Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1936, p. 68

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517 Davis Street HOL. 6886 UNI. 6886 WIL. 1660 an attachéd garage.'heWl1o4 la modern, complete, and efficient. The accessorles such as atir-con;- ditioning, etc.;. are extensive and nothlng lut lacking except per- haps an autornatic bed mâker. It. lu, deanand frensh and.grand. It. lu sprlng in, brick end ce- nent féer.......... ..... $14 1500 This fine roomy bouse is.'situated on a magnificent pieceof gmound lOOxl6O In 'one ofý the North Shore's mont select isections. Theme are ten roomu 0 f wbicb six are bedroomu1 . There arm, three baths, a sun room,. and a sleeping.pomch. A llbary and a powder room are located on' the tiret floor. The heat la hot water c11 a.nd the garage lu twoe-cUr attached. ,Sebools and trans- portation are. very close. The home lu veryv attractive and the location lu exceptional. ,The pries la both attractive and ex- ceptional at ............$25,000 nENTALS SIX rooms, tbmee bedrooms, one. * bath, oilI ieat, garage........ $70 Nine ýroomu, five bedroomas, two baths, oll heat, garage .... .$100 Eight rooms, three bedroomu, tbr e e bath@, playroom, ga- * rage .....................$115J Seven roonis, four bedrooms, one 1 and one-half bathu.....$1201 Red brick Colonial, four bed-. romue, ttvo and one.-balf baths, two-car garage........... $1651 CUSACK *'SIGN WITH CUSACK" 11ILTN46-Itc $30,OO BEAUTIFUL REID BRICK Very large liv. rm., sun room, 4 large bedrooms', 3baths; 3rd- floor could be finished -wlth. play -r., bedroom and bath. Lovely deep wvooded lot là exclusive section.j itais furnlshed or unfurnishied. XT(T~QT ITT\ .(V1n'T' CHARMING 3 baths.1 gardon., $22,5 i4. -ltp _____________ __ 11LTN\46ltc SEE OUR "Rent Investmet Plani" Booth AT THE Better Home s Exhibit Woman's Club of Wilmette MARCH7.24TH, TO, 26TH1 Pictures .and fullIinformation concern- i these homes which can be pur- chased on the. modern plan of 10% ,down and payments like rent over 139 month. Illustrated brochures covering bouses1 available on the North Shore andPark Ridge. Free admnission ticketà can be -secured by callingat Our Ev- anston office, 1571 Sherman Avenue. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Rog. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil. 2602 ________ 11LTN46-Ite DO NOT FAIL TO INSPECTI THIS ATTRACTIVE .English Gothic Homne on choice hi»l- aide overlooking the 15th fairway of Skokle Country Club. This lovely homte la m~odern ln every detail. Two fireplaces. Hardinge oll burner. Plate glana win- dows. Insuiated fireproof walls. Six bedrooms. 3%3 batliu. $un rooni. Dining and sleeping porche.. REDUCED PRICE FOR QUICIC SALE WELL 'INANCED ALSO AN ACRE OF 'ÙAUTIFUILY1 landscaped çhoice jwoperty adj. Skoke1e Country Club. The best home location on the North Shore! E. M. Kiniball, owner. 770 Bluff St. Phone Glencoe 170- Or your broker 11ILTN46-Itp Winnetka's Best Buy 510 ASH STREET A real famlly location, beaut. grounds 75x187, Ige. trees. 6 bedrms, 'lut . bau liv. rm., and separate den, screened pcb., ohl, gar. Very comfortable home. Excl. location for remodellng posai- bilities. Owner wants quick sale; very low price wlll interest you. (Inspection by appt. oily.) See Mr'. Bets. for details and price today. n. lu4ij ________________I IlITN46 - 1t4 R.M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFEILS WHITE COLONIAL, NEAR LAKE. 4 large bedrnis., 2 baths. . 100-ft. lot: Reduced to $22,500. IDEAL HOME,.BEST, SEC'TION EAST Kenilworth. .,5 bedrns., 3 baths, aisé mnaid's rým. and 'bath.* Modern and attractive. Noný-resident owneroffers at bargain price'of $36,000. R. M. -JOHNSTO N & CO. 3,40 Linden'Ave. Wil 1mette,444 111LTN46-ltc IDEALLY SUITED TO THE FAMILY WITH. CHILDREN. This 'imînaculate,,home 'hàs 6 bed- roms, 1 Y2 battis, wonderful closet space, Wide deep yard with Ce ntury, old trees. ýThe. most convenient location in Wil- mette, near uchoo'ls, churches, *ahops and trAnsportation. Spendid value at $12,500. SMARTPzm & GOLEE, Inc. WII. 2486 . Evans8ton 'Uni. 0283 !!:_ L TN46iB-te EAST .WINNETKA 425 WINNETPKA AVEa SPLEN. ROOMS 1 ad basement, oi1 ht. 7 rms., 2 baths, 3 ex. ,rms. Nr'. t.ransp. and seuls. Un- usuai value for $10,800. 607 WILLOW RD. 10 LGE. RMS., H. IV. fit., ni'. uchîs., transp., lake. Long terms. For qulck sale $12,800. SEE SUNDAY 3 TO 5:30 P. M. FRANKLIN WANNIER REALTOR 19 S. La Salle State 5111, Kenil. 5 111 111LTN46-1 tp 5 i3DRMS., 3 J3ATHS 'IN EAST KENILWORTH NR. LA.KE, a charmlng borne just placed on mar- ket. An ldeal firet floor plan wlth large solarium, aise minld's rn. and ba.. Beau-. tlfti grouinds with 2-car garage. Prie ls most attractive. Mm. Mead. THIE BILLS REALTY, Inic. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON rireenleaf 1166 W'lmette 3740 1Il1LTN46-lte EAST KIZNILWORTH 9 BOOMS, 3 BATHS, MODERN COL- ,onial with livable sunny, light rooms. Extra sun and sleeping rm. 2nd floor sittlhg room with firepiace.- Ovèreized rieating system wlth oil bumner. Among Jine propertice. CGood value. now. FRANKLIN WANNER-OWNER 19 S. La Salle St. State 5111, Kenil. 5111 1I1LTN46-ltp NEAR 1THIE CLUB r gar.,. jLVJ. L -4J loca- 156 C. Wilmnette 16-Uc j uakYuur uroker. 1IT4-t 6 rin. stiacco on tule. bungalow. 1'ile roof, large lot ,........ $5,000 6 rin. mod. brick hse., tile bath and. ]av., sun pcb........8,0 8rm. frame hse., 2 pchs., nr., Catholic ochi. Ail cash......... .... $,6500 C. H. BRETHOLD WT.6e 11ILTN46-ltlp FOR SALE OR RENT. BEAUTIF'UL 6-roo.m. modern brick residence. Re-, strlcted-Barrington residential section. Ail modern conveniences. 40 min, train ser-vice. Inquire of oWner, R. M. Jurs, 104 S1. Cook St., Barrlington, Ill. wANTED TOrb uY-NOUBEU 1Want to Buüy.'OId.House 6 TO 8 RMS.. TO REMODEL. PLEASE tell best price.. Address B-127, Box 60, Wilmette, Illinols. 113LTN4ý6-Itpý Ilouse Under e.OO IN WINNETKA OR G;Lt:NCOE.. ..Write, B-1121, Box. 60, Wilmette, 1111- nois. 113LTN46 11tP FOU SALE-VACANT, ast Wilmiette Bargain CHOICE LOCATION - CORNiý-R LOT ln btelit up section. Close to ail schools, stores, N'orth Shiore Line and trains. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORP. 1619 SHERMMAN AV. Greenleaf 2700 EVA14STON Wilmette 608 APTER APRIL IST AT 1603-5 CHICAGO AVE. EVANS1TON 114LTN46ltc GLENCOE HOMESITES .Priced $2,100 to $8,500 FRONTAGE S RANGE PROM ù2 FEEýT- to,117 feet. Several overiook the beau- tiful Skokle Golf Club grounds. If you are planning to build You should in- vestigate this desirable property. SMART &GOLEE, mc. WiL. 2486 Evaýnston Uni. 0283' 114LTN46-lt(. HIGHLAND PARK East of Railway-Near the Lake 55x160 ..................... .82.. 6OX160 .....*.........$2,500 70x15............ ..$3900 .0x 5 . .. . . . . ......$4000 90x200, view of lake.......-3 o >- ITNVACAN 0*1l85. WE3LL-LOCATED - J 60x183. Prie. CO. ?UINLAN & nS CA4 1 XCLUSIVE AC 215 75 1571 Shemmnan Ave. Uni. '46-ite SON., mc. 60, 1~.2602 114TN'6~te

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