Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 48

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Garden Club and W<>man' Club t. Hold Joint Seuso,, Plan Qutstanding Progrom Early in the spring- of each year two organizations'.interest- ed in civc and beautifying in-, fluence in Wilmette as well as, in the cultural growth. of' the vil- lage and, its residents, join' to-, gtethet for.a day'ýs meeting. The. Wilmette Gardený club and the Woman's. Club, of. Wilmette will sponsora, program Wednesday, April 1, at the Woman's clulb, the.Garden club supplying the morning program, the, Woman 's club the, afternoon's. A wel known naturalist, -an expert in gardenis, and Lorado Taft, noté'd scuiptor -will give the lectures. Orpheus Moyer Schantz, nauralist and scientist, who bas spent many seasons ini the Smôky Mountain Na- tional park, where he conducts classesý in nature, wil give a talk on "Birds," at 10:45 o'clock in the morning. He knows every noolç and cranny of the famous park where be has given over many hours to study of birds ini their natural haunts. George S. MeIntyre, well knowni to Wilmette garden enthuiasts, will give a talk on "The Care of the Lawfi," duaiag the' noon bour. After Iuncheon, which garden club rnembers may attend if they make rçservations through gardeîi club channels, Lorado Taft will discuss "Sculpture and Its. Relation to Nature." Garden club memibers will be guests of the Woman's 'club. for the after- n oon. As an, added attraction and jsUt preceding Mr. Taft's lecture, Mrs.,George N. Lamb bas been asked* to read a group of poems. Lorado Taft is considered the Lorado Tlit eminent scuiPtore so well known for .his twrk and lec- titres as to nfeed noitroduction to the.iorthshore, teill bc the speaker ut the afteroiton mweeting 61 the Womia;i's Club of Wilmette April 1, wiwî4 i a:,ils allda~y session with! t/he 1Wilnette Gardeii cf b. Frank C. Isel to TaIk et Catholic -Club on Cardens Frank G. Issd, representative of a well known nursery, will give the program at the next meeting of the ,Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette, Friday afternoon of this week. Mt. lsel bas announced that bis subject will be "Spring and Sumnier Gar- dens," a topic of interest to ail subur- ban horne owners who are now turn-, ing their attention to the planning of -borders and flower beds for the conling spring, and summer. Preceding the business meeting and program Mrs. Mlaurice H. tLieber will give another talk in her series (À The Park Ridge School for Girls will. beneifit by the phiianthropy sew- ing day at the Woman's Club of Minmette Friday, April 3, to which aIl women of, the village are invited. Assembling in the morning about 10 o'clock Workers sew or work on quilts> until luncheon is- served at 1:0o'clock. For this period of. rlaxation before'resuniing.,sewing and' quilting. in the afternoon, -a speakeir talks on the work of the, or- ganization she represents. For .the sewing on April 3, Mrs. Alfred Paul- son of the Park,.Ridge school and one of the girls from the scbool, wil be present to give a short pi ogran,. The 'Park Ridge school for de- pendent, not delinquent girls, is sup- ported by federated clubs of the Chi- cago area. *Mrs. Herbert R. Mùlford is chair- man of the day, Mrs. 1Ralph S. Pot- ter is luncheon chairman. Guest Night for Juniors: -Thursday, April 2, will be guest night at the junior auxiliary of the *Wonian's Club of Wilmette. The United Fruit Steamship company is giving an atm-chair cruise, "The Lure of the Tropics,", an imaginary trip covering Cuba, jainaica, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, and South Amreica. The meeting will start ia 8 o'clock. Refreshments wilI be served biter. The Juniors "urge you to corne and .bring a guest." Bake Sale Saturday The Ladies" Aid society of St. John's Lutheran churcb wiil hold a sale of bakery goods on Saturday rnorning at Van Deusen's, 1154 Cen- tral avenue. Home-baked bread, cof- fee cake, and, sweet cake will be fea- Id... in Novel Plantlngs. New Vani- eties end Unutual Arrange- ments et Navy Fier ByElizbeth,,N.idIiager To those who wish an attrac- tive garden this summiner, the North Shore Garden center rec- ommiendsa'trnp to the Flower show at the Navy pier, ini sea r ch' of ideas for novel plantfings,. new varieties, and unusual, ar-' rangements of the vanious types of garden. By- seeing what the women of 120.garden. organiza- tions .consider -their ,highest achievements, north shore flow- er entbusiasts may better rea- lige their.am!bitions, at the same time helping to bring about a more -beautiful commiunity. Assistance in carrying out the ideas garnered at the Flower show is avail- able free of charge at the Garden center. In addition to the programs offered at 10:30 eacb Tuesday morn- ing, the center bas garden authorities stationed at its headquarters in Win- netka Community House from 10 un- tiI 5 o'clock Tuesdays, to aid those in search of information regarding any phase of gardening. SThe next of the center's programs will be a discussion of "Flower Ar- rangements," hy Mrs. .Harry A. Olin. In connection 'with ',Mrs. OIin's talk, which will be given at 10:30 Tuesday morning, Mrs. Bentley G. McCloud wilI show several flower arrange- ments. Their program has been plann.ed by the Kenilworth Garden club, whiclihas charge of the center for March. Tuesday of- this week Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly. reviewed, Da- vid Fairchild's 'book, "Exploring for Plants."' of the National Commission of Fine elsewhere in the -United States. Mrs. J. Mark Hale, 1051 Ramona road, Arts in Washington f rom 1924 to 1928. As ant autbor of note Lorado Taf t Wilmette, Monday afternoon, March ,Expositions have afforded oppor- -is aIso, known~. He is one of the 30, from 3 to 5. Hostesses for the Miss Doris Stancoe, 1015 Main, tunity for bis work. He, won a silver, most distinguished speakers to appear. afternoon will be tuembers -of the street, entertained six guests at din- Medal at the Buffalo exposition in at the Woman's club. board of Wilmette center. ner Sunday at beér home.

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