hKa., IlDedlu frI.artin__s-gied advertisernents will be c WILMWM'rEIE or. ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. m. for WINNETKA& TALK -and Thursday à P., M. for GLENCOE - NEWB. Telephones: Wlmette 4300, WInnetka 2000 (Winnetka 6500 after 6 P. M,), Greielaf 4300 or Sheildrake 1216-1217. mer_ LSTAND POUD LOST - BLACK SILJ< C H A N ;e purse containting two ý$10ý bills and asniali change. B3etween Linden Ave., Wilmette, and'Elm St., W!ànetka.îlRe- ward. Winnetka 2551., 3T4-it Lost-female sable POLICE DOG Anewers mne "Smoky,"l No license. Glencoe 1424. Rteward34jp LOST- IRISH S E T T E R. MAlýE. Dark red. Collar with naine "Mitten- doriff and license. Winnetka 508-M. 3LTN46-1qt, DÉ. ANNA M. SKENle Electrolyuis. Moles, warts and liair perrnanently rernoved. 27 years' ex- pemee. 1730.Sherma~n Ave., Greleaf 6035. 5LITN46-ltp ANTIQU»S - GLASS, CLOCKS, CHINA, PRINTS, 12: Lattict*-edge Milk glass plates. Bras-"ses;, cop)per, mnany books, guns, tables. Large collection to choose frorn. !è22 Chicago Ave., EVanton. 7LTN46-ltp _______ ICYCLgS Your Bicycle Fixed LIKE NEW $1.25 UP New and. Rebuilîtbikes for sale. acreens,. painting,- plasterlnig, roof s, cernent work; est. furn., easy termes. Nelson B. Place, Wil. 4181. ________________15A-LT.N44-4tp LAKIE SHORE ROOFING * APPLIED ROOFING ASPHALT - ASBESTOS - CEDAR J. A. MeKelghan, Mgr. Wilmette 1891 1. Vatson's Transfer Co. 1125 Noyeai Street University 085 GEO. A.-TIJURSàBYÉ IPlastering, stucoe and'iernent *ork. fBassinent made.waterproof., 1164 Highland Ave. Wlilmette 3381 __________________16LTN45-4t1 VENETIAN BLINDS MADE TO ORDER-3,4e SQ. FT. M 1. MOCKUS NILES CENTER19- 16LTN4 6-ltl SEA.SONED FIREFPLACE LO *O*K, .$6.75 per ton, delivered. *13.00 cord. BIRCH, $11.60 uper ton, dclivered. Glencoe 858« _____$LTN.4-4tp MOVINO ]Prompt, courteous service, go anywhere FLASH MOTOR SER VICE Winn. 3138 16L46-ltp LOUIS BORCHARDT., Watc, Clck nd Jewelry Repatiring. Estitnates free. We cali for and deliver. l606 ]Dempter Street. Phone Uni. 0824 2OLTN4I-26flj PRIVATk OCHOOLS DO YOU ENJOY TFIE CHIIbPiJN'S HOME WORiK IF NOT Why not send thern to the North Shore School of Concentration 45,ý Ridge Ave. Winnetka 26$2 20A-LTN46.rtfe DRESSMAKING __ COLLETTE.SOEURS DESIGNERS AND) MAKB1MS * Gowns - Wrapà - Suits - Coats Original - Copied Restyled - Altered 83S Elm Street Winnetka 1011 22LTN43-4tp MbE. EERY, FORMEILY I ITB i j t0 .e p. Selected Gladiola. Bulbs ndDahlia R.oots Ile«t.ona hie prices on large orders Nlirtin, Beirilich, o'ne mile *est of 411le- (moe, acrosm fronm Public- Service. 28LTN4$-$tbý LAUNDR>Y Launry 76 Take Homne A1.80 .CURTAINg,'AND BLANKEr.- by exp. laundresa. Cai and deliver. Wilmette 2130. 34LTN44-4tr MUSICAL INSTRUMEÇNTS BEAUTIFUL, BALDWIN GRAND PI. ano, for sale. 6 foot size. Can't be tdld froin new.. Sacrifice for cash. 6512 N Clark Street,, Chicago ý40LTN46-2tp ýMahogany. Upright Piano 1%IN TNE EXCELLENT CONDIiI - tb.. ~~r* eaonale 'Innttki *8 17 1. Steiiia>-, Coflover and C'hase wiil bv sold at(e.tra, Mart, Iredle Wai'- bouse, .1721, BensonAe. antn _______________________ 40LTN46-1tî, -PAINTING AND, DECORAT!No, - Painting-Paperhanging -EXTERIOR-INTERIOR WORK. OLD floors made like new with electrlc *machine. Neat, reliable. We use good. materials. 7 years on North Shore work. p:Special winter rates. PRED BROBERG BRIARGATE 1061 42LTN18-tfe I Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 1 CEILING CAt<Ç., $1 UP Sa.nitas an~d canvasing work. Rm. wall- 8paper cleancd, $1 ; bathrooni enamneleci $5 up; kitchen painted, 86 uP. 5 rnis. [tirs. washed, varnished, $8. Outide painting, porches, $15. Windows, 50c. Stucco finish donc reas. Rets. Free, estimates. Materials furnished. I Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 42LTXN4(6-îtp ROOM PAPERED-$3 CEIL. CALC., $1 U7P RITCHEN, PIT $6. Bath. enain., $5 up). Paper dlean, 7i5c. lins. waslied, star., $2.50. Antique grain. Best ref. CLIPPED -BATH -PLUrCKED' V'accinated- Rabies Distemiper BVSCHBOM ANIMAL HOSPITAL' 1000> Ridge Road Wilmette 5004 44LTN46-4tpý PIANO TUINOi EXPERT PIANO TUNINO, $8. REPAIR work guaranteed.. 223 years'i Factory experience. H. C. Thomas, 1808 South Prospect, Park Ridge 1477. 4SLTN43-4tp: SKILLED RADIO SERVICE BYA S1man.-exp. with aillits probleins. VTry familiar with ail makes. Prompt,, expert service given reasoflably and to your satisfaction.> Ph. Wilmette 1208. 5OLTN,45-4tîb BLISS ELECTRICý SERVICEO Singer, White, Wilcoxi: and Gi bbs. Vacuum cleaners, radios, washing. ma- chines. Ail household appliances. 604 Dempster St. IJnlversity 6680 53T~-tp UPIHOLSTERING AND REPAIRSz YOUR DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS 1re-upholstered, fineat workmanship. Phone and our estimator-wIll call with complete Une of samples. Special dis-. count, thia monté. Davis Furniture Craftsrnen 721-23 Main Street UJniversity 72110 58LTN44-ltc UPHOLSTERING DONE IN YOUR 1home. saving one-third. Recovering, riewebblng. Drapes and curtains. Wrltf. B-11.1, Boxç 60, Wllmette, Illinois. SLIP COVIERS AND DRAPERIEuS WE SPECIALIZE IN SLIP CVR and draperies.;ha Frnv seam-s, no ruffle, $3. Also very finle reliiodel.. ing anid dressmaking. Work done in your hoine. Fit guarantf-ed. Briargate 6447, R. %Vysong. 58-jA-LTN4f)- Itp DRAPERY CURTAINS, SLIP-COVERns. 1All nterior, ;decorative furnishings made to order. 8 years on the M. S. GLENC OE 1419 58A-LTS46-3tp RmPflflVLa IIp Imum" Pauline's, Empt. Agç I6LTN45-2tp 1805 rotted manure. ýRYTCE 3 .8 16L46-t L m .. u PII.LV . i _______ 'e. Wilmette HIGHiS-T QIL4 30 a. m., 4 to 7 p. mn. and painting. me. Hubbard Woods wrk. Best mat') 9to 12 a.' m. Good refs. J. J. Caîl for )N., Gre. 42LTN4 ntai 79 El nu St. cooking, st cooking the e Take care of 1110iJ Blacki enJ. L'ni. 46-ilp