wood it seemed that no one would ever approacli bis records. Then alông came Medica, and then Kiefer. At the present time new records bave been establisbhed in almost :every event on tbe swiniming prograM., It is especially pleasing that Chicago- land bas contributed more thban its share. to tbe .current crop of out- standing. natators, but it is, even more. of interest that the men's and wom-. contributeci a sterling performance wbich resulted in a new world's rec- ord for the medley relay. .Max Breidenthal is the tbird mem- b)er of the world record bolding med- ley tmain. His specialty.is the breast stroke iwhich be bhas gained na- tionlal recognition in coilegiatee and' A. A, U. circles. The Lake Shore. contingent offers This is an unusual opportunity for the residents of the nortb shore to witness an outstanding exhibition of champions, which is scheduled at 8:15. Tickets are obtainable at moderate cost. Due to the nece ssity of starting tbe program 011 time,.it is sugges tect that ail who intend to lie présent be seated by 8 oclock. WORK OUTDOORS. Formation of a' hardball basebal team bas. marked the, begfinning of outdoor. gymnasium work for boys at the-Joseph Sears school.- Games have aIready been scbeduled with- Glencoe. Haveni sebool of Evanston, aud the Chicago Latin school. Patricia Davis,. 256 Woodstock ave- nue, Kenilwortb, a sophomore at the University of Chicago,.ý leaves Thurs- day to spendber spring vacation.at the Gallagber ranch, near Sari An- tonio. Texas. *Wr. anîd .Mns,.Paul H. Davis. and son, Milford, returned to their horne in Kenilworth Sijndav after six weeks spent at Kay-el Bar ranch, Wicken- burg, Ariz. ,\r-,. Jacobi Hoffnian, 1532 Elmwood avenue, entertained twelve guests at her borne Thursday, 'March 12. Most of ber guests were members of ber "50" club. *1 Youa mupt have the rlght cOrSet t 0 wear t b e new' Spring Butte. Let oUr exprt fitters anidyse your flg- GIRDIES' $20up BRASSIERES aOS Iow as $ 1.00 CORSE-IERES $5.W0 andiup .~"'~ Made. fo Order Our sucoessful cor- net ahopfrthbree îeneratioxisfomuet be thie regult of confidence.' We have the utmost confidence ln what we Bell, You.may have the gamne confidence ln what you buy at Our ehop Sylvia Ntewmcan Ps7sNorth Michigan Avenue Chicago Est. 1882 Tel..DeL 1384 the proportions. xet, in spite 1 llisj - n i u>- V-. markable ability, lie is very mucb of strong team which will undoubtedly the good-natured type of boy wbo is give a good account of itself in the always planning on some way to get national championships to be held in into mischief. His coach, Stanley Chicago April lst. Brauniger, bas found.it necessary to The Sbawnee Country club is to lie others to $7.50 FOUNTAIIN SQUARE' EVANSTOII