1~~ Herc's a trim grey suede 1-cyclet tic with a cutout vamp. $L50. The sarne shoc in black or blue kid (above), is priced at $5.5EL This is the new widc strap monk pattern with square heel and toc. Black or b~own btti~Ico vamp with alligator caif quarter (right), $S.51L And here's a wide strap in gabardine witlv patent leather trim. In black, blue -- -'--'w-., Fashion Focuses Attention On SPRING F00 TWEAR No accessory can make you 'feel so confident of being weli dressed as smart shoes. Particularly is this true this year-when trim, tailored mannish fashions make accessories doubly import- ant. Field's Famous Family presents 1936 models that boast of __ the smartest of the season's fashions. T h i s gabardine step-in pump cornes in black or blue with black or blue 'patent leather t'rimming ~right),SUIJL * '1,1,0 T h i s 5-eyclet, Bueko oxford bas a I e a t h c r' sole and heel and is perforated c I e a r through. - I~x white, bro*n, gray (left),$SM v. \ 'or b! kid ( -r MARCH 19, 1936 )1' "-I 'I I Also Fîj:h ,C1dcago Store