meeti ng or any of the att airs of the various Democratic clubs, wbich bave been active in the recent campaigns and responsible for the success of the Democratic party in this- township. Tbhrough the cooperation of the - active- Democrats of Ne* Trier, the party bas.gone forward successfully and tbe future.- of the Democratic party can best be served by the, re- election. of >qualified and experienced * independent candidates, Thomas J. Lynch, flenocratic Towénship Committeeman PRAISE- FOR MR. LYNCH I3ditor, WILMErMt LIFE: The Dcmocratic peopleof this dis- trict bave been.working to estal)lish a more sound mneans toward a great-, er future of good government and democracy. Witb Thomas J. Lytncb as our -dis- trict leader,- who labored unselfishlv and untiringly witb only tbe welfare of bis people at beart, we have, ac- complisbed restiits. beyond expecta- tion. However, today be is subject to pressure from groups eacb se ek- -ing, special advanitages for itself. Mr. Lynch is a leader and ail ex- perienced eecutive.. He 'i-ceiUs -a man, who,,obtaini; resuits., knows the needs -of bis people and secures them. Un- like the City wards, our township re- - quires more -bonest and sincere mani- agement. Now, Mr., Lynch as a p roperty-owner and an established business man in Winnetka, a mnn eyer-miindful' of our wants, has pro.ven Il mself to bave ail the requisites -of a real committeeman. According to your last week's pub- lication a group of public spirited New Trier men and women said we -require more constructive leadersbip. heewere these hpublic- spirited*" -people, during the recent campaign? \Nherc were these "public-spirîted" meni and women at Clrfktmas tinme- when, Mr., Lyncbh was delivering Chrîstmas baskets to the needy, and. where'were tbcy *when the destitute needed relief and tbe une-mployed needed work? -The people of this district are far is just wnat soine et us wisti te vola. In view of the new position in which a Townsbip Precinct Conimitteeman is placed, this seems to:be a good time to müake an, effort to unite aIl Repub- licanis in the' township behind - an outstanding candidate wbo bas ,.no connection. with past controversies. ýMr. Kinne can tell us things about past. politics, which some'-of us do flot know. Tbis past history is Of rio significance in view of what we-have in mnd for the future. We, wish ýto build anew and flot to revive an, un- pleasaiit past. There. are many- in tbhis townsbip wbo have flot.taken an active interest in local politics in tbe past. Past his- tory and the present situation, brings homne te theni the necessity of doing. somietbing to give' the - Republicaii- party new life in this communtity. Tbhey. welcome-, therefore,, a *candidate of exceptional qualifications wbo bas not been heretofore actively connect- cd w th politics. We have complained that in the past su-h -men have -fot been willing to. enter local politics. Now that we find such a man we are ready to support hlmi witb ailounr, might.- It is certainly significant that, in our effort to escape from the evils of past politics, we are met with the charge that our candidate must be a representative of a man who is now. removed f rom the local scene. Those who have been in politics ini the past cannot believe that there ca-n be a candidate who is not connected with sorneofle of the old factions.- At any rate, they can think. of no way of conducting a- campaign excePt the discrcdited method of cbarging tbe other candidate withbebing the tool of one of tbe old factions. It is ýjust that attitude in politics that we wish tobe rid of once and, for ail in, this local community. We. wish :to arouse an* interest in local politics on the part of citizens who have no- interest in the factional controversies of the ,ncê2andI who. resent the use of- the in the Village 'hln eacn i nursday morning from 9 until 12 o'clock. It. is also stated that they may be se- cured at' the office of the Village clerk in the Village hall. When,.propeçrly made out, -the ap- plication iùust 'be notarized, which service, will be .perfolrmed without several notariés public. in the village. When this is _donc the blanks will be accepted by -Mrs. Hart- mann any: Tbursday- morning for'de- livery to the Côook County. Welfare office, 1911 Benson avenue, Evanstoni or tbey may be takeni to that office byý the applicant. Warning is given that applicants sbould plot expect to, hear f romn their applications at once,. or to receive pensions immediately. Each case, it is stated, must be thoro ughly investi- gated, and it is expected that this will consume considerable time.-Haste in filing applications, it is said, is un- necessary, as they will not be ap- proved or rejected ini the order ini which they are received. Hence there is no necessity for applicants to stand in line for hours ini order tii file eariy. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey -A. Bush. aifter spending tbree weeks in Fiorida, are> again at their home at 721 Green-. wood avenue. Most of their ine was. spent in Sarasota... I NOT A TONIC but a Cm Vot mthod of TR~IPLE AC- ION STIMULATION,.e end novel, bàsed on bth ac that the. only way to grow hair is to supply frîsh nouishing, bood t. -the pp nige. Do.'t Los. Amy, MoreHale Fer forther 4#81onu ailes Drop a Card1 Téday<or Cati Supwrlor 0721 .PR.,WILLS HarGrowlmg emo" Sut. 611 612 No. Michigan Ave. r.11Chkugo ,Of Cour»e.w. Imow if vas à sevee winfer end if should have b... somewhet hlgher thion lest season. W. aise, koow. however. that al number of Northi Shore folks Wa *xcessively high fuel bis and tI'ey aelokina tnt. fthe .conomny of 011 havethey, ever cooperated in any way ledr'. -0 in thi-s great figbt for "4constructive Mvr. and Mrs. Norman J. Radder, ledrshi"ynh as nove -isef n1331 Maple- avenue, and their chil- able, intelligent, administrator, anddr, ucad-Ssnaedîvg we cannot afford to neglect the un to Shieboygan, Wis., th-is week-end ,portance of our decisioix. 1, there- for a family celebration of the niiiety- fore,' to the voters of New Trier fi fth - birtbday of1 Mr. Radder'., township, strongly recommend. giv- grandfather, John Radder. 804 DAVIS STREET Fodntaim Square SEvansion r 44. j1 a 1