thie price. of Iaw, and by observing strict economy in every department of the state. Let the governnient do *ths-the people will assuredly do the res." (From Lard Macaulay's "E ssay on, Southey's 'Colloquies on Society' published -in Edinburgh- Review Jan- uary 1830). If every Anierican business man were. as. richly endowed with in- telligence, generosity,. and a sense of social justice> as Benjamin Franklin Affleck, the governiment undoubtedlyý would. do. well to abide by the Mac- aulay precepts.' Unfortunately many of his colleagues lack. bis balance, hence the governimental theo ry of social regulatien, appears to be a neécessity. Safety Education Cu ts Oil.d Auto Reduction iii the number of school child 'traffic fatalities over a long period of years when fatalities in all other age groups were advancing sharply is striking demonstration of the power of safety education to curb accidents, *Charles M. Hayes, .presi- dent of the, Chicago' Motor club, de- clared this: week. "Silice 1922, when safetv eduication in the schiools was begun on a na- tiont-%ide scale," MIr. Hayes said, there lias been a reduction of 6 per cenît ini the nutmber of fatalities iii the schiool age group. At the sanie tilne, the high- schiool and college agýe group, fromn 15 to 24, bas shovvn aa inicrease of 193 per cent. NvhiIe the record for the middle group, compris- ing the ages fromn 25 to 64, hias been. nearly 'as bad, with an increase of 180 per cent in traffic fatalities. Thea worst record il) ail is shown for, per- ;ons over 65.,ITis group,. apparently àlw oadjust itself to a mechanîzedr age, lias shown, an increase of no Iessthan 223 -pér cent in traffic. le aths.V *'The record of school age children, 7 the onie bright spot in the traffic accident picture. is unciuestionable t Éostinaçter Herb ert L. O'Cohnell of Wilmette Iast Thursday wos electeW trea.çurer of thé, Cook County Postiasçters' association., Other oficers.elected for the enisuing yeçar are: President, C. W. Farley of La Grange; vice-president, D. P. Bergin of Chicago Heights; secretary, M. E. Sullivan of ParkRidge. Ernest J. Kreutgen of Chi- cago was elected to the board of direc-, tors. The association, organized to promote progress and improvement in.postal serv- ice and give Cook. county an influential delegation at conventions of the state and national associations, has a mnem- bership of eighty. In ohr words, P"o & Piper sel foot héalth, but you psy only for the STRIDE RITE shoos. They allow hlm fo walk nstursliy end cm v They. Save, him from' foot torture in his growing years. From our:,extraordinbry range of dizes and. widths .we can with our expert knowledg'e of the juvenile foot fit your child correctly. 'And let us repeat: The: priée you pay is just the, price of a good pair of shoos ... nothing morel C.orfaal aew $Oak& j;. 39 161 ciud- 4 poira for, 1.00 ,P0DL PIPERý> 08 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON UNI. 091 *"The Fountain of Joy" is to be the subject. on which Philip Marangella of. Chicago.will speak at the Sunday afternoon service held in Foundation hall, -Baha'i Universal House of Wor- ship, Lindený avenue and Sheridan road,' Wilmette, at 3 :30 o'clock, March 29.m Last Satiurday the Naurooz Feast, which celebrates the Baha'i New Year, was held. The feast was given f'or ail north shbore Assemblies withi aL AIRI ilutlay Ct M t a . mi~,ni plac Q the winter hours, 9 to 4:30, it is an.- Ben Matthews, Jr., 319 Essex road, nouiiced by Stephen C. Simms, di- Kenilworth, is ecpected home Satur- rector. The new schedule will con- day from Williams college,. Williams- tinue until May 1, and then the sum- 4 town, Mass., for bis spring vacation, mer schedule, 9 .a. mi. to 6 P. nm. will Hle s in his sophomore ,jear at Wil- 'go into effect, conitinuing until Labor liams. Day, September 7 Phone Enter-prise 5M0 (No Toli Climat.> 73 u