Reods History o Congregaional Ouil Twe.nt.v-six womnen have bé President of the 'Woman's of the' F i r s t Conîgregatior Church of Wilmette. t w jknown for a. number of vea as the "Ladies' societv." M: jFrank, L. Jov read the histo ofthekguild at the luncheon g en 1w the guild in honior ofi former presidents Iast Frid «t the church. Eight formner presidents ah deceased:are:. Mrs. Andrew T.. Shý man, Mrs. Joseph C. Griffiths, M Henry Moore. '%rs. Henry Bunk, Mrs. Williami Sweetman. M rs. Char' Clarke. MNe. George Hughes and M L A. Bower. Four who no longer imake -thi hotftes in the viiity of WVilxnetteà Mrs. R. L. Kirk. of Boston ; M Charles MNaynard, oi California; M Le4sie Perry, and M.ýrs,.Rippel. Thost Who live in Wilmette nearby. recetved invitations ta t luncheon: Mrs. Frank. L Joy, Mi Hora1e G., Drury. Mrs. Henry- Gates, Mfrs. Frederick M. Bovw Mrs.' Edward Scheidenhelm, Mf Afon2o Coburn, Mrs. Benjamin BI myer, frs Frank SçheldenheIm, ',M A: E. Klunder, Mn r. John W. FishÊ Ir., and Mrs. Wllim'1 ch d1 Eight were present. Mns. Clifton L. Darling is nô president' of the guild. Mns. Alounzo Coburn vvas resp,3 sible for the change in the namne the soey. *Ding the presiden' 0fMný. George Hughes,: the circi1 werefo-e. Mr.î. Frank Scheidenthelm told 1c the luncheons were once served fg 6fteen -cents, and esrtons WC: flot necessary. Cbildren a s well aduts, ca e to the hanchéons. ýAfter the devotionals 'by Mrs. jarn arein w *orida, spefit the weck-n-v wth her aunt, Mrs. Norton A. Booz of 91 9 Fonest avenue. Mrs. Booz gave a shating .party for ber at -the B~roadway aruiory on Satunday after- noon. Tht group of young people ne- turnedto Wilmette for supper aften-. wards at Mrs. Bowzs borne. ns. Balfour Photo Chairman 6f the' patroii and Sir patrone'ss 'committe' for the exhibi- are tiûn mratchesbi- internaticnaliIy rs. knowzi badmintoin stars M> thi gymn- ns.. ». uimof Ne-a' Trier High .chw tldarch,?8,tl as Mn. Raiuqoih U aner or of liinntetka. The '~n ~£o$r' te bv tht Iunicr 7t.liarv of tht Ezvon$- s. to.n center Of 1.!':,, f*el~fare. I-Entertains W ith e, Luncheon-Bridge DW at Shawnee, Club Faosand deýcoratiohis in keepinz nw with.St Patric'k's day were used ýv OtMrs.,Beatri"ce H. Arcu-s. 72 'Vas; CY Ington avenue, for a large lunchecu i le5 and bridge party at which she waS hàstýss. ,Tuesday aiternoon. at Shaw-. net Count:ry club. orMrs.. Arcus received her, guests.. mre who nUmbered imore than: thIirty, in as the lounge. where bright greeni tapens decorated the library table upon which es many lovely prizes wene displayed. :- Luncheon was served at one long sewir z both morning and aiternoon. Luncàeon will bé served at 12:Y) o'clock.. There will aLs4, be a f oo< sai t Dunng Lent ini addition to the regular montbly meeting, the guild are-meeting on Fridays to sew. Chi Omega alumnae are meeting at the Chaper house in Evanston Fni- day, March -10, at the regular hour. Mrs; Leon Kranz. prograrn chairman, Will present Agnes Jones of North- western university, who will give a talk on 'ýThe 'Modern Dance," illustrated by a group of girls who will interpret the dlance of today. Miss jones directs .Orchesis at, North,- western uniyersity, and has studied with Harald Kreutzberg at Salzburg, Austria. and with Martha Graham in New York... The norninating committe 'e, com- posedýof Mrs. Harry Mc.-,amer. Mrs. Albert Beishe. and Mrs. H-armon, ,Vodworth. wiII make their report at the ýmeeting. which. will be in, charge.of the pre-sident. Mrs. Ifaurîce O'Brien. Reservations will be taken by M1rs. Woodworth. whose hom e is at 1616 Coliax street, Evanston. Smnitk Undergraduates t0 B. Gu.sts at Club Program A meeting of the Evanston-North Shore S"mithl club is scheduled for Wýýednesday. March. 25.: at 2:34) 'cloùc. rs. ames Barker and Ms Jams ichlsn.both Evansrtoriansi; and oses and c-hc-teýS: respec-- ri~el. wflertertain thilt members aof the club at MrBa7rker*j1hom1e, 7.27 Sheridan road. wiii be mîth undcrgraduates. MrS. G. L. Fischer will give a re- port oüf the Aluinnae coun-ci'i and, Mr.Miette DeneI1, director ai o the Chicago Collegiate Bu reýau of Oc-, cupDation. is to speak on -Thée Work- ing \Xorld." Helps WitIa Erhibit Mss Rebecca Fitch is ac ting as zi.Ce-chaiWmaufor the Relier JHomes t-rhilitt, tehick oM«is doori a1 the IVo»a's club of Wihustte Tuesdai, Miwch 24, to be in sespofflf rom i to Act for Children ,'Alice in Wonderland'. SiAlice in .Wonderland" in' three actsin, an old and beau- tiful version.of thé classic, will be1 presented by the Bctty Brow n P 1 a y e r s Saturday afternoon., Apnil,,4, at. the- Wornan's Club of Wilmnette. The play wilI be the fourth and last of the, children',s plays to be presented at the club this ilear under the auspices of the committee of- which' Mrs. Fi. A. Storms is chairman. T a!ented Wilmette children, ail of grade age, will take the leading parts. The three-mact version was chosen b,. Mrs. ýBrown as the most appropriate of the "Alice in, Wonderland". plàys for children performers. In the'longer versions of "Alice: in Wonderland, plaved ini the last few years, thé play- ers wene. aduits. Act I takes place in a wood in ,WQnderland. Act Il is -the scene oi the mad tea party. A hall in. the quèWns. palace 'is. the.setfing for the third act. Picturesque and authentic scenery and costumes m-i11 help. create -the illusion of Wondenland. The cast for. the play is as follows: Alice. ýýý-ý.........etty Miller The Quten of Hearts . Jean Putnaxn Thie Duchesse.... Anu The Cook Joan Hess T.he Dcrmouse Eniily Gleason The ,Cheshire Cat,,. .. Mary Alice Evans Vie Mad Hatter ...Mary Elizabeth Carpenter The White Rabbit... Dorothy Miller The March Hare._> Eleanor LaBonté The King of Hearts....Ralph, Clark SThe Knave of Hearts .. ...Barbara Weishaar. The Ex toe.........Gordon Groh The nhaues of "the ladies and 'gentlemen of the cburt" wiII. as well as.. the casts of two short and amusing plays, -The Bubble Peddler," a mnod- enn version of "Red Riding Flood.- and -The Three Bears," a modern Be .it,1 202 Abingdon avenue, Kenil- worth, and daughter, Virginia, who have taken an apartment at Beverly HiUs and wil remain for some tinut longer. Mns. Hanna lef t the end of last week for a tn té NeW York.