the morwing tcurvn uservice aisi. rnis le the elghth of the erles on 'A Selentifie Christianlty.' The Lenten inusic will lie the. foliowing: Prelude-The Sea of Galllee.("Peace, Be stîli")...........Shure Solo-"Behold and See If there b. ýan>' Sorrw.-.....h) .. Hanidel By Mr. William Rose Anthem-A legend . ... ..Tsehaikowsky poistluide-.Fialel from 'Second Symphony .. . .. . . . W idor Miss Effily Roberts---Orgafisqt Director1 THE YTOUNG PEOPLE'S 0GJWUP Albert U. Grîninell, froni New, Trier. High sehool, bas aecepted the Invit- tion cfthie Young people to actase counselor., Nest.Sundity night, the grotip ia having D. F. Frishie.: instructor in sociology and Anieriran history, for its speaker. High sebool young people of the comnmunity and parish are. always welcome. Refreshments will be served. THE. WOMAN-98 GUILD t The East -End èîrcle wIll hiîeet at the home of Mrs. -H. C. Hiall, 500 Central avenue Monda>', barci 23. Thei assisting: hostesses will be Mrs.. Garrett Johnstoný Mmr. M. Hi. West, and brs. D. J. Davis. The next Atudy group of, the Guild will meet Tuesday, Mac 24, at the homne of Ire. J. G. -HIndley at2.:30tp. ni. lIrs. C. S. Coates will be in charge. THIE ANNIVEfflARY DINNE& The Church Night dinner, Thursday.. ,Narch 19, at 6.30 o'clock marks a double S celebration. It is the Spring Fellowslii and the fitth anniversarY of the present pastorate. The Cozy Corner circle is serving. AIl members and friendsare asked to reserve this evening and niakie the occasion both happy and significant.i The Rev. Mr. Hlndley will lead a sym- posium on MWha.t the Church has Meant in My Life" and will comment on the Church Rlecord Cards. LENTEN 89RVICES IN THE NJI>-WEEK Mai'ch 26-TJhe Mea»ig of Faith- church parlor. April 2-Tii. Meaning of Lov--church parlor. Aprîl 9-The Meaning of, Sacrifice auditorium with spe<ial muslic by the choir. J PROGRLAN àMardi 22-The True S ize of a1 Man.- àlarch 29a-Personal Adlequýacy. April 5-The,.Culdingr Pattern, (Paîni Aprîl 12-The Bounds of Life (Easte-r Sunday>.. il churh- -~Jésus and. the £j051. The Budget committee of the church miet Tuesday evenig to plan for the new fiscal year beginning May 1. Memibers are Frank Guthridge. A C. Youngberg. Charles V.ý Clark, Joseph D. Dinigle, George G. Green,-Mrs., W . C. Huggins, . J. Laselles and Mrs. W. D. Miliard. The, minister wiil continue Bibl read- gIngasand there *Mllbt. neditation and payer at the Wednesda3, night midweek services. The projeet of réading and re- reading the Gospel of, buke during Lent bas hail many cooperators.-,Ini addition a nioiiing ivatch of intercessory prayer la being.,observed at 9 o'clock each day. This was suggestedl in the women's meet- ing and taken Up by others. also. This church cooperates ln the Union lWening services, begining on Su.nday at. 7:30 lni the FIrst Congregatiotial church. l'le service of blarch 29.will be !il this huchan i s planned to make it a hm-ign festival. Keneilworth.-Union. Dr. Herbert, L. Willett, minîster In: acco rdance with the,.zçnsLoîîî cqf the two churches ln -Kenilworth to observe a. Sunday visitation, the Union church wiill worship) with the Church of the 1-Iiy Conforter, -Sunday. March 212, and Dr. Willett iili preaelh. The "erviceé Tht. Wnwn~s iiildili neet Monday morning, M.%ard-i 2, at 10 to*clock.Ai wolliei of Kenliiwur)tt not otherwise en- gaged on '.Modays4 are invited to par- ticip)ate In thisgood work. The $uriday. sclool wil nieet a.t 9.45. The tiiuior- and Seniôr departients will ilieet jointiy and( have as their guests the illenîbers iof the school of the. Chul'cl of the lioly Conforter. On Tlhuîsday evenlig, March 19, the Sunday sehool teachers of the Jui or a-Pd Priniary departmients williiieet at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. George 1. Bell, 23 Warwick avenue, iek, for .an important conference. S.Jokn's Lutheran Wilmnette and Park avenues M. Gockel, pastor, SERVICES q :15 a. nm.-First service. 9:30 a. nîi.--Sunday scliooî and Bible classes. Il a. ii.-Second service. 8 P. ini., Wednesday-Lýenten smervice. Thce v. WaM R.vKabele, pastor SUN »AY SERLVICES Chureh school ............... 9:45 a. in. Morning worship . . _...........l1 a,.nm. MIDWEEIC LENTEN SERVICEý- Wednesdaiy evening at 8 p. ni. The mnusic, for the Service of Worshfp next Sunday môorning is as. follois: Organ Prelude-Adoration .... Gaul Anthem-Ble.sSd 'Are Trhey .... Tours The Senior Choir Anitheni-Our Prayer ........... Drozdoff The Junior Choir i.'ostude-Pràeludium in C ..... Bach Thé Womnan's society will:nieet this afternoon, (Thursday) at 2 'clock at the horne of lIrs. J. H. Hlopp, 1616 Lake ave- nue, Wilnett. The. Men's club will nieet un Thiurs- day evening of this week at the ciurch,, at 8 o'clock. A ver>' nterestiiig ptogramn has been arranged. The Rev. J. S. Daîl- inanl», superintendeîît of ouir Jewisih Lutherati work, at Mion soeiety to leraei, Chiicago, will expiain and demonstrate t1iu J wisi Passover. Coti rinat-lontclaski, 1riday fron ai We 'luck. Senlior choir rehlearsal, .Friday -evetilig. at 7 :30. Junior choir rehearsal, Sa turday i muri:- ing at 10.. Anyone wWshing to ,unite m.ith the choirs wlll llease cpume at the lîour of rehear:5al ai d ou:r 4irector will be.glad to confer witlî you. Churchi chool cenv-enes ;ýemavh Stnday mornlng at9:4 o'cl'ock., There are classes for al. The Liither league will meet at the church on Sunday afternoon at 2 :30 o'cloc)k. The leaguers wili then journey together to Unlty Lutheran churc*h, Clii- cago. to attend an Inspirationa I raliy' under the auspices of the Luther leagug, cf Chicago. The Revv. Millard il. Stiles. of Chicago) wili preach at our Mid-Week Lente» Service next Wednesday evening. May aIl have the will to Worship this Lýnteii seasoni and attend ail services. Methodist Church Wilmette Avenue- at:Lake Avenue Rev. Anios Tlîornbur.g, minlister -The H-eartbireak on Calvary", is the. o dlock worsiip service next Sunday niorning, NMarci 22. The service begins wvith the Organ Prè_ludeý at 10 :45 o'clocek. of The Sixth division wiil meet Tuesday. Marceh 24, at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Charles Rose, 1927 Thornwood avenuv.. The following -divisions will niaet Thursdayi March 26:, FIRST-1.2:30 p. m.-Luncheon-Mrsý,. J. T1. fEdwards' 1003 Forept avenue. THIRD-13:h0 P. m.-Luncheol-Mr-s. L. A. Armstrong, 1528 Forest avenue. FIFTH - 10:30 -a.. - Mrs. WH. G rigsby, 247 Maple avenue. >The.Second: division will meet P~rlda' y of thîs week, March 20, at 10 :30 'cloe xk at the home of Mrs. Ua E. Penberthy'. 1524 Wilmette avenue. The Second. and Fourth divisions wili have a rummage sale larch 26 and 27. They will appreciate the cooperation of everyonn and will adly call for article.. For further Information eaul Mrs. H. E.. Poronto (1977) or Mrs. Wlllard Thayer (1083). The Chicago Northern Distric~t W. F~. M. S. will hold Its semi-aninual mneeting at the Wesley Memorial Methodisi church, NMareh 24, at 10 a. m'. Luncheori ,will be served. Fr rservations phosn.» Mrs. 'M. H. Bickham, Wllmette 1225. The Fièfth division wilI have a ruan- mage sale April 23 and 24. Infants wil be. baptized on -Palii Sunday, April 5. The mnis ter wlll lot ha.ppy to receive the names during th,., next few, weeks. New members will be received ,inrso the fellowship of this« chutrch ,on P--alti Sunday. The pastor wNill gladly send for yo.-ur -church letter. S'ix protestant churevhes of Wilmett.c are uniting ln a union service thret* Sunday evenings at N' )'cl(ock-Mar(,hi2--1 Mar'ch 29 and April 5. Services wili b.w held in the eot.gregation)tal, Baptist and First Pres byterian -Ninlth strýeet at Gieenleaf &venue, Jamnes T. Veriekla.4en, mnji-nister -The $undatY,,nio.ring ~o.)psrit is held at iil o'cloc(k. The m'inister'wiiiM preach o"n the theine, "'Could' Ye Not Watch?" the question Christ' asked 0f lHis'disciples in. the gardien of Geth- semane, whIch becomes a pertinent and urgent question todaNy. We invitée yot to worship with Us., The music for the Mrorninýg se 1rvies,, arranged by Miss Enrna IRounds3,, di- rec-torý, iili be as Prelude,"N- turne" (Op. 37, No. 1> Chopin; Anthot'm. "Incline Thine Ear-,," immel; solo. warýd Otis; Postînde, -"To the Spring,- JorJussen. The Sunday school will meet iii ail depar*tnients at .9 :0 o'clock.- ReV UerSeD.Aj.L.lusnA, V'.W On Wednesday eveîîing, at 8 o'elock, the fifth Lenten service will ble lield. Today (Thursday), the Girl Scouts Sernion subject: "Shal1 Crucify Your meet with lIre. Afred Heerens at 3:30 King?" John 19:15. o'clock lu the Social Wa.I. At 8 p. mi.. the. chor'us choir reh.araes lenten and The attendance at aIl services during leant.r aic'.im.r the directicu of Misa the paat weeks lias been an inspiration LY"I Koch. The Junlôr choir rebearmal toi hcth pulpit and pew. Many visitors ,tu . e bu on B*.irday morning at have been with us, toc. Why flot corne 9:30, whhle the i.hgb: shool choir willl and take home. with ýyou nome cf-that reeateas t 1il clock. The. combinod Inspiration! "The Hero Christ as Presented ln ?ý[ark's Gospel" is the theme cf the Bible study course on Wedneeday eve- nings at 8 o'clock ln the Junior roon. These meetings are well attetlded and% are proving toc be very inspiring. The PreParaWry Membership elass forJuniorsé will be held Sunda>' after- The. Spokes of tic Womnan's societ>' will meet T.uesday as follows: No. 2 withh lra, Frank Church, 610 Maple avenue, at .12 o'clock; No. ý6 with lIrs. Frank Andrew, 1316 Elmwood avenue; No. 7 with Mrs. Earl Low, 1706 Forest avenue, at 1 ýo'clock; No. 10 with lIrs. Harper Osborti, 715 Liniden avenue, at l'o'clock;,No. 12.with Mlrs. Roger Wil-