) Doses Jr. HATS, Dobbs make hats for young feflows with ail the. style of- dad's., Models for- preps and grade echool- en n ewSpring $350 v Lytton-Hi, Campus Togs For the past ten years-wh en it came lime to. change to Spring andEa~er lohes NothShore lads have depended.upon The Hub.*. The 1936 Camnpus Togs feature the newest and, latest in fabric- and style- ideas -- no matter what your choice. may b. T7he Hub is. ready for you. ,Al suils with 21 pair of trousers quality and tailoring of: the highest standards. Sizes 32 to 3B. SU UTS and TOPCOATS $208.$25. $30 3-Piece Swagger Suits Any young Miss wilI be joyously thrilled with this stunning Spring and Easîer outfit. Full length princess style coal wiîh pique collar; suspender skirî and stitched breton. Available in smart shades of ti1e, green, and navy. Sizes 7 to 14 years (Girls". Depàrtment-Sherman and Church.) wool maron, yel- low, bne. Shirred yoke back., Wings For Tots BOYS,, DEPT.- Orrington and Church - EVANSTON GIRLS', DEPT. - Shermnn od Churr~h- EVANSTON 14A RCH 19, 1936