for Gamma Phi Beta Benefit Progr-am Patronesses for the. unuisual prograni prepared -by. Hope Summiers to be given. Wednes- day af ternoon, April 1,' at the E~vanston' Womnan's club un der auspices of the Chicago .\Ium- n ae chapt erof'GammialiiIea aranounced-as',being.: <.Mrs. E. S. Albritton, Mrs. Eènest Barbour MNis. H. S. French, Mrs. Barry Gilbert, Mrs. Ralph ieilmait and Mrs..Edgar HRutchins.of' Evans- tnMrs. Oscar' Hebel and Mfrs. Hayes McKinney of Wilmette, Mrs. Duane Peterson and Mrs. William-Winton of VWinnetka,. Mrs. Harry Retiferil of Highland Park and Mrs. Raymond, Redixeffer of Chicago. *Taking advantage of the occasion as propitious for entertaining. several alumnae of the sorority are giviuig luncheons. 'preceding the programn. Amorig the bostesses will be Mrs.' MceKinniey;, Mrs. Purcell Smith anxd Mrs. Charles E. Swaiii of Glencoe. Mrs. E. G.' Alleu of Winuietka, and Mrs. David T. Sanders and Mrs. Toi Leeming of Highland. Park. Acting as ushers will be a group oi inembers of the active chapter of Gamma Phi Beta, Grace Bradein, Miss Summers. recently returned froni a tour of New York's, theatrical center, will tell informaI stories about, the stars she interviewved 'during re- hearsals and will read the nmost dra-, matic scenesý froni several of the playvs she saw. Proceeds, from the aff air wil 1we 'used 'for thesorority's philatitliroiîc wo rk, sucb as funds for scholarships and maintenance of tbree camps for underprivileged cbildren. The nxa- *Itinal#t'icrs offl, iniia Phi 'Reta SunIboam Leagiue Benefif Readc~ Poems Before. .l'!iss. Dorotlv (aill. whosi, hone is int l'idînette, is a inemgdr <Of thte arts. and iittrests coitîniitte 11 thte liaso Jusitor, leagtie wwhh is lia? ut, ti aniitiali ris anîd inter- <sts' .rhibit aiid lfrafor m'a' nulit- bers, 1pril 14. Junior' Friencis the North Shore Friends. Chicago .1uniior scbool, will be helti at th'- home of Mr., and Mrs. Porter Fox. 026 Warwick avenuie, Kenilwortb, on Friday. March 27, at 8:15 o'clock.'.1 Mrs., Fox will be assisted by the fol- lowiig hostesses, Mrs.ý Clarence Le-ý land,. Mrs, Boardmnap Bluford, Mrs. PrestonBurlinghami, Mrs. Campbell Collins,'Mrs. Benjamin Lau, and iMrs. E. Sawyer Sinith. The feature of the meeting is to be an aerial motion pic-' ture flight of -Lindberghx Trail.» The Sunbeami league will hold its atinual card' party and tea at the Stevens.,hotel on 'the Tuesday foll.ow- ing Easlter, April 14, at 1:30 o'clock. There wýill be morethan 350 prizes,. one for each table. Mrs.'. Paul D., Kendall, the p rize chairmfan, reports. that she bas received xnany donations, including, a draped. dressing. table, a chest of> silveir,,service- plates. glass-, ware, a billiard table, chairs, lamips, a fitted suitcas'e, and.costumie acces- sories.' Mrs. James J.,McKennia is the presi- dent and. Mrs. James ]P. Bowers. Ir.. social chairmfan. North shore memn-. bers. working' on the various. coin- mittees are - Mrs. Philip Newman.- Mrs. Edward L..Lange. Mrs. lrwvin L. Porter. Mrs.: A. C. Buelier, Mrs., 'W. M. Goodrich, Mrs:- Clyde: S. Blair '.frs. F. W. Uhiemiann. Mrs. John J. Birossard, Mrs. C. E. E-ricsson. and, NIrs. Robert Sa'ffor'd. 'ihe Sunhbeani league -Ives two functioîs' a year. a card, party ini the spring and a Bal li the fal, t10 raise funds to support sixc 'indergar- tens and a nursery school for sick ald crippled childreti. There are two at the Cook County liospital. one at the Homne for Con- valescent WVomen and Children' onc at .the Cbildren's 'Memnorial hospital, onxe at the Martha Washington Home, one at the. Home for Destitute. Crip- pied Children and a nîursery at the SSpa.tlding school.' Generol Choirmon Wisconsin Alumnae The Uiilversity of Wisconsin Alumnae club of Chcg ill have the pleasùre of- hearing Mrs. R. D. WalIker, ,of, 504 Mea- dow lane, Indian Hill, talk and, read from lier, poems -its. luncheon meeting on April 4., at 12 :45 o'clock in Mandels tea roonm. Mrs. O. E. Burns, pýresi- dent, of 7121 North Paulina street, wiIl preside. Mrs. Walker is onie ofthose per- Sons8. ývho grow up in comiplete accord *ith nature. The urbaiiî setting in wvhich she ilow finds herseif is not rher only absorbiiig interest. She -be- longs" to the river coutitrv' of Wis- consinî where -she grew u"p-as Emm.tlna Glenn, the dauighter ôf 'Senator Rob- ert Glenn. Her own love- of nature was no doubt 1incëre.ased by, her father's ap- pr-ecia .tion of it. She of ten heard hlm speak. about the. beauty of the tri- angular piece of land which ffarked the conifluence of the Wisconsin.and the Mississippi, rivers. He had in- heèrited a good' portion o .f thi s land and gradually acquired the remainder. She celebrated with him' the mnaking of this triangle into a state park, just before bis death in 1915. Tbis early love of nature, fostered by lier 'life on top of a Mississippi bluff lu ia, country dedicated .to birches, Wild .geese, -and, stirring h)eauy, has, not weakened but strength- enied :a's ber most recent' book, of verse shows, "Poems of Wyalusitng," publishied by Dorrance, -coinpa.ny in 19.35. On, every page* there is aàXWis- consin scetie or a bit of, pbilosopby cimaniating'f roux this-picturesque rug-, gred area whýlere she was reared. \Vvlusngis no poetic word.; it is tebirthplace of Mrs. Walker, a littie a year at of the vari Miss' Betty Marshall entertaineti ber Tuesday evening club at bher home 1040 Elmwoodý avenue, Wilmnette, this week, dav. April 3, at the cliapter. fouse iii Evanston, with luncheon at 12 o'clock, sharp. Reservations may be made throtigbi Mrs. George D. Colburii of Evanston, corresponding secretary, or, Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann of 811 Park avenue, MWimette. Roger Barre 'tt, tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R Barrett, 623 Abbots- ,ford roadi, Kenilwortb, is expecteti home this week-end .frorn Princeton; for,'the' Easter oias She is descended 'f rom pioneer stock hersef-bier grandfather Glenn was born lu Philadeiphia and ber mother be- longed to the 'Kentucky Johnsons, distinguished for their role in colonial history. Hostesses for this meeting will be Miss .Ethelyn SelI and Miss Hope Cobb.