RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., of" 520 Warwick road, Kenilworth, re- turned the first of this week from a UPHOLSTERINC. Highest Quimlity ýWorknxaship PHONE FRESTIMATE > DAVIS'rFURNITURI CRAFTSMEN 721-23 MaiR St. Evaustos PHONE UNI.,7210 Trhem get rid foflth OId G@Id oed,,Silvee It nmigkt b*y a aew br&edkt, bgor hownut . . à but snet whilu iead in the . Lu We WiII Give, You ,a. Reliable Appraisal1 and Býuy Your Dis-. carded Watches, Out-of -Style Jewfelry and Unused Silver for.Cash. C.D. PEACOCK( JEWELERS-SINCE 1937 51.1. à Monroe ePalm.. House Cor. , j - Break Record for Medley Relay at School Swim Meet The national interscholastic record for the 180 yard medley relay for a 60 foot tank was broken, last Satur- day, at New Trier High school when the~ Indan' Hil medley relay team ATTENDS SERVICES HERE John O'Connor, Jr., son of Mr. and, Mrs. John O'Connor of 149 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, who is at Georgetown university Law school, flew home on Monday to 'be here to attend the funeral of Juiius A. Goid- berg of Highland Park who died ini SepOu. in New Spring Open Tiiesdoy1 Thuriday end Sotu'4ay (W), 2. Neil 1y-Won by 11 Wilson). "T lastic record). Trier 1;46.5