I pmçlUAL FIIUE NUW I FiEE ESTINATES Phone or. Write for Dencriptive Polder CABRINET, COM PANY 1u82 3UW. Lahe st. 1 phoue FIRST MORTGSAGE LOANS No COMMISSION 41/2% INTEREcsT 5h.... sSwu-amma Inltefflpaj'f.sts. 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 15 71 Sherman Ave.. Evanston S University 2600 Modermlzotlon, Repoi's Architectural Service Jt w a moni broke ords b ail or ne oth for i make a orsh building. It must be admitted none was pleasantly disappointed for build- ing in February fell Off more* than'.a quarter of amlion dollars. Neyer- tbeless-and it is pleasant to ýrecord this fact - February exceeded :the. samne month of .1935 by. mor e than $0,0,an increase of oi'er 67 per cent. Thus silice February, ,1935,* eve ry monh wthot exception bas shown a substanltial gain oéver, the correspond- ing month of the ýpreceding- year, and it may be recalled that the entire year of 1935 showed ani ceseo A16 per cent over 1934. The mild weather. experienced, thus far in Marcb gives reason to hope that the comparative_ cessation of building -in February will be more than mnade up this month. aid there can he little~ doubt of a strong uipward trenid in building-especially home building- this spring. The figures to be compared are $513.290 for February, 1936, $306,940ý for Februaiy, 1935, and $797,681 for Jaur,1936. WiInette Shows the W&Y Ini the enitire region onil),onie really outstanding figure was réported for garage for $5,000anda a neicnouse and garage for the Glencoe Park system, to cost $6,000. Norman E. Schmidt, building in- spector of Winnetka, reports $30,7$0 1and says that conlsideriing the severely coid weither, February proved tobe abusymonith. He adds that bis -Office. has , on file applications for f our . new residences, which will probably bc .started ini March. Wilmette Permit Total $59,850 in Period of a. Week Building, permits issued. by Build- ing Commissioner William A. Wolff at the Wilmette Village hall during the past week, total $59,850, and in- diaea rapid develcpmeiit i the Kenilwortb Gardens.and In* in Hill Estates sections. The imprdiiements, planneti are as follows: ýV H. V. Uhelbacb, 1772 'Va ingtn avenue, single famnily r~ idence,- $7,000. Architect, N. T. 4laxon. Mason contractor, Sholtzner Con- struction company. Frank R. Young, 1922 Chestnut avenue, brick single family residence with attaclbed 2-car garage, $15,000.~ topped by that for a thirteen-room Howard J. White, Jr... 1936 Chest- residence for Mrs. Gaylord. Case to nut -avenue, single family residence, cost .$44,000. Five other permits were $15,500. Arcitect, Marion G. Probst. issued for residences ranging fromn Mason, Melvin Whiite, Imc. Plumbing, $9,000 to $11,00 each and amnounting P. Callahan. in all to $47,000 and there were three S. B. Kneipe, 1333 Ridge road,, resi- alteration jobs totalng $4,3W. Mr. dence, $3,O00. Architect, Paul G. Wolf said: Burt. Masoni, Blume Bros..1 . "Our building rep.ort for the month Robert Talley, 2843 lackbawk of February is a true indication of' road, brick veneer residence, $18,500.* *what may be èxpected in residential Architect, H. Ring Clauson. Mason, construction for the coming year. Joseph Brown. Builder, Joseph Dermte he êpvpà U ..iwi.t.p !à- Mageskey. in Winnetka Permit s Five buildiung: permits for improve.. ments totalling $36,400 were issued in Winnetka during the first fifteen days in March. Two of the 'permits were for inew~ residénces, costing $23,OO0, and the other three were for remodeling jobs. M. R. Cleary is building a une and one-bhalf story, brick residence, of seven rooms, at 839, Lincoln avenue, at a cost of,$12,O00. Georgeý F. Keck. 612 North Michigan-ave nue, Chicaglo, is the architect,' and R. C. Canterbury, 19. South LaSalle. street, Chicago, the ca rpent er'afid mason contractor. The Commonwealth Plumbing Co., 5612 North Western avenue, Chicago, lias. the plumbing conitract. The, permit for the other newv resi- dence %vas issued to Mr. an dl Nrs. David Burgoon, whoare bu il ding a two-story solid brick house of cigbt-, rooms and'attached two-car garagc, at 1544 Tower road. The indicated cost is'ý$ll,O0O. J. H. Melstrom, 3163. Cambridge avenue, Chicago, is *the' a4rchitect. Gunniar. Swan Lind, 5838. Poster avenue, Chicago,, is the car- penter contractor. Harold Dai, of Highiland Park, has the foundation contratt; Paul Jensen, 4929 Medili avenue, -Chicago, the masonry %vork. and David Park, of Winnetka, the sewer and plumbing contract. R. J. Rich ismaking ahterations t(> the interior, of bis residence at 985 Sheridan road,. at a cost of $10,000, H. W. Gilbert is the builder. C. L.. Mellor took out a permit for an enclosed porch on his residence at 1094 Pine street, costing $1,200). Mrs. Joseph N. Woollett is naking additions and alterationsw to berrei dence at 389, Ridge. avenue, costing $2,200. was taken out. by the Glencoe Park district for the new, one anîd one-. haif story framne field house andi FIRST MORTGAGE 'BANKING FIl<M IN ILLINOIS TO DE APPROVED BY THE FR4 75S. Dearb.rn St.. Chiçogo PIhon. Central 8814 Wlumetka 7 a eNgt OLIVER H:ANSENI