became evident that the oni>' thing that would assure harmon>' would be the sacrificing of Henry Fowler as a candidate. This was deniandedb>' the representatives. of tbe group of Precinct Committeemen, who denoni- inated. themselves, the "Snell Croup of Precinct Committeemen,", and Was outlined in the written. proposai of their chairman,- Samuel W. McCaul- le>'. Before the'so-called harmon>' meet- ings were b eld, spokesmen 'for the "Snell Croup of Precinct Comùitt-ee--- men" laid down' the ultimatum that the'ywould put up a candidate for Republican Townsbip Cotnimitteeman if Mr. Powler w ere a1 candidate for tha t office; so it is a well-established fact that. this group. instigated the candidacy of 'Mr. Fowler's opponent. It is admitted by ifs leaders tbat the Woman's Republican Club of, Win- netka, wbich opposes the candidacy of Mr. Fowler, supported the Snell ,candidates -for Preeit fC'ommittee-. men in the'1934 primar>' election, andi it is these "Snell Committeemen," the remnants of the Ickes' group, witb their sponsors, who have provoked the opposition f0 Mr. Powler.1 I am Iciath to believe that had tbe worf b> candidate. who bas been made« the "front" for fthe "Snell Group of Precinct Commit teemenP* been fulI>' advjsed of this state of aiffairs, be would have allowed birnself to be used as a candidate aizainst H-enry Foyvler. wbô is so eminentl>' qualified to dis- charge the duties of RepubIican Township Committeman. Pauil C. Lang. Wilmette, Ill. THIE LEGION AND POLITICS Edifor, WiLMErrJ LIPE: Now tbat numerous polit ical Cam- paigns. are' warminig up I amn almosf daily asked, "Wby doea the Legion support So-and-So?" or 6"Why doesn't the Legion support Whaf's Hlm Name?" or "Whom does tbe Ire- cnan Q*lnn..r l) .veteran, oecause ne is not a veteran, ior for an>' other reason. Frorn the questions I have been asked, I believe this information will be of interes t to many tuembers of the coniunity and tbank you for your courte.s> in publisbing it. Respectfully, Carl A. Peterson. Commander, Wilmette Post No.' 46, The American Legion. SCORES e"NEW DEAL" 1AS ANTI-U. S. A. F*ýdit<>r-WXVLME'rrELrIPE: The 1936 election is vitaîl>' impor- tant.: There is .a natîinal crisis that involves the very existene à u form of governmnent, designed under our constitution as a government of laws rather than a, gove rnment b>' men, New'Deal administration bas made it a government of the bureaucrats foi the, bureaucrats. and, b>'the bu- reaucrats.. Tugwellian termites, im- ported from Russia, have underminied the entire structure of gôvernmetit in our national capital. By bringing about the, recognition of the U. S. S. R.. the>' opened tbe floodgates of Soviet propaganda, so that toda>' we bave a* soviet theatre in the beart of Chicëago's loop, wberic such literature as "The Masses," "Soviet Ru ssia" and a dozen .of others are distributed to the patrons. On March 5, 1936 Earl Browder, head of the Communist parti' of Amierica. ivas allowed to, hYroadcast bis. ni. 'iatheories ainied at the. Destruction of the United States Government, over the Columbia Broadeasting Systeni. The Steering Comnitee of the Alien Comi- intern of which Browder is a mnember, re Presents revolution, confiscation, terror and the siibstihitiost of the Red Flag of Rrissia2 for the Stars wnd Stri pet. (See the Chica go. Herald and Examtiner, Editorial PgMarch 4. 1936.) Muat"Reounz U. S. A.» If Anierican institutions are to be preserved and- the United States. saved from dictatorship, internation-, al isn and foreign entanglements, in,- ternal civil strife, and war, there mnust be a rebellion against the pres- 1 ignt ro a fniasn to. restore tunerica to the Americans, believing fliat in s0 dolng if is' merel>' a payment on account of the debt that 1 owe. This is tbé dew.i of a new day 'for. tbe Young men and their new. idéals for our part>'.ý Let eacb do bis part, ac- cording fo bis talents. But this we. must. remember!. The ,New Deal came in under false prom- ises, and it basflot only,,failed f0 cure the' conditions wbicbh have. made possible ifs disastrous, unsound Eu- ropean theories, but if bas wasted ou r wealtb, crippled the mrachiner>' Of1 normal recover>,', pauperized our, people and lowered *our- natiional morale. But, the conditions wbicb made ail tbis possible were and SfOI are real. No one can laugh thaf, off. While the refurn of tbe Republican part>' seemns Our onl>' hope, if we use this opportunif>' cônly tô return old. leaders f0 power, the fight is lost. We must not shirk. We must make a constructive program of our own to assure the millions on relief, or on the Boondoggling dole that we are fight- ing to save fbem from slaver>' and f0 restore their ivelihood, citîzenship and self respect. 'l statenment by EdwpardA. Zimmr man, candidate for delegate to the Rehublican Nationali Nomienatiing Con-. veli lion frorn the lOth District-oflilino1is al Ilie/PriiarY election, .Ipril 14, 1936. REGARDING TVA 1.ditor, WILME MI LIFE: I was mucb interested ln. the letter entifled. "Glimpses of Tennessee Val- ley"' on page Il of the March 5 issuc- of' WILMZTT Lire_ I do not know whether Mr. Fanckboner is a paid or unpaid propagandist fo ,r the public ufilities, so-called, but. privatcly owned, or just.wbat bis stafus is, but certainl>' parts,-of bis communication, gi;ve the uninformed.a wrong, impres- ïsion. I bave mag ris and bave, >raI visits f0 Nor- t the foot of that ot find if difficult nels, so tnat not too mucn o1 it wouid Show up in an>l' ne place. We do flot have to go far froni home to find an example of a lack of interest on the part of private utili- ties, ini the public welfare. When Win- netka: wanted private utility' juice years ago it couldn't get -it, 50o it set up a plant of its own. The electricit>' rates in Winnetka,'are no., igher than those in Wilmette, but a portion of the, profits on the Winneçtka elec-> tricity are paid to tbe:general cor- porate fund>of the Village. This is in a large measure the reàson why the village tax rate. for Wi'nnetka. is con- siclerably lower than- an>' other town on the north shore. Perhaps my friend Mr. Fanckboner is not aware of these facts. I ami ver>' certai 'n that a goodl>' number of MY. north shore neighbors are unaware -of theme The other day I had luncheon at the Palmer House, and my immnediate neighbor was a cotton. goods manu- facturer from Tupelo, Mississippi. 1 isked him what he thought of tlhe TVA power, and he told 'me that. big mill's electricity bilI per month was running about one-fourth of what ht used to irun wben they were buying 'uÛrrent frômi a private compan. Hc wvasn't kickingi' Iam sure 1yuwntt e fair. in this matter., Why notý reprint the fact, as giveni in, the. enclosed pamphlet. in two or three issues if there is not oomr to get it aIl into one issue or, W M ,f T rr L i r ? O . E ! G _'e p p e r t, FROM CANDIDATE LYNCH. March 16, 1930 Fditor,, WiLMer'riF n' For the past fifteen (15) years;.1I have been active in matters perta*iin Io national, state and local affairs. As Commander of the Americali [,egion (Winnetka, Post) for. two v-ear 1s, president of. the- Winnietka Chamber of Commerce , ice-preqident -f the Winnetka Rotary; club; Town- Ship Comimitteeman elected against j. ..a ioLU8uLn iAJKi LII4mat UmII7 confidence of the people Legionnaires are- personaîl>' inter- ceit>' ofour part>' pledge! ested in politics. On the wbole I be- delegates elected will be lieve they strive f0 he good citizens exfraordinary for the pe( and fthe higber the type of citizen we district., I intend to so ci can interest in holding public office, self in represeriting them the better for our,.government.. ing out their mandates. Bùt the Amenrican Legion cannot Trhis is OUR Country.. JIIUUcL ry- anld carry- If i5 OUR Please note tnat T1VA cities serve support of the Nash-Kélly machine consumers at baif the national aver7 and iflstructed the eight county ecm- age and still make large profits. No- Ployees to report to hinm at his _home. tice too tbat TVA sets aside funds )n Tuesdav, March 3rd, 1936, to e et covering taxes; that TVA interest Mr. Henr>' Riedel. of the Count>' Oe- rates are in line with those of private ganizati on. and receive, their orders utilities. fromi Downtown. Such orders were There, are more consumners ýof ec- to. support the candidates endorsed b>' tricif>' than theeire diiridend re- the machine. 'J.'erefore,1 my, oppon -