BETTE DAVIS1 Wlume..Of eh. Ac.demr Awawd la H.e 111e Pit., §§DAt4GEROUS#g With Framalot Tern FR1. SAT ami SUN. Ai '.Op atu i M THE àMARIX BROTHIERS .""A. NUGHT AT TrHI OPERA" and TUESDAY> MAX REINIIARDT@S. Pw'odumotl.u e MIDSUMMURI Anpýwer a areloua i-iU neA 5VjJiarx Angel"ý United Artist's filmn, which i s announced for the Wilmette theater on Sunday, Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday. Fredric March, according9 to a consensus of critics, bas seldom given a finer performnance than be does in. this picture as thé blinded' lov er of, Merle' Oberon.. The exotic roles, played. by Miss Oberon in former films, are n6 more. In tbeir place is a new,' vibrant personality, wbic h will endear itself to screen fans. Fine- work is done also by Herbert Nfa r s b a 1l, John Halliday, Janet Beecher, Claude Allister, and Fay Chaldecott. "Magnificent Obsession" is another ofie of the year's great pictures. This film, a Universal' production, is s0 skillfully- directed by John M. Stahl, tbat the audience is easily lead into complete acceptance of'its provocative mood. It. will bc at thie Wilmette theater on Tbtzrsday, Friday, and Sattirday of next week. Life. laSmWegry Thils 1. the itoey .nita Louise aPeutl ' the Maxj'ReLW$iirdf pro- duction of Shakèspeàiwc's "Miilsum- nier Night'si2reamn," wkich is play- The storY, wbose gripping reality gaiheV it T/etrl is semi-religious in its atmospbere, Evstion exMndy d concerns Robert Taylor, a rich young Tu1(esday. man, who bas neyer bad a serious tiiouglt until lie meets Irene Dunni, drives ber to tbe country, wbere s le youtig widow of a physician, wbose is involved -in an accident wbiclb life biad been lost in an accident in blincis ber. Hoping to aid the woman whicb Taylor's baci been saveci. 111lie loves, Bob, devotes. the rest of bist an attempt to woo the widow, lie life to surgery., * "hisa,"in which Myrna' Loy andi Spencer Tracy star, finishes its run at the Wilmette theater ont Thursday of tbis week. On Friday of this -week, Warner Olanci cornes to the Wilmette in a mystery play, 'Cbarlie Cban's Sec- ret.', At the Saturday miatinees, both tbis week and next, will be sbowni episodes of "Figbting Marines." Blind Pianist Appears on Publie Service Hour Alec Templeton, brilliant younig Englisb oianist-comnnser wii4 in e a urnuuo ittjuuuuI I3oasting a brilliant cast, and ini- troducing a new sceen lover, destined- for filmdoni immortality, yet greater than any of itsý stars, is "Caa in I Boo,"dramatization of l7th cen- tury piracy story whicb con ,es to: Teatro del Lago Tuesday. The story la:s crammed f r o m begnnngto end with, be-man ac- t ion. TIrugh Ji ail-ru ns a tender love story, and thie p Ilcture 5 George ns aided by skillful pIiotography and spflendid direction. The story concecrns -Dr. Peter Blood, wbo is implicated, througb no fault of bis own, in a political rebel- lion in England in which lie had no part. Sold into slavery for bis "trea- sonl," a frequent custom in those days, lie escapes from bis planation master in the West Indies to become the leader of a buccaneer band. Errol Flynn, to wbom acting !11 piictures is just another adventure in an adventurous life, plays the titît rôle. Olivia' de Haviland, Lionel At- wiII, Roos Alexander, Guy }Kibbee, and Bas il Rathbone are otiier mnem- bers of thie cast. Deliglieful Tale George Arliss, after serious histori- cal portraits, sucli as Richelieu and the f ron Duke. as. Nell as the Roths- ~.child rôles, is îiii à delightfully re- 'S ~freshinig, tale in whichbclietakeS. the part of a. Sblithe spirit of Jauw sStewar-R.7 MARCK HOT Rmndolpli a+ La Salle CHICAGO LEXTRi MAGIC OF MEXiCOý Pho. EN LNERICKSON wamet.4092