Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 16

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The. director Of music, Missi Erma Rounds, has arranged the following musical program for the morntng WOr- slipserice prle, "Largo Appas- sionata" (Op). 2. No. 2>) ethvn anthem ,"jesus, Word of G6d, Incarnate," Élgar;* solo, "Sheep and Lamnb," 'Homeër, Edward Otis, soloist ;postlude* $,marche Pontificale," Lemlmens. Thle Sunday achool wiii meet-at 9-30 The Aduit Bible clats wlill meet for study at 10 o'ciock. The Session of - he churci wili meet at1 10:80o'celock to receive new mem- bers into the ehurcli. Junior churchla i conducted during the morning service for the, uttle folks Whose parents are at churcli. 'Phe, Tuxis club, the higli achool grouP of Young people, wilIimeet at 5:-30 'ciock. A speelal speaker wili brlng a heiptul anid»Interes~tin<f message. RefreshmeiitÉ wiI le served The Union Evening Lenten service wiil b. held at the Firat Baptist churcli at 7:30 o'clock. The preacher wiii be Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's Epfiscopai churcli. Thle other pastors of cooperating churches will participate. Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wiii meet Mon- day evening. Spolié No. il o! the Womnan's :society wIii meet Tuesday with Mrs. Raymonid Smrith, 784 Reba place, Evanston, for an- ail day meeting. * The choir is prepari»g .:for a special Qood Fiday service onl the eveiiing of P riday. April 10, When they Ilil retider "The Seven Last Words From the Cross," by Dubois. This le an appropriate and very Impressive rendition of thesýe signif- Acant words of Jésus, and the lar gely augmentee choir, under the direction o isas Erma Rounds, *111i bring a véry heipful message 'to, us with it. The public la cordially Invit ed, to spend >tliis evening witb us. Girl Scout Troop No, 5 wvilmieet Sat- urday afternoon. - canto pracing. ervice Is at 7.30t p. M. We urge ail to attend this service.c The Confirmation class will meet on Friday afternoon of this week. Seniior choi r rehearsal, Fida y evening at:7.80 o'clocki. Junior choir reheareal, Saturday.morn- Ing at 10 o'clock. Those wishIng to unite with the choira will please attend the rehearsals antd confer with the director. The Mid-Week Lenten ýservice will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clocék.. Trhe Bey. C. Ea Naumafn of Evanston wili preaci., The Wonîan's society wili bold Its. monthly. devotional and.buslins meet- ing at thé churcli on Thursday afternoon,« Apnil 2. at 2 o'lcl. lrs. William Iind- berg' and Mrs. P. Johinson wlll be the, hostesses and Mrs. W. Â. Dorband, will present thetopic: "Our Latin Americati Neighbor--ýWlat They Need." W. In- vite you to, enjoy these fine meetings with us. Coming services and events to be ré- mpembered: Confirmation iservice -Palim Sunday, Apîll '5. at 1l ck Holy Communion - I¶oly Thursday, April 9, at 8 p. m. Good Friday Ejervices: Union service-.12 to 3 p.- m. at the Zpiscopal churcli; Evening service at our church at 8 p. M. Easter servie-Easter Day. Apnil 12, at Il o'clock. Holy .Communion-Easter Day at 12 noon. Anniversary serviceq, Sunday, April 19, at Il a. m. and 4 p. in. Anniversary dinner, Thursday evenilg, Aipril 23, at 6 :30. Kenilrvorth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, March 29, wili be '*The Questioniîng Miid." The ehurch service Is at il o'ciock. The Wojnen's Guild wiii ùiect Monday morning, March 30, at 10 o'clock. Al wornen of Knrilworth flot otherwise en- gaged on Mfondayýs arýe invitedto come in for as much time as theye cati spénd. The Sunday seoo will mieet at 9-:45. a. in. 'lhere are classes for children be- twet the ages o! the iindergarten and thé. bigh echool.. Visitors are welcomne. -Dr- Willétt la fl'Livina iO e s of'j P,,e.. Mr. Ar'thlurGreen, 8sosu'.- On Saturday, beginflingi at 9 a. m., the Ladies' Àid socletY Will hold a sale of bakery goods at Van Deusen's, 1154 Central avenue. The sixth Lentéfi service will ha lield Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sermon subject: "Dost TNot Thou Fear God?" Luke 23.4Q. After this ervice announcenlents for theý Com'munion services.on Maundy Thurs-- day and Good FrIdaY wli b. received. Wilmette aotist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Alilson. pastor On. Sunday norninig a rare pleasure is ln store for the worshippers at the Il o'clock service. Dr. Edwin R., Brown, be- ioved missionary to the Meicans. and an inspiring personality, 'wt11 be our guest speaker. It.le urgedl by Dr. Allisofi that ail be present to hear thig message. The pastor wil conduct the -service and give a Bibleý reading from the Gospel of Luke. The senior choir,. directed, by Miss Lydia Koch ' wlI sing appropriate Lenten numbers. Bring the boys, and 1girls to hear "1Mexican"1 Brown. On Sundav evening the second "lCom- rnunity Lenten Servi e" will be held ln this church at 7.30 o'clock. Six ministers wilÏ particlpatte~ and It Is hoped that a large representation froin the six con- eregatiofls will be present in this mani- festation of Christian unity. "Songe ot qix Churches"1 will be sungÏ. Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Auguatine!s. Wfli be the preacher. Senior, Junior and high school choirs will lead the praiseý service. «You and your family can help nimake this a thnilling hour. Ia the chflrch school, Sunday morning, no public l appeal will be made but those who are flot yet members of the church will be offered the privilege of assuming memlbership at the. Easter season, bap- tisnis ixccurrnfg on Palm Sunday morn- Ing, April 5. Today, Thursday. there are* luncheon meetings of Link F. Mrs. W. M. Camp- bell, leader, at the home of Mrs. B. B. Bates, 695' Hill road. Winnetka. with %fi-s. Robert F. Travis as assisting )iost- oss: and of Link R, Mrsý E. W. Roberts, leader, zit the home of Mrs. M. P. Vre, .11, q3.3 Valley road, Glencoe, with Mrs. G. B. Williams assisting. Tomorrow, Friday, there will be luncheons of Link .. Mrs. R, E. Bell,- leader. at the home 1%f Mrs. C. Vr. Clark. 2513 Park place, Evanstoni. withMrs. W. F. Crawford as- ,sistinig: Link E., Mrs. A V. Crifhn, leader. t the homfeof Mrs. W. D. Millard. 1721* Forest avenue. with Mrs. Benjamin jacobson assisting; and Link N, Mrs. .. C. Ynunglberg, leader , at the home of Mrs, G'eorge X.~ Lamb, 11.5 Woodbine .1 The service of Hoiy Communion .net sunday mornlng at 8 o'clock wili b. the last of th~e Lenten serles. AIl who wlsh are Invited to share ln this service. The Higli Schooi Ipworth league and Theta Upsilon Rho meet. Sunday eve- ning. at 5:80 o'clock. Thle Union Leuiten service wili be held Suinday *vening at 7.30 o'clock in the. Baptist churcli. Dr. Hubert'Carleton wili prieach. 'PThe service on April 5. will be held An this churcli. The Prepaeatory ,M1emberohip dlas for juÛniors wili meet at 2:80 o'cloek Sun- day afternoofl with Robert Baidridge. The Pr' paratory Memberahip class for' Intermediates wiii meet at 4 o'cl-ock Sun- day aternoon With .Truman W. Potter. "Thie Hero Chr-ist As Presented ln MarkWs Gospel" ie the thëme of the Bible study course on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock ln theJunior,,room. The Woman's Aid socie ty, wiil meet Thursday, April 2. at 10 o'clock for General Aid Sewing. ¶The Executive, committee wili mieet at 10:*30. Luncheon wiil be served at noon by the First Division. Thei business~ meeting and program wiil be held at 1 :30. MrA. Wil- liam A. Osgood of Wiimette will review the book, "Son of Caeser." The following divisions are meeting to- day (Thursday):- .First-2 :80 p. m.-Luncheon-Mrs. J. T., fdwards # 1003 Forest avenue. Third-12 :30 p. m.-Luncheofl-Mrs. b. A. Ariistrong. 1528 Forest avenue.. Fifth-10 .30 a. m.-Mrs. H. W. Grigs- bY,,247 Maple avenue. The Second and Fourîli divisions are having a Rummage sale March 26 zrnd 27 (Thursday and Friday of this week). ,Cali Mrs. H. E. Poronto (IS77> <or Mrs. Willard Thayer (1083). Infants wvili be baptlzed on Palnm Sun- day, April 5. Mrs. Walter Schflr le the new Cradle Roll superinteradent. Those wishlng to have their babies baptized are asked to, get ln touch with hier or to call the church ofFice, Wilsmette,2348. New piembers will be reûeived, Into. the feilowship of tiiis.(ehurch: on Patin Sunday. Apnil 5.. The ininister wiil beý happy to send for your church letter. The Fifth divisdn wil havea Rum-. mage sale April 23' and 24. The Womian's Pageanit of! Progres %vili be heil at the Navy Pier Aprll 18 to tian Lite"' couru nse15unea.'t Atthe Service of Worship next Sunzdf' placec te 'JLUiraUL ic. ually large a April, .at ffagdalena nt, Glen Eg- Temscfrtewrhpsrienx On the remaining two F~ridays ln Lent MéfTee- mnsicy fortg w lrs fiwsie etand on Thursday ln Hoiy Week, there> -d M e D r - S u n a y m o r i nw i iil b e ss holiw sg s 4 o f s o u n d m o t i o n P c - Frederieli Organ (10:45>. "De Profundis". Bartlett turs ofbbe sonie uS.Agsil' clasand "Lamentation" ...... ......Guilmant Prish ouse al tor4 a n :3Spt. Tester 3 wlil take Marie Briel Prs os t4ad73 .m hS k. Introit: "Sanctus",........ ..... Gounod, (Continued on Page 17)

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