While the losses by graduation were heavy,' it is feit that i mostý instances the replacements wilI be *satisfactory. This is especially true in the baclçfield. lu fact ail of the scoringaces ini Iast year's eleven will be back this fali, with the exception of Hugh Duvall, the hard, hitting *fullback. In addition to the score- producing youngsters-Heap, Swisher,, Adelman anid compjany-the backfield wiII be augmen.ted by Vanzo, 220- pudfuIlback; J effer.son, 195-pound fullback, la great passer and kicker;, Cdarter, anotherspeedy fullback; Hin- ton, a clever back who shouild go Places aplenty this' fall; Flato, 195- pound halfback; who. should be, able, to'equal .Heap's great record of last vear. Urne la. Hard Hit. Inl the uneie is where the graduation ivill have its most tell ing effect. 'The: great, center trio of Reed, Lind and Tangora -will I)e broken, up. This center group was considered by niany coaches the bes.t ini the country Iast fail. ' While Reed %vill be back this ye-ar. the other two great players, Lind and Tangora, will be sorely miàsed. AI Lind, the outstanding arnf ail-conference center, Who was the spark plug on offense, al so acted as quarterback on defense; and it was due to his genius in handling the defense, more than any other one factor, that the Wildcats were able to stop Notre Dame and defeat them so decisively-last fail. The tackles,, Chambers and Papich, wili be sorely rnissed. Iu fact many coaches felt that Papich would have been onie of the best tackles in the co sference last year but for a Ieg injury. Wildcat System Clicks .hie. enid.positionis are stronger this year than Iast and in fact the' squad, haývilg had1 a year's- training under the fncw ,Coaches,, should get into shapeý mort. readily than it did Iast'. year.' Too much 'credit cannot be given to the. coaching staff and the members of the squad for picking up the Waldorf systeni and carrying it Ail Our $3.95 end $4,95, Easter Shoes Reduced., Gabardine wlh P.et..Tvm Gabardine wItl Paient Trim PRI(E!1 Here is the. 1936 sho. f$m- sation. A new Iow one price, *hoes than <ver before, shoes witli mort style, mort Wear, and1 finer At. Your lect cd*- serve aflood pair of skoes mnd, Feltmnan &e Curme have thesi.. CY" Maclkinnon, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon, 321 Leicester! road, I<enilworth, a sophoimore at Dartmouth, is coming home th is wee k to spend bis Easter holidays.. STREETR