Sheridan Rd., No Man's Land Keil. 966 97LTN46-ltp WINNETKA LOOK AT THESE SPECIAL, OFFERS!, 346 Sheri dan Road. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Hlot water oil. 2-car garage .... .$150 1 166 Aeh. 4 bedmoome, 2 bathm.- Hot water oul. 2-car garage ....... .$110 MAKE APPOINTMENTS, TO, INSPECT SEE 'OUR DISPLAY AD FOROTERRENTALS AND SALES OFFERINOS R. B. WHITAKE-:R CO. 140.CENTER STREET WINNETKA .3250 97LTN4;-lte FOR RENT ONLY NOT FOR SALE, WILL NOT BE SOLD FRO'M UNDER .you. Fine laniord. 2 blks. to school, churches, station-in East Wilmette. Colonial. layout, Iovely living roomn. 4 bedrms.,, 1 bath, nil lit. $70-n6 offers. North Shore' Realty Co. 521 Winr.etka Ave. Winn. 81. Wiil. 81«) 7 ris., nr. Hubb. Wds. sch ......... $75 C4ioice 7 rnis. -Mod. Bm. juet listed.. $100 Eng. Br.-Glencoe 2 z/z b., 2 c. g.. $100. 7 rm. modeet bome-Winnet.ka .. .$)0 6 rn. White Co.-2 bathe........$84, 5 Bdrm., br., 2 bath, oilI ieat ....... $14 7 4 Bdrm., br., 3 baths. nil, Kenil. . .. $135 Many otbete-ll 1izes, prleêq HILL*& STONE 5-43 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 15 41 97LTN46-'te EAST WINNETKA. MODERN BRICK COLONI.AL Choih'e5ýt location. 6 rins., 1 bath, mun rm., H. W. oil heat, oil water iieater. 2-car gar. Lge. wooded lot. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 660 Center St., W'ininetka Winnetka 254 97LTN46-l te 5 mm. bung., glazed pcb ........... $55 6 rn. bse., 2 baths,n. ......... $80 7 rrn, 2 batÉ, nr. 'L"::............ $100 9 rm. brick. 3'/4 baths. nr. 1' $2 OTHER CHOli7E RE-NTAL-S TIOHE REALTY CO. ;,21 Fourth St. Wilnîette 910 97LT;\46-ltc W-EHAVE: Â VERY COMIPLETE ,LIST of excellent buYs and demirable rentais in Clencoe and Winnetka. *ANN MORELANU 66C,3 Vernon Avenue Gl1encoe 305 97TrT4f-1tp] 1018. 99LTN46ýltp ELDERLY WOKAN WISHES SMAL boume on Ridge Rd. or within 10 mil. West of Wiiniette.. Reas. rentai.'Write or phone Henry Altman, 506-5ti, St., Wil mette 365. 99LTN46-Itp FAMILY 0F 2 WANT 6. OR 7 ROOM bouse, o11 ht., attic. South East sec- tion of Wilmette. Positiveiy nô agents. Phone Wilmette 2477.,,% 99LTN46-Itp W2ANTED TO RENT IN WEST WIL- mette--Moderndouse for occupancy on or beforç May lot'. Cal Dr. O'Don- neil, Wilmetteý 380. 9DLTIN46-ltip PRIVAT!N FAMILY WANTS MODER14 bouse. conv. te transp., lta gee" negh-ý borbood hear elementary achool. à famiy bedroonie and maid's. rein, 2 batlie, 2 car gar., at about .$100. Write B17, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 99LT46-ltp In Glencee preferred, 7i or ,8« r6oon modern home frein, May 1. by responsible priva.te party. Addresa P. 0. Bex 121.,Glence, 111. 99LTN40-tfc WANTlrED TrO'Rggdr-FURN. HOU598 HiAVE CLIENT WHO WANTS WELi:L- furnished bouse for. one. year frein June là. 5 bedrms., 3 baths. Good loca- tion. Glencoe or Winnietka. Beet refe. ~FRED'K B. THOMAS & CO. 743 Elm Street Winnetka 2850 l01L46-ltX, WANTED-5, OR 6 ROOM FURNIISHED bouse.. Screened porch. May to Oct. 2 adulte. Give full details. Write B-124, Box 60, Wiimette, Illinois. 101U1'N46-l.te FOR RENi4-4TORES AND OVFICE' 1206 Wilmette Avenue SIE15x20, WILL DECORATE, IM- mediate poss. Rent $35. COLLENDER & CO. 905 Chicago Ave., at Main St. Cire. 4060 104LTN46-1ltc POU $ALE--HOUBEB KENILWORTH BUYS $10,500 takes this owner'-built 3 bdt!n.. 1 btb. Col. homie. Nr. transp. & schi. MNod. Eng. Bmk. on 8() ft. lot. 4 bdmms., 2 tule baths. Open terrace. Att. gar. 011. Reduced to $16,500. Cholce E. charming frame corm-pletelY modernized. 5 bdrmm., 3, bths., Den, 2 pchs. Only $18,000. For Inediate sal-e owner of this de- lightful 13 bdrm., 1i lAbths.. hrk. home~ on pri%,ate rd.,Will accept $13,000. 8maI) down payment. Cam'rying, charges $85 montb. SEA'RS & WITZLEBEN EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 562Gre Bay Road Kenilwortb Gen Kenil. 5545 Evenings Kenil. 4790-3737 Near Skokie Club ENGLISH BRICK HOME. 7 ROO.IMS, 3 baths. Att. garage. Lot 73x172, "Rent Investmient Home". VERY -AXrISTIC AND BEAUTI- fully arranged. white brick- home on wooded lot. 7 roonia, 2. tie bathe on first floor, eplendi«, basement, for recreational purposes, attached. 2-car ýgarage. Prie. $166.00. Terme .$1,600 Caml--Payments $116.20 per month for 139 menthe. Loca- tien:. 602 Dundee Road, 'Glencoe. Sée this today. Available May Le HAEOwners:. WB AVEBZEN SUCCESSFUL IN selling a considerable nuniber of the betten grade homes containing three or more battais n the1 district North of Evaneton- sinoe januany let. If youà wisb qulck action où your property we ehould .b. pleaeed te bave a listing, on it. Quim aillR &Tysom EXCLUS IV I. AGENTS 1571 SHERMAN AVEý EVANSTON Uni1. 2600 Wil. 2602 I11LTN46-Itc WINNE'PKA RE.ADy TO MOVE IN. CONDITIONED perfectly. 9 lovely rooms, 3 tule bathp with showers. 2-car gaz', Large fenped- in are., for obtîdren. Stormz windowl. and weather tripped,. Very easyto heat, with efficient oil bupiing syStaftz. Close to transportation aind schools. W. G. RUGOLIES & Co. 517 Davis Street HOIL. 6886, UNI. 6896 WIL. 1660 SOUND VALUES Brick, 14 rnis.,_ 3 -be., nil, 1 Y? acres (riparian)............ $60,000 Cement, 12 ns,4b. o 200x4OO, ex- cellent location ..........$50,0"0 Brick, 9 rms.,_ 4,Wbs., lot -100x160 (toý Clencoe 10 RM.2BUNG By Colo. Spmuoe, Mal 179xl50, 165 fe4 gar., H. W. H.c Ovuer, 115 Mary te al t B, -1289 .LIE IjJKA4L ÂN Elms. Lot distinctly Nortbu Lake.3-carciaIly lni andI meu: L' bak 8-cabVe mie attracti ~"s argin.or country homesj îcoe. Phone Calor write Mr. 1LT46-4tpBank, Barrhlgton, & WARNER, Inc. I OFFICE 522 DAVIS ST. ý855 Rôllycount 1855 A OFFICE 7 90 ELM ST. 700D Briargate 1855 lgbiand Parlc 1855 111LTN46-lte mi i015. FOR THE MAN OF FAMILY Silacleus brick hoen of 9 rnis., 4 famuIy bedrms., uieated aiping., peh., tii. bath, 2 maida' ris. and bath, den and solarium, wooded lot, rtok gardén. Close to transp. tind ail schools.; Mrs. Didnieksen, Holly- court, 1855. Greenleaf 1855. NEW EARLY AMERtICAN COL&ONIAL Open teday ý- 6 rnis., library, air- conditioned. Very attractive. $13,- 500. Mr. B. Smiith, Winnetka 2700, Briargate 1855.- Winnetka A HOME YOU DREAM ABOUT Early American. hoen.of? rnis., 2 bathe,, 3 famify bedrmis, naid's min. on 3rd I. Choice Wineétka loca- tion, close to transp. * l. Didrick- sen, Hoilycourt 1855, Greenleaf MEDITERRANEAN..STYLE HOME. On large corner in HubbardWoods. Attr. stlidio liv. rmn., 3 bedrms., ï bathe. Oppertunity wlth uipali down payment-balance 1ke tent. Noir -vacant for 1,nspection4 1fr. Pier- sen, Winhetka 2700, Briargate 1855. RENT INVESTMENT HOME A leveiy English Cottage type. -8 rie., 3 bathe,. bric. If you like the country, see this. Onl$tI-$$1,760 down payipent. Mr., W. MéLaughlin, Briargate 1855, Winnetka 2700. Kenilworth REAL QUALITY Owner-bulit residence ofbrick and soowith Utii roof. 10 rnis., 3y la*m n fine noir section, near the lake. Price under any comparable bousesa. muet seli tht. sprjpg. Miss C!ronk, Winnetka 2700, Brigr- gate 1855, EAST KENILWORTH $15,000 iras spent ln remiodeiing a few years mgo, loveiy 9 nm., 3 bath bomne. Large liv. rm., sun nm. and Panelediibrary. 4 famiy bedrinu., 2 of wblch forin attractive master suite.: A fine berne for eilîdren. Neat echool and tranep. Owner very anxious. for Immediate sale .or rentai. Mr. Pietacix, Briargate 1855, Winnetka 2700.