lier are regular cofliributors to our musical interest and growth. Thev, con, tiot witb superlative press notices or colorful advertising, but; sincerely and modestly like devoted musicans, wbich they are. The extreme virtuoso, whet ber it be an individual or an enisemùble, is aý somewhat questionable episod ine Our- musical lives. ' There is, at least the danger that we mnay be so amazed, and exhilarated. at the perfection of thc performier that we 'are diverted froini the content of -the mtusicé. NVith olakof the qualities that make, good quartet playing, the Phithiarmoiec presetîts the Scores %vithout calling attentionl to its own ,cleverne-ss. interpiret Mozart StYWo [nl the ýMozart Quartet- (B flat. -1ýnajor) theY chose to emphasize clar- ity of formi and of pattern, rhyth- inical, and 'înelodic. raîlier thanz the li mpid clarity of tone that usually, nîceanis, Mozart to the listener. luIn this they have th'( .exam ple of Sch.tabel, %who. I believe, hqlds that the sweet- niess aii delicacv of Mfozart lias heen. qver-mphaizedto the detriniient of the M,\ozart style. A- Brokofleif number, a- single ioveinlent with, slow introduction,. provel to e cedingly interesting. To 'hear vdhat onie is acIcustomled to hecar- of foril and rhythnm, but with 11 ticolvenitionial mnelody and harmony, k-i intriguing always. This mixture of sensations is sometimes bafflinig or boring. but ini this Prokofieff Vivàce it wvas stimulating. Talentecl Panst A talentéd yoÙung pianist, Mý\ilton1 'rrshasky(pupil of Hovward \Vells) gavu splen did cooperation, assisting the quaretet ini the performance of the SchUnannu Piano Quitet (E flat mn1ajor)'. a very ïiigratiatî com1posi- tion buoyantly presented. In this, bis flrst public, performance nie ensemble playing, ;\r. Treshansky .exhibited -a real gift. Miany a finle pianist faîls, utterlylin this field. This 3young mani felt-bis place'in the give and take and)played witil competent care.and iuniderstaig.. WihmMtStte Da rFor HO me-IAke CO'ntented Ivn Youilienjoy the quiet, 8ereûity of living at Thé Ridge'view-4he home- like atmospliere the efficient, frien4ly servie. Deligbtfeni briÎbt, charmingly fujr- nished, modei kitchenette apan- ments of -from 2, to 5 rooms---or sinigle .hel rooms and suites- if 0M efe.Cmlte hotel sertvice in every department. Excellent diii- ing rôoot. Garage ini conneçtion., A Iovely and conveniet-lô«cation- opposite Grýày Park-with' Evans- ton's .smait shops. adjacent - the Electric and NôrnhWetérn neby. Your visit of inspection is cordialy invited THE RIDGE VIE W Maple Ave. at Main St. eVANSTON WTLMInTTE,,ILLINOIS iitisibitted iii response tocail of the Auditor of Public Atcounts, pursuan t to law and shoW ing condition at the close of business ýon theé 4thayof Marc 1936. Cash. and due froini anks............. . ..............$ 7,71 *Outside checks and other cash iiems ...... ........ ...... ...... 5,41 United States Governtment obligations, direct and/or fuily ....guaranteed .................................. 1...... ......*7U5 Other bonds, stocks and, securities............... ......... luzmmlg8 Loans and discounts ........ ..................3445"»~ O verdrafts .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Banking bouse $150,000.00. Furniture atnd fixtures $1.00. .... 60» Other real estate .. . . .............1lBi OÔther wresurces ....... .................>. ................... 3S7 Grand TtlResources...............p,2*,41t0o LIABILITIES Capital stock ........ ....................$lS Incorne debentures and/or capital notes ...... .....M Surplus... .................................s~ Undivided Profits (Net) >..........................SMML73 Reserve accounts ......... ......................... £8TJ Demnand déposits ...... ....... >...................,7S2,578I5 Time deposits ................ ...... .............. 1....... 1,138»AS Total of depos its: Secired by pedge ofI oan., and/or invest- Mo7 Xot secured by pledge of banms and/or invest- ments........ ........ ...... SZSS9L9 Total deposits "~....... $,261457.70 Other liabilities ................. ...............518 Grand Total Liabilities ................. UpM24,46 Memnorandumn: Loans and Pledged to Secure Liabilities: the ser:e~~ Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts)...$ N.trth Shore Agent Stâte Farm Mutuiol Auto im. CO. Bae me tell i 7U boy tbf. cootinuous policy Plan stinsurancCO cea about 40%. Lewgere.. g ated APlu by But*$.. Cotaaîto st servie. Atathrod md,epreatatiOfl ana service. Tel. lenc- 246-.Righlabd Park 47*7"D ÇlOd 1280 For Feed, and Fertisixer WiInette Avenuie - Ridge Road Phone Wlhmett. 6si Subscribed and sworn to before nie this l7th day of March, 193&k VERA PRIIEBE, Nots.ry Public (SEAI.) My commission expires Feb. 9, 1937.