an& the otheir. had been, away f rom borne- for several. days at- tending 'strictlY to bis private busi- ness. FatosWoik QuuIeI But even at that considerable in- terest:is being shown in the local, contest, the Township Cornmittee- mnan being he firàt une of contact between the citizen and bis gove rar- ment. That interest has not, however, attained the fury of a Florida huirri- cane,,and probably will not. The op- posing forces in both parties are going quietly about the work of lin- ing up support, and seem bent. upop following that policy to the end. Commanding attention is the valiant figbt being made locally in the inter- est of Governor Horner for renom- ination. Rebelling against the Chicago and Cook county machine, Thomas J. Lynch, candidate on the.democratic side for Township Conimitteeman, bas tbrown the full strength of bis support tû Horner, and indications are' that a large vote wiil be cast for the governor. Horner, bos, Stv.ng Henry Fowler, republican candidate for Township Copupitteeman, return- ing yesterday f rom a trip of several days downstate, reports that Gover- (Continued on page 9) R. M. Nichols Speake for the Townsend Club The regular weekly meeting of Tonsemnd Club No. 1 of Wilmette The Wilmette Health department Of. reports the following communicable Do not forget us, please! disease cases for the week ending -Mrs. A. L. Ginnell, chairmali. March 21: Chickenpox, 2; mumps, NteEcoY hpicoutd Il; loban pneumonia, 1; soarlet fever,bNothe: WoniflShCubop Wis meted 4.~b the___________ Club__Of_________ pox wl urban 1 à

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