Saturday, Apr;1.4 Scenery that. was used in "Alice iin Wonderland" at the W,'rld.'s Fair will be uscsld in the production of "Alice in, Wofider-' land'! at tfhe Wopmal's. Club of Wilrnette Saturday afternoon, April 4, whenthe Betty Brown Play ers, ail Wilmette: children, give the play. t will1 be directed by Betty Brown, under the auspices of, the, children's plays > comniittee of which Mrs. H. K. Storms is chairmari. The cost umesworti by Alice, the jtueen - and the King, the Ducbess. the Executioner, the Knave of Hearts. the court lde, h uards, the Herald and the Cook-to say no0thing of the quaint garments thàt clothe the tDôrmouse, the Chieshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, and the March Hare-are ail authentic and just what loyers of "Alice ini Wonderland" expect to see. -The court ladies will be played by Suzanne Lyon, Eleanor Briggs, andi Barbara Vye. The guard ar Paul Lang and G~eorge Putnam, and ahwFncsPoù the H-erald is Hobart Gary. Thte all-W'ilrnette cast of childrei,' 8e/tv Brou,» PlaYers, voho will appear in "Alce Mte rancais Ptwo In the first act, in thelwoods, Ailce short plays, "¶The Tkrec Bears," and "The Bubble Peddler," classics brought ip fto date, at the Wilmctte Wornait's Club uueets the White Rabbit. The Cook, Saturday, Ajril 4, are pict:<red here, They are, in the center, Betty Miller, who isA.lice, and Gloria Fis/er, Barbara and the Duchess and ber Cheshire VyVe, Papita Ripley, Joan Hiess,. Jeaoi Putnan, nn Lane, Gordon Groh, Virgqbiia Ives, Dorotky Miller, Einily Glea- Cat soon appear, then the King, and so, m e.e Crowell; -Helen Alice E~vans, Hobart J. Gary, fEleanore La Bo,t Potricia tVeyl, Barbara1 Weiçhaar, -the, Queen Who wants fo behead'the Mary E~lizabeth Carpenter, Dïxie Ler P<mckboner. The play, Satu>rdoy affernoogi. at 2. s the Iizst'in the current Duchessý. T-e White 'Rabbit gets seaeoui's plays for chidren spopisoedby ht/ avs aid -means coiximittee of the WVomapi's Club of Wilmette. thue Duchess aovav in 7safetv.. for the .sre In Act'II Alice1 meets the Mad Hatter and the March Hare drinking tea at a table out under, a tree. Thev *have their elbows on another guest, the Dormouse, who sits_ betweetn them, fast asleep._ Tbey, are talking over bis heati. *The famous trial takes place.ini Act IlI-the judge is trying to learu who stole the tarts. Even the Duch- ess is accusçd, and the White Rab- E. Bean of 2200- Granville Chicago, is the next bostess forth Shore Book club Fri- ých 27. Mis. F. Ohiey Brown an of the prograpi which will political problems.. Names Commiflees for Prize Exhibils ai' Show The Keililworth Junior Garden c.tlb announces the miembers of the coin-~ mjiittees iii charge of its two ribbon winning to her readings excellen tion, are open to anyonei small fee is chargeti. theC Mrs. Grimm Again Heads Greenwich Village Nighl N.,S. ThelaAlumnae > Kenilworlth Club Feature Mrs. *WilladGnimmn wasreelecteci "A Night in Greenwich Village" is the to the presiency of the E'vanston and North Shore Alumnae associa- tion of Kappa Alpha Theta at a meet- ese is 'announced by the Chiicago CoIIege ngs1 club, for Saturday, March 28. Play eta- begins at 2 o'clock' Prizes will be 1'A awarded the Winners, and tea 'will. be served after. the gamne. titie. of thé special featuire dinnýer to be held at the Kenilworth club P evening, March 27. An TIta.. -n ~. w.aarrall, treasurer; Mrsi' R Harper, chaplain, and Mrs. M. H. Bickham, bard. Have Bill avenue,ý for the1 day, Mal is chairm deal wth