Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1936, p. 38

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cessiu must bear the numansd adre'ne f te. suthor, flot .wrlIy for pubiction,*,but for our f Jc'. Sic materisi1 am resci te editbr by Tuemdsy .ioon to b., in dîne fobr A WI?' BLANKBT Like a wetblank et in its smotbvring elc cornes the inforMation that on April 1 some. of the building trades unions will operate on. a.scale of wages and bôurs that. May weIl prove a de- terrent to, building operations, which now. give such rich promise.of returning prosperity in that industry. On that* date union workmew in the trades affected will work six, hours a day, five *days a week, and the wvage scale *per hour wiIl bc. considerably advanced. At a time when signs in -the building of homes foreteli anothaer cycle of"great activity, and ther.e i8 every teaso o ei eve that. jobs will bc .plnti- fui, it secims nothing less than tragic that the * trades unions have been so poorly advised that this blunder lias been made possible. Wiser counsel would have cautioned less haste ini getting back into the "big money" after so long a period of *stagnation, during whichi thousands of building trades unionists have been on relief or walking the streets in search of an hour's work here and there. Thiat experience alone should have taught moderation in wage demands rather thani the Tvv a'aa ..... -a . ut a -- -- proportion, a tremendous stimnulus would- be given to home buildinlg on the nlorth, shore,' wbich bas already begunl so auspiciously. The prospec- tive homne builder will find conisiderable difficuttY in recognizing the logic that a geatly shortenled day, with an incrcase. ini pay,,wh nbehmt build witih profit to0 himlléf. it as adherents of the minority party. But mnany ticisms corne f rom democrats of nationalreepu-, tion. In his final speech before he died, sud- ai>', AIbert C. Ritchie, for sixteen years the uis still. -But if those in governmeutal authority do not tbink so, then surely it is not too much to ask that tbey submit the changes tbey would make to the Amierican people in the form of amendments to the Constitution instead of the guise of statutes for Congressional action only. "Surcly it is nlot too mucli to a,*àk that they'act directly. and not by indirection, sO that the Ameni- can .People railtitmsclvcs decide whetber they, want to change the Amenican systemof govern- ment or Whether they q.want to preserve it." -GRtEENBAY ROAD Varying naines of the tbrough highWay lead- ngf rom McCornîick boulevard onthe soutb to Glencoe on the north is a source of much con- fusion to the* traveling public not familiar with the fact that the One thorouglifare bears the name of Main street in Wilmette, Green Bay road in Kenilworth,, Center,.street in Winnetka, Lindeu, avenue in Hubbard Woods, aud. Glencoe road ini Glencoe. The qustionof a n identical naane for .a continuous street mnigbt properly be consiclered by-the Village boards of 'the four communities. -Green Bay' road" is certainlly more appealing, and cuphionious than -Main street, 'Center street." or "Glencoe road." It flows smoothlyý from ' thé tongue and falîs softly upon the ea.r. Lt gives the tourist a vision of natural beauties that %vill de- liglit his eyes and soothe bis soul as he proceeds' upon his journey. Main street ? Center street? Relics of hick towns. But, Green Bay road! Ali. there i-s beauty, and peace, and joy. Why not make progress in naine as weIl as pa.vement? RIGHTING A WRONG(? Vacations are a boon. They doubtless sbould be longer than the present average. But they need a little equalization. Newspaperg in the National capital are blossoming out withl head- lines saying : "Congress- to Repair Injustices to > Goverrnent Employes." What are the injustices? When the big but short-lived "economy"' wave started three years ago, the hard-hearted Con- gress decided that over-worked government emr ployes should have only 15 days vacation ecd Bureaucracies feed upon themselves. Trhe more they grow the more they can demand and get fmom Congress. And the taxpayer pays and pays. One iûay not think much of the way the CC is bandled;,but a floodless Skokie valley is a ra Contribution to the north shore. ,bad his way and America been 9hunted into the \Vorld court, what a mess we would be ini right mow. What we mean, of course, is that we would be in a worse mess than wVe are in .no0W, if you kiow"what.we mean. Texas birds, it is sald, bave. gone modern. Lacking t he usual materials for«nest building tbey are, emp loying allI-steel construction. by, substi- tuting wire for sticks, and, straws. Believe it or not. A Wisconsin college boy caughit a:.n egg. thrown f rom the roof of a five-story building. Shoming that it takes. an egg..to catch. an egg. If you think that politics.isa fufiny profession, wbat do you think. of professional politicians? They certainly, are funnier stili. Here we are in tbe midst. of . a pre-primary campaign, with literally hun- dreds of statésmen yearning, for the opportunity to save their country (the taxpayers, ,f course, to pay the bill), their hiencien and men Fri- days scooting hither and yon about the state proclaiming 6 the particular brand of salva- tion wbjch their principals are prepared to dish out if only they are elected to somne lucra- tive position. Mr. Pot, a sup- posedly respectable démiocrat tuot bitherto sus- pécted of stealing sheep, i 's lampooned by Mr. Kettle, another democrat whô lias so far escaped à jail sentence, each accusing the other of being. as .black as black. On the other side of the political f ence Mr. Kettle, a epublican. of. unquestioned party egularity and a reppted paragon of vin- tue, is ripping into NIr. Pot, also a epublican wbo until noiv bad neyer been .suspected of, beating his wife. and robbing the baby's bank, each -accusing the other: of being as black as blaùk. If onie-baàlf of what.otie'says about the other.is truie they both sbould be shot. But.the joke of it is that neither bçlieies whIat hé says of tic other. And wben the voters bave decided -whlich is to be the savion of bis country at theý cail of Prexy Glenn Frank of the University of Wis- consin, is in bot water. He-spoke in disrespect of' the New Deal, and the powers that be are out for bis scalp. In -the first skirmish he beat them to the ýdraw. I~PATMRPRU

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